Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 236: Ten Thousand Years Old 2

Chapter 236
On the second day, Mu Chen came to the Shuguang e-sports stadium early (passively).

It's just that this time he didn't come alone, and Tang Xiaomo was with him.

There was still an hour before the game started, so Mu Chen took Tang Xiaomo to the office of the stadium to sit (he was lying on his stomach), waiting for the start of the game this morning.

"I said, what are you doing calling here so early in the morning? The game is still an hour away!"

Mu Chen was lying on the desk, complaining to Tang Xiaomo who was looking around with half-closed eyes.

"Oh, I'm in a good mood today!"

Speaking of this, Tang Xiaomo first gave Mu Chen an angry look, and said in a low voice:

"Besides, who told you that you didn't know how to be more restrained last night, blame me?"

The transformation from a girl to a female driver is as simple as that.

"Ahem, did I disturb you?"

Just as Tang Xiaomo finished speaking, Ye Shengge's voice came from the door.

Tang Xiaomo, who was still very tough in his words just now, blushed instantly.

Mu Chen raised his eyelids, as if he had greeted Ye Shengge.

From Muchen's point of view, Ye Shengge always appears in an inappropriate place at an inappropriate time.

It was the same yesterday, when I ran out to steal some free time, this guy quietly ran up to him and said a lot of strange things.

"How do you think about what I said yesterday?"

Seeing Mu Chen pretending to be a dead pig, Ye Shengge looked at him with a smile and asked.

"What are you thinking about? Brother, am I the kind of person who needs to think about it?"

Mu Chen said without opening his eyes.

"Oh? Have you decided where to go then?"

Ye Shengge, who gave full play to the spirit of gossip, continued to ask questions with great interest.

Muchen: "To be widowed!"

Ye Shengge: ...

"What goes where?"

Tang Xiaomo was listening to the conversation between the two, and immediately looked at Muchen with a pair of beautiful big eyes.

"Uh... that's right, I'm going to take you out to have fun, let's have a look around~"

Emmm, it's not because I'm afraid, it's just to save Tang Xiaomo's face.

Hearing that he was going out to play, Tang Xiaomo's eyes immediately lit up.

With a whimper, Tang Xiaomo ran directly to Mu Chen's desk, stared at him and asked:

"Where are you going?"

Muchen: "emmm, I haven't figured it out yet!"


Just like that, Mu Chen and the three chatted in the office one after another, until the game started, and the three began to go out to watch the game.

Today's game is the second group match day of League of Legends.

The two teams currently on the field are the KING team from the European division and the WJ team from the Xiaguo division.

"How? Do you feel sure?"

Mu Chen looked at the names of the two teams on the field that he was familiar with, and asked Ye Shengge beside him.

"Hehe, how would I know this! Since you shot WJ two years ago, I paid attention to them for a while at the beginning. I saw that they didn't feel any discomfort, and I rarely took the initiative to understand them later."

Ye Shengge replied.

"Hey~ Let me tell you, you have been their team supervisor for a few years anyway, can't you care more?"

Mu Chen turned his head and looked at Ye Shengge pretending to sigh.

Ye Shengge naturally didn't like Mu Chen's tricks, rolled his eyes, and said angrily:

"Brother, although I'm not as busy as you, I still have a lot of things to do, okay?!"

"There are competitions all year round, and sometimes I have to run around the world. Is it easy for me?!"

Speaking of this, Ye Shengge began to vomit bitterness to Muchen.

Seeing Ye Shengge like this, Mu Chen decisively chose to end this topic.

Otherwise, if you continue to talk about it, maybe this kid will make some excessive demands.

"Then how about the WJ team's record this year?"

More than two years ago, Mu Chen bought the WJ team, to be precise, the entire WJ e-sports club, in order to avoid suspicion.

Before that, don't look at the fact that there are no mainstream voices in the market saying that Suguang Entertainment and Team WJ are directly shady or something.

One is because the WJ team has good results, and the finals are all against foreign teams, most of the domestic audience naturally selectively ignore this issue.

The second is that Shuguang Entertainment did not appear to be partial to the gang, otherwise, the WJ team would have won the championship every year.But it didn't. On the contrary, the WJ team didn't even make it to the finals for two years.

However, those foreign players are not as easy to talk to as domestic players.

After they learned about the background of the WJ team, they began to compare frantically in the foreign official forum of Shuguang Entertainment, clamoring about shady scenes and fake matches.

When Mu Chen found out about this, he first severely blocked the speeches of a group of serious conspiracy theorists in the forum.

Then he found a second generation in the circle that he liked, and resold the entire WJ club.

In fact, Mu Chen was still very surprised at that time, why few domestic players were advocating conspiracy theories.

Later, he took a closer look at the champions of the major cup competitions and leagues in those two years before he finally understood.

In addition to winning the domestic league championship and the world championship in the previous two years, the Nima WJ team has completely failed in the next two years.

What is even more heart-wrenching is that several times they fell in the finals.

With such results, only those foreign players who don't pay much attention to domestic games will say that there is a shady scene in the WJ team.

After all, playing a game is not about eating chicken. It is understandable to say that you can’t beat those big guys while eating chicken. But if you can’t win after playing a game, it is really abnormal.

Closer to home, after hearing Mu Chen's question, Ye Shengge, as the person in charge of the Shuguang Entertainment competition, thought about it a little bit, and immediately said:
"This year, Team WJ won the runner-up in the spring split, and then also the runner-up in the summer split. During the period, they also participated in a European cup match. Well, it seems to be also the runner-up."

Emmm, as Ye Shengge spoke, his own tone became strange.

"The second child of ten thousand years?"

Mu Chen was shocked when he heard this answer.

Tang Xiaomo couldn't straighten up laughing there.

"Uh... that's true!"

"Now players are still teasing from time to time, saying that the WJ team deliberately scored this result to prove that there is really no shady scene."

After speaking, Ye Shengge himself laughed.

While the two were chatting, the game on the field had already started for a few minutes.

Mu Chen didn't say anything more, just quietly looked at the ten strange faces sitting on the stage.

"Time flies so fast~"

Mu Chen said something nonchalantly.

"That's right, you're going to be on your way soon!"

Ye Shengge gave Mu Chen a stab when he shouldn't have spoken.

"Get out, labor and capital are only 25!"

(End of this chapter)

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