Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 240 If you are decisive, you will...

Chapter 240 If you are decisive, you will...

Although Mu Chen could hear a little bit of fear from the tone of this test employee.


They still feel that the thieves tm excitement that just came in the game is more exciting.

After all, in reality, they have no chance to do this kind of action.

"Okay, you go to work first."

After Mu Chen sent away the ten employees who were still reminiscing about the exciting feeling just now, he stared at Lin Sen fiercely with a frosty face.

"Boy, I wrote down the account today!"

"Don't let me catch you later!"

After Lin Sen heard the cold tone of his boss, the smile on his face froze for a while.

"Hehe, Mr. Mu, I'll go down and get busy first, there are still many things on the side of Sekiro..."

After finishing speaking, Lin Sen turned his head and prepared to run away.

"Stop, why panic!?"

Muchen called Lin Sen to stop.

"Has the problem of game dubbing been solved?"

Because Muchen did not intend to change the background story of Sekiro this time, the character Muchen is still planning to use the original Japanese dubbing.

This is not like those games of Suguang Entertainment in the past, where it is easy to find suitable voice actors in the domestic dubbing circle.


Lin Sen was called back with a sad face.

"Old Liu is handling this matter, but I just heard from him yesterday that he found several Fusang voice actors in China to try it out, and they were not very satisfied with the results."

Lin Sen finished speaking quickly, and then looked at Mu Chen eagerly, hoping that his boss would quickly let him leave this dangerous place.

"The Fusang dubbing actors developed in China will definitely fail. Maybe they all speak with a full-mouthed Beijing film accent now."

There is no way, Mu Chen has experienced the assimilation ability in China without accent.

Especially in college, if you have one or two roommates with a slightly unique accent in a dormitory, then after four years...the whole dormitory probably has only one accent.

Anyway, it's the kind of accent, only one kind of accent exists in a dormitory!
Besides, for the dubbing of several important roles, Mu Chen still hopes to find the same ones as in his previous life.

Especially the classic lines of Juggernaut Wei Ming Yixin:

Lost え ば broken れ る! (If you hesitate, you will lose!)
Chinese pronunciation: Ma You, let’s go, Yabulelu!

These are the words used by the old Juggernaut to play tricks after the player was killed by Wei Ming Yixin.

The meaning is roughly: whether to defend or attack, don't hesitate, as long as you hesitate a little, you will lose immediately!
It's just that, since most wolf players have bad attributes (including Mu Chen himself), even if they don't hesitate, they still can't win.

So, there is the most classic next sentence:
If you are decisive, you will give it in vain!

After talking about the voice of the character, the topic returns to the issue of voice actors.

For the voice actor of Sekiro this time, Mu Chen still prefers to go directly to Fusang to find a better one.

"Ahem, let's do this, you can tell Lao Liu to put aside the issue of voice actors later, after this SG global e-sports competition is over, let's go directly to Fusang to have a look, just in time to look at the voice actors over there." branch."

Emmm, since Mu Chen acquired Paradise Co., Ltd. (of course, it is now a branch of Shuguang Entertainment), he has not paid much attention to it except for the routine inspection reports several times a year.

After all, the purpose of this branch company is to slowly erode Fusang's game market and export game culture.

Moreover, judging from the data reported every year, it seems that this output is still relatively large.

Although it is not like Shuguang Entertainment, Huo Nei is the dominant family, invincible to the point of loneliness (of course, this was before the emergence of virtual game warehouses, and Xinhuo Games still has fighting power now).

But generally speaking, it is still expanding slowly.

After hearing what Mu Chen said, Lin Sen nodded, indicating that he understood.

"By the way, when the time comes, you will go to Xiao Linzi, and it will be treated as a tour at your own expense."

After Mu Chen finished speaking, he pretended not to see Lin Sen's face that suddenly changed color, and grinned.

"How about it, boss, I treat you well!?"

"Good... good... great~"

What else could Lin Sen say, the World Report came so fast, so fast that he didn't even have a chance to resist.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, your lady boss and Lao Liu will all go back, what are you afraid of?"

Seeing Lin Sen's forced smile, Mu Chen smiled and comforted Lin Sen again.

"Hehe, I see..."

Lin Sen left, with a smile on his face when he left, but he was a little stiff.

When Lin Sen went out again, he even thought about the news: a certain Xia country man disappeared in Fusang, and finally his body was found by the sea...


I can't think about it anymore, if I continue thinking about it, I will have nightmares at night.

Mu Chen also said hello to Hu Feng, and was about to go home to make a man, um no, he went home to rest.

Although I said I want salted fish these days, my body is still working honestly, whether it is in the company or at home.

However, just as Mu Chen walked to the door, Hu Feng's voice sounded behind him:
"Young Master Mu, I took a look just now, and the highest bungee jumping point in the world is in Macau!"

After hearing Wasp's words, Muchen paused, and said loudly: "Understood, I will definitely bring you with me when the time comes!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaosheng muttered: "When did this old Hu turn bad, so boring! He even quietly went to investigate!"

"If you beat me to death, I won't dance!"

In the end, Mu Chen strengthened his determination.

Back home, Mu Chen who had just walked to the gate of the manor saw a white shadow rushing towards him.

Seeing that Mu Xiaosan jumped on Mu Chen's body with a swipe of Feiha Qimian, and licked him fiercely.

Really lick the dog.

"Silly dog, get out of here!"

"Wow woof!" (Impossible!)

"Hurry up! Or I'll beat you!"

"Wow woof" (no!)
"Have you come down to eat dog meat hot pot tonight!?"

"Wow woof!" (Beautiful thinking!)

Just sauce, one person and one dog entered the house noisy all the way.

As soon as he entered the room, Muchen watched as Tang Xiaomo carried a plate and put it on the dining room table.

Mu Chen's eyes widened immediately.

Then he exchanged glances with Mu Xiaosan in his arms, and both the person and the dog saw a trace of...fear in each other's eyes.

"Hehe, Xiaomo..."

"Let's stop cooking, and think about where we're going to play. We'll go out after we're done with the competition in a few days."

Muchen tried to divert Tang Xiaomo's attention by going out to play, and let her give up the idea of ​​making dinner, so as to save his own life and Mu Xiaosan's dog life.

"Okay, but you have to wait, there are two more dishes that will be ready soon!"

It will be fine soon...



(End of this chapter)

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