Chapter 244

Mu Chen looked at the entrance of the Shuguang Entertainment Stadium, which was close at hand, and for the first time felt that this door looked so friendly.

"Ni Youzan, I have a question for you..."

Muchen turned around and said to the fat man behind him, namely Ni Youzan.

"What's the question? Brother Mu, you can ask..."

Ni Youzan looked at Mu Chen and smiled honestly.

"What about your pocket money before you were ten years old? Didn't your parents give you pocket money at that time?"

I have to say that some people have different concerns.

"She told me that she saved it, but I know that she used it all to play mahjong and buy bags. Every time I got pocket money, she would change two bags, and then make an appointment with her. A few old sisters of my family went out to play mahjong."

"So I stopped giving my mother pocket money after I was ten years old."

Speaking of this, Ni Youzan felt extremely proud that he was able to see through his mother's plot at the age of ten.

"Hehe, then you... are really a fat and clever little guy!"

"That is!"

After being proud for a while, Ni Youzan seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly asked Mu Chen:
"By the way, Brother Mu, why do I feel that your name is so familiar? It seems like I have heard it somewhere."

Hearing Ni Youzan's question, Muchen's face turned dark.

He couldn't help thinking that when he and Ni Youzan introduced themselves to each other before, when he said the word "Mu Chen", he thought that Ni Youzan would definitely recognize him after hearing his name this time.


The fat brother just nodded, and then went to stroke Xiaosan's dog's head.

As a result, after about ten minutes, Ni Youzan belatedly said that Mu Chen's name sounded familiar.

"Hehe, it should be the same name and surname. After all, my name is still used by many people. I also saw that the protagonist of two online novels is called Mu Chen."

Muchen chuckled, he felt that since Ni Youzan didn't know him, there was no need to reveal his identity, as it would be suspected of pretending.

"That's right, it should be the same name. The Mu Chen I heard seems to be the owner of Shuguang Entertainment, and he is also a rich second-generation rich man."

Ni Youzan looked at Muchen who was leading the silly dog ​​Mu Xiaosan, and said, "Smack your mouth."

Muchen: "Hehehehe..."

No way, it's hard for him to say anything now, after all, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he still feels very embarrassed to praise himself in front of others...

"Brother Mu, you said that he is also a rich second generation. How can Mu Chen be so good? He has built such a large family business by himself."

"As for me, I have to rely on the pocket money I saved to open an Internet cafe. Why do you think the difference is so big!?"

"Besides, my dad used Muchen and Shuguang Entertainment to educate me from time to time, always telling me to go back to inherit the family business or start my own business..."

Ni Youzan frowned and talked about the sad past of being forced by his unscrupulous father to go back to inherit the family business.

As for Mu Chen, when he heard those words of praise from Ni Youzan, he couldn't help but blush.

"Ahaha, Mu Chen is actually not that good. Besides, he got the start-up capital to start Shuguang Entertainment directly from his family."

"You are much better than him. You saved the start-up funds for opening an Internet cafe yourself."

Our chief shepherd still wants to order Bilian, so there is a wave of business bragging for Ni Youzan.

Afterwards, Mu Chen and Ni Youzan discussed various matters about opening a virtual game Internet cafe for a while.

Although Ni Youzan didn't know why the Mu Chen he met when he was queuing up to enter the venue seemed to know everything, but he still held back the doubts in his heart and didn't ask any questions.

After the two discussed for 2 minutes, it was finally Mu Chen's turn to go in.

"Hello, please show your ticket and scan it."

After the staff member finished speaking, he looked down and saw that the man was still holding a white husky, and then he was about to say something.

However, when she was about to speak, she looked up at the person in front of her carefully, and suddenly remembered that she seemed to have seen this handsome face somewhere before.

"Mu...Master Mu, do you want me to notify Manager Ye immediately?"

Mu Chen looked at the young girl from his own company with a smile, and said:
"No, I'm just watching the game today."

After speaking, Mu Chen took Mu Xiaosan into the venue.

And Ni Youzan, who was behind Mu Chen, stared in horror at Mu Chen's back as he disappeared into the passage.

"Uh... Excuse me, just now... Is that Mu Chen? Is that Mu Chen from Shuguang Entertainment?"

Ni Youzan stammered and asked this petite and lovely staff member of Shuguang Entertainment.

"Yeah, didn't you recognize it?"

"Hehe, I recognize, I recognize..."

Ni Youzan felt like a fool at this moment, actually said so many shameful things to Muchen himself.

"What are you thinking? Ni Youfat!"

Mu Chen's voice suddenly sounded behind Ni Youzan.

"Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu...Mu Chen!"

Seeing Ni Youzan who was so excited that he couldn't speak, Mu Chen helplessly smiled and said:
"Okay, why are you shaking? Didn't we have a good chat just now!"

"Hehe...Sorry, Young Master Mu, I didn't recognize you just now..."

Ni Youzan felt that he should not have recognized his idol.

"Isn't this normal? No one recognized me from so many people who lined up just now. It's nothing. Let's watch the game carefully. It's about to start."

After speaking, he took out another business card that he hadn't sent out for a long time.

"Call me if you have anything to do, especially in terms of games, I think I should be able to help."

After making an appointment with Ni Youzan to find time to play games together, Mu Chen wandered to his exclusive viewing spot on the second floor.

"Hehe, why did you come so late today? Did you get sucked dry by your fiancée?"

Not long after Mu Chen stood still, Ye Shengge's voice sounded behind Mu Chen again.

"I said, do you walk silently?"

Mu Chen said without looking back.

"Hehe, it's your focus on the arena. You see, that silly dog ​​of yours has seen me a long time ago."

Mu Chen turned his head and saw Mu Xiaosan happily circling around Ye Shengge's legs like a real licking dog.

"Quickly, call Dad to come and listen!"

Ye Shengge teased Mu Xiaosan.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Not this, Dad only has two words!"

"Wow wow wow!"

Ye Shengge: ...

"I know a veterinarian with good skills. Would you like to find time to take this silly dog ​​to have a look?"

Muchen: "Get out, Xiaosan is a bit stupid, but her brain is still fine."

Ye Shengge: "Hehe, didn't I read that many huskies on the Internet can quarrel with others..."

Muchen: "Okay, let's watch your game!"

 I owe two more...

(End of this chapter)

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