Chapter 246
After Mu Chen and his party had lunch, they started their vigorous acquisition operation again.

For a moment, the bosses in the entire industrial park where Mu Chen and the others were located were in panic.

I'm afraid that this inhumane evil star will find them.

If they are really on their heads, will they agree, or agree, or refuse first, and then agree after holding back for a while?
No way, they heard the news from the acquired bosses that this man seemed to be extremely bold in his offer, the kind of offer that was so generous that it was impossible to refuse.

So, starting from lunch, the bosses in the parks, especially those with factories in their hands, became even more uneasy.

After all, when I think of the family business I have worked so hard to hand over to others (although it is for money), I still feel so uncomfortable in my heart.

However, when they first had the courage to refuse, they thought of the price that made people's hearts explode when they heard it before, and the courage they had just accumulated was gone in an instant.

In the following half a day, Mu Chen and his group were under the apprehension of the bosses in these parks, one after another, they screened out suitable ones for Shuguang Entertainment.

In the evening, Liu Jin took a stack of materials in his hand, and counted the harvest of the whole day's shopping to Mu Chen.

"Young Master Mu, today we have acquired a total of eleven companies of various sizes, all of which can be put into production in a short period of time."

Muchen patted Mu Xiaosan's dog's head while listening to Liu Jin's report.

"Then calculate it, how much can the output of the game warehouse be increased in total?"

Mu Chen continued to pat the dog's head.

"From the estimated point of view, it can increase by about [-] units a month, but everything still depends on the final actual situation."

After thinking for a while, Liu Jin replied to Muchen very seriously.

After Mu Chen heard the number that Lao Liu said, he calculated it in his heart a little bit, and thought it was okay, so he didn't say anything more.


Three days later, Muchen was lying on the sofa at home paralyzed by Ge You, holding a mobile phone in one hand and scrolling through Weibo, while Tang Xiaomo was pinching Muchen's leg at the other end of the sofa.

"Master Mu, how is it? Is it comfortable? Is the strength still appropriate?"

Tang Xiaomo pinched his throat, and purposely spoke to Muchen in that delicate voice that was so tiresome.

"Ahem, it's okay, Xiaomo's children's shoes are a bit obedient today?! Tell me, what do you want to buy?"

Mu Chen kicked his legs comfortably, squinted his eyes and stared at the phone, and said to Tang Xiaomo very boldly.

"No, I don't have anything to buy, so I just wanted to ask, when can we... go out to play? I'm getting tired of staying at home these days..."

After Tang Xiaomo finished speaking, seeing Mu Chen was about to speak, he immediately said anxiously:

"Don't listen, don't listen, Wang Ba recites the scriptures!"

Emmm, well, today's massage is really not that simple, and now I'm starting to act coquettishly.

"Don't worry, let's start when the game over there is over, shall we?"

In order to continue to enjoy Tang Xiaomo's massage service, Muchen had to comfort Tang Xiaomo with nice words.

"Okay, then you can browse Weibo slowly, my mother is going to play with Mu Xiaosan, bye!"


After finishing speaking, Tang Xiaomo clapped his hands together, and went out to find Mu Xiaosan who was having fun in the yard.

Muchen: ...

I can see that this woman's face-changing speed is a gifted skill.

Shaking his head helplessly, Mu Chen continued to look at the comments of those netizens on Weibo under his Weibo.

"On the nth day when Mu Chen was away, I missed him..."

"How long has it been since I've posted on Weibo? It's as if the world has evaporated!"

"Hen~ Didn't he say on Weibo that he was going to prepare a new game? He must be busy."

Just when all the netizens were wondering, a netizen with a better memory came out and said.

"Get busy! I just saw this guy leading a husky in Shuguang Entertainment's e-sports venue two days ago."

"That's right, I still have a photo of him eating corn on the second floor of the venue. It's high-definition and uncensored. Is there any buddies who want to see it? It only costs [-] cents a piece, and it's all right!"

While advertising later, this netizen also attached a photo below, but it was mosaiced, and Mu Chen's face was blurry.

But... Surprisingly, there are still many people who really plan to buy it.

"Holding the grass! (;Д`) Kneeling! Brother, you have done a great job in this business! The picture of Mu Chen hanging at home should also be changed. The increase has not been strong recently, so give me one Well, I've chatted with you privately."

"And me, I want too!"

"Add one more, the picture of eating corn should be a little more aura than the previous picture on the encyclopedia."

"(炸`) has never seen such a brazen person!"

"That's right, don't you ask for the opinion of Master Mu himself? Landlord, be careful that your account is gone!"


Mu Chen also found these two comments that said he had witnessed him, especially when he saw the second comment selling photos, he even smiled angrily.

"The eyes of these gdx's are quite good, but no matter how they see me, they don't come over to say hello to the young master, what a sneak shot!"

Mu Chen slumped on the sofa, cursing, and then his fingers quickly clicked on the phone.

After a while, when netizens were discussing Mu Chen's whereabouts, a reply from Mu Chen suddenly appeared under the previous Weibo post selling Mu Chen's photos.

"Ahem, you can send photos, but don't accept the money, or be careful, my lawyer will warn you!"

Mu Chen's sudden appearance immediately caused the comments and replies on this Weibo to soar at a speed visible to the naked eye.


"Damn you, this comparison is actually rough!"

"Yaoshou~ This deity is here!"

"Why did Mu Chen's Weibo suddenly cheat on the corpse? Why are the comments below so elegant and easy-going? If you want to know what will happen next, please watch the program brought by Xiao Wang next door at [-] o'clock tonight. Let's talk about it tonight."

"Wori, my money has already been paid, and that's fifty cents~ It's enough for my daily meal!"

For a while, because of Mu Chen's appearance, the previous comments on Weibo became cheerful again.

However, apart from these ridicules about Mu Chen, some people asked about the progress of the new game, and some asked how long it would take for the latest batch of game warehouses to come out.

Mu Chen has no plans to reveal the news about the wolf yet, but he reminded Mu Chen when he saw the comment about the game room.

(End of this chapter)

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