Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 251 Semifinals

Chapter 251 Semifinals

In other words, this time the offline battle of European and American CS players has caused quite a stir in China.

After all, it is indeed rare to see twenty or so foreigners fighting in China.

What amazed the melon eaters the most was that these foreigners fought because of a game.

They didn't expect that CS, a game that can be regarded as outdated in China, would actually have such power.

It's hard to say, but it's true.

Of course, this kind of melon comes and eats quickly, and the heat of the brawl quickly dissipated with the semi-finals of the League of Legends project.

On August 8, the semi-finals of the 22th SG Global E-sports Competition League of Legends officially started.

The ZTB (Zhitian Gang) team in the Xiaguo Division will face the king team in the European Division; and the XP team will face the SG team in the Bangzi Division.

The game in the morning was XP against KG.

How should I put it, because both teams belong to the newcomers in the World Championship, dark horses.

Therefore, the audience's expectations for the duel between these two teams are not high.

However, the final result of this game was a bit unexpected.

After the XP team took a 2-0 lead, both the audience and the netizens who watched the live broadcast on the Internet felt that the game was basically stable, and there was a high probability that they could take KG away [-]-[-].

Ran goose ...

God's will, after two games in a row, the XP team was overthrown by the KG team who let the second chase the third.

That guy, that scene, and the audience at the scene were so excited.

At the same time, Mu Chen, who was watching the game on the second floor, also felt extremely regretful.

At the beginning of the two-to-zero match, he wondered if he could see the finals being played by domestic teams in a civil war.

As a result, the car overturned.

"wdnmd! What the hell? Is this going to be chased by the second?"

"I'm afraid XP's nationality has been quietly changed to Bangzi's nationality?"

"Okay, I lost all the losses, and you still talk about so much dry hair? Let's see how the Zhatian Gang fights in the afternoon!"

"Hehe, if the Zhatian Gang also loses, then this year will be interesting. Now that CS is cold and the League of Legends is in danger, tsk tsk tsk, is it possible that the game world of my Great Xia Kingdom will encounter catastrophe?"

This netizen's joking remarks immediately angered fans of Zhatian Gang and many fans of Shuguang Entertainment.

"Little b bastard, labor and management have already remembered your ID, the screenshot is proof, it would be fine if the Zhatian Gang won the championship, if not, hehe."

"I hope you are reverse poisonous milk!"

"Rush and you're done!"

In fact, netizens also vented on the Internet. After all, they have nothing to do. At this time, the disk has been overturned.

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the much-anticipated battle of Tianwangshan (king is the strongest in the European division, ZTB is the former champion team), officially started.

In the first round of BO5, Zhatian Gang relied on perfect team operation, and with the slightest advantage, it slowly snowballed and won the game.

In the second game, the king team chose a lineup of the ultimate invincible big mangzi. They fought without brains and made faces without brains. The fight was over in about 25 minutes.

The king team regained a victory.

In the third game, both the Zhatian Gang and the King team played more steadily because it was a match point game. In the end, they played a 45-minute bladder game.

The Zhatian Gang won the match point of the semi-finals by relying on the top laner's spiritual TP to steal home.

After successfully blowing up the King team's crystal, the audience burst into cheers, and Mu Chen in the stands on the second floor also screamed, startling Mu Xiaosan who was lying next to him.

Mu Xiaosan: People scare dogs, scare dogs to death!

However, extreme joy begets sorrow, and extreme joy begets sorrow. The reason why this word was created is for those who are happy at every turn.

Like now.

Mu Chen on the second floor was very happy, and so were the domestic audience in the auditorium below. Even in the first 10 minutes of the fourth game, they had smiles on their faces all the time.


"I got it! My God! Although King's jungler flashed down and failed to punish him, the dragon with only 50 drops of blood was snatched by their mid laner E skill. This sky blasting gang is dangerous." It's gone!"

Accompanied by the heart-piercing exclamation of the on-site commentator, Dalong, who was supposed to be firmly in the pocket of the Bombing Sky Gang, was snatched away by the king team at the price of a jungler.

Live, inside the audience.The smiles on the faces of Xia Guo's audience became stiff for an instant, until they slowly disappeared.

And the European spectators, who were still in mourning before, still couldn't believe it when they saw their team grabbing the big dragon. Many people thought it was obtained by the Zhatian Gang, until there was a burst of "" When the exclamation sounded, the stunned part of the big European brothers realized that it seemed that their own team had snatched the big dragon.

Then the scene boiled again.

"Damn it, what the hell is this? It was robbed!?"

Mu Chen, who was in the stands on the second floor, didn't have the slightest smile on his face at this moment, but he almost rushed down to jump on the contestants' seats.

This time, Mu Xiaosan, who was lying next to Mu Chen, saw his master who was not smart enough to jump there again. As the master's loyal dog, it naturally learned the lesson from the previous time, and howled along with Mu Chen.

"Fuck, you silly dog, you didn't bark when you won just now, you were like a dumb dog, why do you bark so happily when you lose? Believe it or not, you will eat dog meat when you go back at night? It's still spicy!"

Mu Chen, who was extremely depressed in his heart, could only vent his anger by rubbing Mu Xiaosan's dog's head angrily.

Then, Mu Chen relieved, but Gou Zi was about to become depressed.

After all, if a husky with good looks is bald on the forehead, he can basically be a real single dog.

In the end, the result of the fourth round was as expected. The king team, which had successfully grabbed the dragon, won the victory, successfully continued a wave of lives, and even had infinite possibilities to win the championship.

You must know that the impact of a desperate comeback is not limited to the round of the comeback.

At least in the next round, the Zhatian Gang will definitely not dare to open the big dragon as decisively as before.

as expected
In the fifth game, the Zhatian Gang was not decisive enough to fight the baron several times, so they were unable to snowball to kill the game after 10 minutes.

And when they realized that they couldn't drag on any longer, Long had already been defeated by the king team.

When he saw this, Mu Chen resisted the urge to turn around and leave, and continued to read.

(End of this chapter)

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