Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 258 EG Branch

Chapter 258 EG Branch

After Mu Chen arranged the follow-up work for the PC version of World of Warcraft and Sekiro.

He finally took Tang Xiaomo and the mangy silly dog ​​Husky - Mu Xiaosan, and started the trip they had been talking about for several months.

On the other side, I don't know if it was a coincidence or what, it was at the time when Mu Chen got on the plane at the Imperial Capital Airport.

Outside the Modu Airport, Mu Chen's old friend, Ma Teng, was looking forward to the exit of the airport.

Within a few minutes, a group of white men appeared in Ma Teng's field of vision, headed by a blond fat man whose height was less than 180 centimeters but weighed well over 180 centimeters.

"Mr. Griffin, you are welcome to come to Xiaguo to guide your work once again."

Ma Teng changed from the previous tyranny in front of his subordinates. In front of the fat Griffin, he was like a hyena standing beside an elephant.

"Hehe, Xia Guo has a vast land, rich resources and a large population. As the leader of the global game industry, he is naturally happy to help Xia Guo's game market get out of the desert."

Griffin smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, talking nonsense that Mu Chen wanted to hit someone after hearing it.

Unfortunately, Mu Chen is not here.

Of course, Ma Teng also heard that Griffin was talking about the game market in Xiaguo before Shuguang Entertainment appeared.

But...he couldn't refute it.

He, Ma Teng, is not only not the one to change this situation, but he is also the chief culprit for the sluggish game market in Xia Kingdom. What can he say.

"Hehe, Mr. Griffin's EG game company is famous all over the world. You can come to save our Xia Kingdom's game market. I'm so happy that I'm too late."

"I believe that our Xia players will also be happy with the arrival of Mr. Griffin."

Ma Teng didn't say anything, but when he opened his mouth, Griffin was so happy that he couldn't close his legs.

Just like that, a group of people came to the door of a brand new company building talking and laughing, and the name on the door of the company was the branch of EG Game Company (Xia Guo).

No one has noticed the new formula that the Chinese company has opened here for two or three months, and no one has linked the EG of this magic city with the European game giant EG Games.

There is no way, whoever called the domestic Shuguang Entertainment and Xinhuo Games basically accounted for more than 80.00% of the market share.

Moreover, in the past few years, EG game company has also put all its energy on virtual games, and the PC side is basically in a state of relying on its old capital.

Therefore, the EG company, which is well-known in Europe, has not shown its face in front of domestic players a few times in total.

However, this time, the appearance of Griffin, as well as this branch that Mimi started quietly, is destined to disrupt the domestic game market.

And our protagonist, Muchen, doesn't know yet that a yellow-haired fat paper has come to his territory and is about to make trouble for him.

At this time, he was standing at Omen Royal Casino, er, no, it was the top of Omen Tourist Tower, leaning back tightly, not daring to look down at all.

This is a bet with Lin Sen before, to come here for bungee jumping.

However, Mu Chen, who was watching from the bottom of the tourist tower before, was already retreating when he saw this height, not to mention that he has already climbed up now.

Hesitation, hesitation and hesitation.

In the end, adhering to the principle that if you are decisive, you will be free, Mu Chen gave up his plan to jump off the tower.

Too Nima is scary!

This is much more realistic than the excitement when he was trying to play a wolf.

After all, if this thing falls, it will really die.

Ten minutes later, when Mu Chen walked out from the tour and stepped on the firm and flat ground, he was completely relieved.

"You said you, why do you have to be brave? If you are afraid of heights, you are afraid of heights. There is nothing wrong with admitting it, and you are going to bet Xiao Linzi..."

"Wow wow wow wow!"

Tang Xiaomo, who was waiting for Mu Chen at the bottom, watched Mu Chen come out, and thought to him for a while, while Mu Xiaosan was there to help.

This silly dog ​​knew who was the big thigh now, so he decisively betrayed Mu Chen, turned to Tang Xiaomo, and became a licking dog who didn't know when he would betray again.

In the end, under Tang Xiaomo's strong request, Muchen and the others transferred to Inner Mongolia again, preparing to experience what it's like to see the sky, the wild, and the wind blowing the grass and seeing the cattle and sheep.

On the other hand, Dawn Entertainment's official website announced a news that made countless players extremely excited at [-] o'clock that night.

That is the PC version of World of Warcraft is coming soon.

The data stored on the PC side and in the game can be shared, that is to say, those players who can't grab a slot in the Internet cafe (players' jokingly called the game room of the virtual game Internet cafe) don't have to wait for six hours anymore.

As long as there is a computer, it will not delay the time for players to level up, fight monsters, and clear dungeons.

As for whether the PC version of World of Warcraft will affect the business of those virtual game Internet cafes, then the answer is obviously yes.

But it's impossible for Mu Chen to stop doing business because of the influence on the Internet cafe's voice. He runs a company, not a philanthropic hall.

Besides, the virtual game warehouse is destined to be the mainstream of the game market in the future. Internet cafes may lose money for a while but not forever.

The PC version is basically prepared for those players who are temporarily unable to become users of the virtual game room.

Both Mu Chen and Liu Jin believe that those players who have played the virtual game room and still have the conditions will definitely not choose to play the PC version.

Have you ever seen someone who is used to driving a Ferrari drive Wuling Hongguang?

Therefore, this news really makes those players who can afford the game but cannot afford the Internet fee very happy.

Of course, since the game carriers are different, when players play the game, the game experience must be different.

Otherwise, if you spend more than 2 RMB to buy a game warehouse, but the game effect is the same as if you only spent more than 2000 to buy a computer, then play balls.

The first is the visual effect, which is nothing to say, there is no comparison.

The second is the player's reaction speed.

PC gamers need to go from the brain to the fingers to the keyboard and finally to the character in the game.

The player in the game cabin is directly connected to the game character from the brain.

Although they are all very fast, there is not much difference in time accurate to milliseconds, but what if the network delay of the computer is counted?

In addition, there are more details that will not be repeated one by one.

On the other hand, Griffin was looking at the English announcement on the official website of Shuguang Entertainment, thinking about things silently.

He thinks this may be a precursor to Mu Chen's plan to let Shuguang Entertainment enter the virtual game market in Europe and America.

Because of the Phuket of computers, PC games are much easier to promote than virtual games.

However, if Shuguang Entertainment first promotes World of Warcraft PC in the European market, it will launch a virtual game class after players accept and like the game.


Thinking of this, Griffin immediately called his subordinates who stayed in the country.

As for whether Mu Chen thought so much...

Who knows!

(End of this chapter)

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