Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 264 Quiet Mimi's Small Update

Chapter 264 Quiet Mimi's Small Update
With Mu Chen's order to work in three shifts, the production speed of Shuguang Entertainment's virtual game warehouse can be said to have been greatly improved.

Those players who originally had to wait ten days and a half months for the pre-sale of the game warehouse, they were surprised to find that the virtual game warehouse that they thought they would have to wait for a long time was miraculously shipped.

Even some players at the front of the pre-sale queue have already received their own game warehouses.

Zhen Shuai, maybe it's because his father used too much force when he named him, so that the current him doesn't match this handsome name... so slightly.

Fortunately, he has a good father. Although he doesn't have a handsome face for him to inherit, he has a lot of small money for Zhen Shuai to inherit.

At this time, Zhen Shuai was playing League of Legends in his small villa.

"Q! Q!"


"What the hell is this Yasuo blowing Nima's northwest wind? It's all crooked to the Pacific Ocean!"

"Quickly pick up the big one, hurry up and hurt you!"


A classic national curse, accompanied by the sound of keyboard and mouse being tapped.

Just when Zhenshuai was about to use his two-finger Zen typing method to compare his own fetal god Yasuo, the phone rang suddenly.

"Express delivery? I haven't sold anything recently?"

After answering the call, although Zhen Shuai was very puzzled, he still went to pick up the courier honestly.

Ten minutes later, when Zhen Shuai returned home after picking up the courier, a silver-white machine appeared in the house.

"Wow Kaka Kaka!"

"It's here so soon, Lord Ward, didn't the official website say it will take another week?"

"World of Warcraft, I'm coming! Shuguang Entertainment's new game, I'm coming too!"

Zhenshuai hurriedly adjusted the virtual game cabin, then moved his slightly obese body sharply and squeezed into the game cabin.

If it hadn't been for Mu Chen's consideration of the number of players who like games, the base of the fat house might be a bit large, so the interior space of the virtual game warehouse is adjustable. Otherwise, players like Ni Youzan and Zhen Shuai would not It's really a bit... numb.

After entering the game cabin, Zhen Shuai suddenly found that the login interface when he logged into the game cabin in the Internet cafe before was slightly different.

In the past, it was just a large green grassland, and at most there were some small forests, small hills and so on.

But now, after coming in, besides the World of Warcraft game icon, there is also an icon that Zhen Shuai looks very familiar to.

"What game is this? Is it a new game? Haven't heard of any new games from Shuguang Entertainment recently?!"

"Could it be the action-adventure game in the promotional video? But isn't the whole green icon a bit outrageous?"

Zhen Shuai was a little confused.

Then, driven by curiosity, he couldn't help poking the green icon with his chubby fingers in the game.

Just after clicking, Zhen Shuai heard that nice electronic notification sound in his ears.

"Welcome to the Minecraft mode, because this mode has not yet completed the test, and the official game cannot be started yet, but the map of this mode has been completed, and players can explore the surrounding environment in this mode by themselves."

After the beep ended, Zhen Shui took a look at the "My World" mode mentioned in the beep, and found that it hadn't changed much.

"Hey... something is wrong, I feel... under this mode, why do these grasslands and trees look so realistic?!"

After Zhen Shuai carefully looked at the surrounding environment again, he frowned and said in surprise.

"Also, listening to the meaning of the system prompt, it seems that now we players can run around blindly in Jill?"

Thinking of this, Zhen Shui's eyes lit up.

You know, in the past, when players entered the preparation area of ​​the game room, although they could walk around, they couldn't go very far at all, only a few hundred meters in radius.

But fortunately, not many players planned to wander around here far away.

Even if there are players who are extremely curious and want to go out and explore, but...they can't go far.

Zhenshuai is such a very curious person, and now, the opportunity of a new map of such an exploration ship appeared in front of him, and he was simply overjoyed.

Ran goose ...

It's really handsome to wander around for an hour, and I didn't find anything special in the new "Minecraft" mode of this ship.

It's nothing more than a bigger map and more terrain.

There are swamps, mountains, rivers, and dense forests that were not in the previous map.

What makes Zhenshuai feel special the most are some animals that he has never seen in the preparation area before.

Even when he saw a hare, Zhen Shuai ran to catch it.

Of course, in the end, it must be that Mao didn't even get it, and he ate a mouthful of grass.

After experiencing this new transfer mode, Zhen Shuai didn't care about going to World of Warcraft anymore.

He quickly climbed out of the game room, turned on his phone, and clicked on the official website of Shuguang Entertainment, ready to find out if there was any news about this new mode.

Sure enough, on Dawn Entertainment's official website, there was a line of unobtrusive subtitles, and the update time happened to be the early morning of last night.

Zhen Shuai quickly clicked in.

"My world mode is the latest test mode of Suguang Entertainment, and it is not yet available..."

It probably means the same as Zhen Shuai's system prompt in the new mode.

It is probably because the title of this public update is too small. It is rare that there are not as many player comments under this announcement as there are under other announcements.

Sofa sofa: "First, occupy an update building!"

The first show in the league: "What the hell? There is no game room for labor and management, so what do I care about the update?"

Bai Jie of Tuo Ersuo: "Is that the little green icon? After clicking on it, there is nothing!?"

Multi-line does not have to be self-defeating: "The update of this game still has changes. For example, now players can run far and far in it, and after the update, there are more terrains inside, and there are small animals."

I'm so handsome: "Yes, yes, I ran in it for an hour, and was finally shown by a rabbit."

This is Zhen Shui's account on Shuguang Entertainment's official website. He didn't like to speak under the post, so he couldn't help but share his experience.

Mu Chen, on the other hand, looked at the comments under this low-key update announcement in Shuguang Entertainment's office, and finally showed a smile of success.

He is playing a big game of chess.

Steal pig()! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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