Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 270 Reappearance of Relevant Departments

Chapter 270 Reappearance of Relevant Departments
At first, netizens didn't believe this reversal. After all, this big face came too fast, and it almost exploded the speed of those Weibo slaps and slaps in the past.

Ran goose ...

When the big V sent out a series of documents from these virtual game Internet cafes to the court, the netizens couldn't help but not believe it.

Suddenly, the whole network was in an uproar.

"Hehe, Ma, don't be so nervous. Isn't the current situation continuing to develop in the direction we imagined? Come, drink some wine and relieve the pressure."

Griffin showed a relaxed smile on Ma Teng's fat face. After encouraging Ma Teng, Griffin took another sip from his glass.

Seeing this scene, he cursed secretly, and then said to Griffin:
"No need for Mr. Griffin, I'll go see how Shuguang Entertainment is doing, and see if Mu Chen has given up."

After finishing speaking, Ma Teng walked out of Griffin's office directly in order to prevent himself from arguing with Griffin.

There is no way, the old man is also angry...

Griffin looked at Ma Teng like this, smiled again on his face, and said:
"Hehe, it seems that our partner was scared by me. Don't do it next time. Ma is still a very good person and a very capable person."

Griffin is not stingy about his appreciation of Ma Teng, but he just doesn't understand why he is so cautious, or it can be described as timid as a mouse.

However, when Griffin was still feeling sorry for Ma Teng, the offices that had just been closed were pushed away with a bang.

"Mr. Griffin, something serious happened!"

The one who pushed the door and came in was Ma Teng who had just gone out to hide because of his anger.

Griffin, who was about to have another drink, was almost unintimidated when he heard the sound of the door being pushed open and Ma Teng's roar.

Just because of this, his chubby body also trembled, and this time he didn't know how to make it up.

"Ma, I hope you can give me a reason not to be angry!"

Griffin gritted his teeth and said to Ma Teng who pushed the door in.

"We, our Xinhuo game were sued by the owners of those virtual game Internet cafes together!"

Ma Teng panted heavily, blushing and said.

And Griffin couldn't help being stunned after hearing what Ma Teng said.

This...fuck, the script they imagined before drinking is wrong!
Shouldn't Shuguang Entertainment consider opening the game warehouse to Shuguang Entertainment after signing a series of unequal contracts with them under the pressure of the number of game warehouses?

Why is he now inexplicably the defendant?

This is so unreasonable!

Is it possible... because they know that Xinhuo Game is a subsidiary of my EG game company, and they bully me, a foreign businessman, who doesn't understand the laws of Xia Kingdom?


Before Griffin could ask his question, Ma Teng's cell phone, who was standing in front of him, suddenly rang.

When Ma Teng saw that it was an unfamiliar number, he didn't intend to answer it at first, but when he thought that the person who called him at this critical moment might have some good news for him, he would call Griffin. After a gesture, he answered the call that Ma Teng thought could save him.

"Boss Ma, I am the chairman of the game management committee, and my name is Wu Li."

"This time I called because someone reported that your Xinhuo game company has malicious competition in the industry and disrupted the market..."

Wu Li, chairman of the game management committee, after talking a lot about Barabara, expressed a meaning.

That is... You played the fire game too much this time, and the higher-ups already have opinions on you.

After listening to the call, Ma Teng's head went down.

Why the hell did he forget his immediate boss who was in charge of their entire game market at this moment!
The same is true of this department. Normally, Nima doesn't have any news at all, and she doesn't show her face in front of game companies like them. She always pops up suddenly at a certain time.

The same is true for the mandatory tasks of each company before, they all came very suddenly.

But this time, Ma Teng was about to forget about the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of all companies, but it suddenly appeared at this juncture, and he still came to trouble him.

Ahhhh, how can I fix it! ! !
"Ma, what's the matter? Why is your face so ugly?"

Seeing that Ma Teng's expression was very stiff, and his face was even paler, Griffin asked.


What the hell, I'm about to cry!
With a bitter face, Ma Teng told Griffin exactly what Wu Li said just now.

"Then...the court?"

Griffin is still obsessed with the court.

"Those bosses just went to consult, but the court has not yet accepted it, and then... this fucking game management committee popped up."

Ma Teng felt that there seemed to be a shadow hanging over his head behind this matter, and the appearance of this shadow was very much like love, ah bah, very much like Mu Chen.

When things got to this point, Ma Teng could easily think that it must have been revealed by Mu Chen to the game management committee.

After all, even an industry insider like him would forget about this department with a low sense of existence. It would be strange for those Internet cafe owners to know about this department.

"Mr. Griffin, this time, we have stumbled."

Ma Teng said dejectedly.

Griffin: "We...can't discuss with this management committee?"

When Ma Teng heard Griffin's words, he couldn't help rolling his eyes quietly.

Do you think this is in your Europe, no matter what happens, you can discuss everything as long as you have a ticket.

Nima is in China, and the people in charge will call you personally to explain this matter clearly, and still think there is room for maneuver.

Ma Teng didn't bother to say anything at this time, but shook his head dejectedly.

On Mu Chen's side, he received an unexpected call.

"Hello, Uncle Wu..."

The person who called was Wu Li, the chairman of the game management committee who had just finished calling Ma Teng.

(End of this chapter)

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