Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 282 Mu Chen's Little Classroom

Chapter 282 Mu Chen's Little Classroom

On the other side, Mu Chen was holding the mobile phone with both hands at this time, and was lighting it there quickly. At the same time, a total of nine people including Lin Sen were also doing similar movements to Mu Chen.

"Hurry up, hurry up, push the tower! This is a tower pushing game, Lin Sen, what are you doing?"

Muchen fixed his eyes on the phone, and yelled at Lin Sen without raising his head.

"Come here, come here after I kill these bastards with the unlimited Lianxiu under the moon!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Sen made a fierce operation like a tiger.

At last……

They were hit by a wave.

"Lian Lian Lian, I'll hit your head!"

Mu Chen put away his mobile phone, and looked at the hippie smiling Lin Sen with an unkind expression.

Lin Sen: "Hey hey..."

Mu Chen gave Lin Sen an angry look, and said:

"Okay, let's talk about how you feel. Although you mainly make terminal games and virtual games, there are still commonalities in the game content."

The other nine people sitting next to Mu Chen, including Lin Sen, put away their playful smiles, and were seriously thinking about how to answer Mu Chen's question.

After a while, Lin Sen spoke first.

"Young Master Mu, I think there is no problem with the game itself, whether it is modeling, balance or other technical things, it is very good."

"However, after playing two games, I feel that the pace of the whole game is still a bit too fast. After one game, it is basically over in more than 20 minutes. Even if there is a bladder game, it only takes half an hour."

After Lin Sen finished speaking, another production member of the virtual game next to him also said: "I agree, I have the same idea as Lin Touer, it's fun to play, but it's too fast, especially for defensive towers. The tower can be dismantled in just a few strokes, just like paper."

"Ahem, the words are rough and reasonable. Although it is not so exaggerated, the overall fast rhythm of the glory of the king does exist."

Mu Chen first affirmed what Lin Sen and the others said, and then continued:

"This is also the difference between mobile games and PC games. For games played on computers like League of Legends, since players choose to play, they must have plans to play for a long time, so they won't leave after finishing a game. , so the overall pace of the game can be a bit slower, and it can also make the result more uncertain."

"As for mobile games, they mainly use the fragmented time of players. After all, if you have a lot of time to play games, then under the same conditions, most people will definitely choose to play computer games.

In addition, the main consumers in the mobile game market, or the main players are basically middle school students and office workers with less spare time.

As for these player groups, their spare time determines that the pace of mobile games must be adjusted a little bit faster, otherwise they will not be able to play games when they are at work or school. "

After finishing speaking, Muchen paused for a while, then continued:
"Like our previous mobile game Onmyoji, it doesn't take long after a game, even in the later stage, it only takes a few minutes."

"Moreover, looking carefully at the big data of Onmyoji players' online time, it is not difficult to find that about [-]% of the players' online time is only one or two hours a day, and these two hours are still scattered. .”

"Except for Onmyoji, most of the mobile games represented by our Shuguang Games have a relatively fast pace. Players don't have to spend too much time in a game, or even if it is a game that is more livery, then the game will be faster. You can also do it in your spare time.”

"And games like this kind of fast food, in my opinion, are more in line with the fast pace of the current society, so the fast pace of King of Glory is very necessary."

Mu Chen pieced together some theories he saw in forums in his previous life when he had nothing to do.

"Uh...understood, Master Mu."

"However... Actually, you don't need to tell us such details. After all, our virtual games and mobile games are still quite different in essence."

Seeing that Mu Chen's mouth was dry, Lin Sen couldn't help expressing his inner thoughts.

Moreover, it seems that the rest of the people here agree with Lin Sen's words, thinking that they make virtual games and end games, and don't need to know so much about mobile games.

But after Mu Chen heard Lin Sen's statement, he didn't agree with it, instead he looked back and took out Lin Sen.

"You think I have nothing to do to tell you about these mobile games?"

"I mean, these principles are not only applicable to mobile games, but will definitely be applied to virtual games in the future."

After Mu Chen finished speaking, he saw that everyone was stunned. Before he understood what he meant, he explained:

"Think about it, since mobile phones can gradually replace computers for many operations, will there be virtual devices that can replace virtual game rooms in the future?"

"Actually, let alone the future, our previous game, Pokémon, isn't just a portable virtual game."

"The world is always progressing, and technological barriers are being broken one by one. There is nothing impossible."

"So it's not wrong for us to make more preparations now. It's better to plan ahead than to fix it."

After listening to Mu Chen's speech, Lin Sen and the others nodded thoughtfully, expressing that they understood.

"Okay, that's the end of the story. I'm not asking you to enter the field of mobile games now, but just asking you to pay more attention to things in other fields."

"Having said that, since everyone thinks that there is nothing wrong with the glory of the king, let's ask the operation side to prepare and prepare to go online next week."

After Mu Chen finished the small class, he started to release the King of Glory.

Although this is just a mobile game, at first glance it doesn’t seem to be of much help in the competition between Suguang Entertainment, Xinhuo and EG Games.

But... this thing is really very marketable, and it's quite profitable!

Thinking back to the previous life, after many years of glory of the king came out, it has always had a name on the top rankings of major online games in major app stores.

And this, first of all, can add a lot of fame to Shuguang Entertainment and let more people know about Shuguang Entertainment.

After all... Shuguang Entertainment and Muchen are not RMB, and they haven't become well-known to everyone.

Now there are more than 1 million players in Suguang Entertainment's major games, but more than half of these players are basically just playing the game, and have not paid attention to the company behind the game.

Therefore, Mu Chen felt that if his game could attract as many players' attention as possible, it would also mean that it would be easier for players to notice the company Suguang Entertainment.

As for any help, that's pretty straightforward.

Glory of Kings can make a lot of money for the company!
In this way, Mu Chen would have more resources to use in the confrontation with Griffin and Ma Teng.

To be more intuitive, it is possible to buy more factories and more raw materials to produce virtual game warehouses, so as to continue to expand the domestic virtual game market.

(End of this chapter)

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