Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 287 New Year Arrangements

Chapter 287 New Year Arrangements ([-])

After hearing Liu Jin's unintentional arrangements for the dungeon, the person in charge of the dungeon not only didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, if the higher-ups made some inappropriate arrangements or plans, he, the person in charge, would be soft-spoken. If the warriors' emotions were ignited at that time, then he must be the one to blame in the end.

Emmm, in fact, there is a reason why the person in charge of this dungeon thinks this way.

After all, Shuguang Entertainment is no longer a small company with only ten or twenty people.

As soon as the number of employees increased, the relationship between Mu Chen and them would naturally not be as friendly as it was with the ten or twenty employees at the beginning.

In the past, Mu Chen would take Liu Jin, Hu Feng and those few employees out to eat and have fun everywhere from time to time.

But now...

emmm, how should I put it, even Mu Chen has the burden of being an idol.

Of course, this is not what he deliberately wanted, but he had to.

After all, as the boss of a big company, some things can't be done casually.

Besides, many employees are even more willing to see a boss who is full of majesty and aura of a superior, commonly known as the boss.

Because this can further strengthen the confidence of the employees below.

And the reason why the person in charge of the dungeon was so uneasy just now was because he had just joined the job not long ago and didn't know Mu Chen well.

Then, he mustered up the courage to ask about the arrangements for the underground city and the warriors.

Fortunately, none of his immediate superiors had any other ideas about the dungeon, so he could proceed step by step.

As for Liu Jin, after he reluctantly finished talking about the dungeon that made him feel very worried, he said the last item that was interrupted just now.

"Let's continue the topic just now."

"For those stand-alone games of our company, after discussing with Young Master Mu this year, we decided to prepare a relatively strong discount for stand-alone games."

Speaking of this, Liu Jin paused for a while, let everyone digest the news, and then spoke out the specific details of the event:
"First of all, it is to increase the distribution of discount coupons on the Dawning Game Platform; of course, this discount coupon is different from the previous ones. It is not a discount coupon for all platforms, but only for those stand-alone games produced by Dawn Entertainment. can use."

After finishing speaking, Liu Jin saw another person in the conference room who seemed hesitant to speak, so he called out, "Old Wang, tell me, what's the problem?"

Lao Wang, who was called by Liu Jin, hesitated for a while, and said, "Manager Liu, what about the stand-alone games we represent on the Shuguang Game Platform? Do you want to arrange some promotional activities?"

After Liu Jin heard this question, he didn't think much about it, and replied directly: "It can be arranged, but the specific discount level still needs to be discussed with the game manufacturer. Everything is voluntary by the manufacturer."

"Is there any problem?"

Liu Jin looked around at everyone in the conference room, saw that there was no more to say, so he continued.

"In addition to issuing discount coupons for stand-alone games, there will also be a one-week stand-alone discount week. During this week, a game will be released every day for players to draw discounts. The minimum can reach - [-]% off!"

When Liu Jin suddenly said the word [-]% off, even those technical geeks who usually only focus on game production were surprised.

However, what they didn't expect was that something that shocked them even more was yet to come.

"Besides, the discount this time can be stacked!"

"For example, after a player has drawn a 0.1% discount coupon for a stand-alone game, and then got a [-]% discount qualification for a game during the discount week, then... the final discount is - [-]% discount!"

After hearing the 0.1% discount, everyone in the conference room was really not calm.

What the hell this time, it's not a simple bleeding, but the ultimate spiral explosion ascending to the sky, the blood mother jumped off the building and has a huge discount!
At this time, everyone in the meeting room turned their attention to Mu Chen who was sitting on the main seat.

They hope that the real spokesperson of Suguang Entertainment will come out and clarify, saying that this is just a joke.

Ran goose ...

In the meantime, Mu Chen nodded slightly, and said:

"What Lao Liu said is what I mean, and the discount this time is also set by me."

As soon as Mu Chen spoke, everyone in the conference room knew that this was what the boss meant, but... it was still a bit unacceptable, or difficult to understand.

"But Master Mu, this... 0.1% discount is too appalling. It can be said that such a discount has never existed before!"

"That's right, Mr. Mu! If you get a 0.1% discount, then the most expensive game in our Shuguang Entertainment's stand-alone game is only two or three yuan. This, isn't it a bit..."

"Master Mu..."

At this moment, everyone didn't care about anything, and they all tried to persuade Mu Chen with frowning faces.

Of course, the most excited ones are the people in charge of the Shuguang Game Platform.

After all, the game turnover of Shuguang Entertainment, especially the buyout system of stand-alone games, is related to the performance of these people.

As for the strength of the discount that Mu Chen said, it really cost them their lives.

Although they can predict now that after this event comes out, Shuguang Entertainment's stand-alone games will definitely usher in a huge sales boom again.

But—what the hell is this craze unreal!
Thinking that they might have to sell a hundred copies of the game to catch up with the previous one, they wanted to play tricks.

"Okay, why are you nervous, not everyone can get two [-]% off!"

"Besides, we are a game company, not Kaishantang. Although there will be a 0.1% discount, it will definitely not be much. Just like the skin lottery, there must be limited skins, but the probability is very good. Well~"

"Generally speaking, discounts like 9% off to 7% off are the most common and most likely discounts, at least 80.00% or more. In other words, for most players, the two discounts are the highest. It's 5% off."

"As for the remaining 20.00%, we have to make players believe that there is such a creature as the Emperor of Europe in this world, so that most of the players can do some unreasonable things under the stimulation of a small number of players. Behaviors—for example, doing a ten-game draw in the League of Legends..."

Everyone in the conference room: Hehe, it really is that young master Mu that we are familiar with.

(End of this chapter)

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