Chapter 293
Of course, the establishment of Leihuo Huyu only created a big commotion in Xia Kingdom's game industry, and for most players, it was just a new game company, and it was not a big deal.

Besides, it’s the last day of the Spring Festival holiday now, so it’s the last word to seize the time to raise fat at home. As for melons, it’s more delicious to eat them with work.

The next day, all the employees of Shuguang Entertainment also returned to the company one after another after the Spring Festival holiday.

After Mu Chen had a brief meeting, he called Lin Sen and Liu Jin to the office.

"During the entire Spring Festival holiday, what is the sales data of the company's various games?"

Seeing the two entered the office, Muchen asked Liu Jin.

"Uh... the sales of the game, generally speaking, are still very good, but... that's the one..."

Liu Jin faltered and said for a long time but did not say why.

Anyway, looking at Liu Jin's expression, Mu Chen knew it must not be good news.

"Tell me, Lao Liu, what's the bad news? Even if the sales are really not good, it's not a big deal."

Muchen felt that Liu Jin's "game sales are not bad" should be something he said to comfort himself.

Seeing Mu Chen's appearance, Liu Jin simply said what he wanted to express just now.

"Well, because of the full discount and promotion week, the sales of our stand-alone games have greatly increased this time."

"Isn't that good? I thought it was good or bad news? The sales volume has increased greatly, Lao Liu, why are you so sad?"

When Liu Jin had just finished speaking the first sentence, Mu Chen immediately asked in confusion.

"Because...uh, well, after this Spring Festival event, although the sales of these stand-alone games of our Shuguang Entertainment have increased a lot, but in terms of sales... there are very few."

Liu Jin finally said this matter that had troubled him for a long time.

Before the company's sales came out this time, Lao Liu thought it was quite successful.

At least it gave a second life to the stand-alone games of Shuguang Entertainment that hadn't seen new players for a long time.

However, when Liu Jinzai returned to the company, he took a closer look at the revenue of the Spring Festival event of the stand-alone game under Shuguang Entertainment, and compared the revenue of this Spring Festival event week with the previous week, what the hell? It also dropped a little bit, although the drop was not much, but this situation really made Liu Jin, who was originally happy, suddenly not in a very good mood.

Liu Jin: Originally Jindian was very happy, but when he first came to the company, he saw that his company was losing money, blue thin, mushrooms!

"Hahaha, I thought it was something, it turned out to be this!"

After Mu Chen heard Liu Jin say that Shuguang Entertainment's income in this Spring Festival event was lower than before, Mu Chen was directly laughed out of joy.

"Originally, this Spring Festival event can basically be said to be a welfare event for players. It is normal not to make money!"

"Besides, am I, Mu Chen, someone short of that little money?"

Mu Chen looked like Long Aotian, making Liu Jin speechless for a while.

"That...Master Mu, don't you see how much the difference is?"

Liu Jin looked at Mu Chen suspiciously.

"Don't look, what's interesting, isn't it just money, the company account is full!"

Muchen continued with Long Aotian.

"If the original price of these games is included, then we roughly... lost more than 5000 million RMB in this event!"

Liu Jin is also calm now, since the emperor Mu Chen is not in a hurry, then he... Uh, anyway, since the boss is not in a hurry, there is no need for Liu Jin to be in a hurry.

"Not much, just over 5000 million, I thought..."

Mu Chen continued to remain calm, and after repeating the numbers Liu Jin said, Long Aotian's expression on his face gradually changed.

During this song, the mentality of our boss changed a bit.

"5000 million?!?!"

"Why so many???"

"Could there be an accident in the skin draw activities of other games this year? Is it because the skins designed by me, Mu Chen (actually the company's artist) are not good, or the players' tastes have become tricky?"

Mu Chen, whose mentality has changed, finally faced up to what Liu Jin said this time.

Although 5000 million RMB is not a serious injury to Shuguang Entertainment's huge cash flow, but... this f*cking loss is real money, small money!


You can buy [-] virtual game warehouses, and [-] virtual game warehouses are the amount that Shuguang Entertainment's factory needs to work hard for a month.

Rounding it up again, that's—forget it, if you don't count, Mu Chen will feel even more uncomfortable if you count again.

"Young Master Mu, there are no problems with the skin activities of several games, but there are too many players who choose to buy those stand-alone games during the event."

"For the game Dark Souls alone, more than [-] copies were sold during the event."

Liu Jin simply gave an example.

Hearing the figure of 5000, Mu Chen also knew why Liu Jin had calculated a loss of [-] million.

After all, based on the comparison between the original price of these games and discounters, it is normal to lose more than 5000 million after selling so many copies.

But to put it another way, if you don't sell it so cheaply, or say you don't discount it, or hold activities, then the game will definitely not be sold.

After all, for games like Dark Souls, Super Mario Odyssey, The Legend of Zelda, etc., the youngest one is four years old.

Fortunately, even if it is true that these games were popular for so many years in Mu Chen's previous life, it is not without reason, at least if you look at these games now, they are still quite good in all aspects.

Especially the soul of darkness, you must know that among the player groups, it has been circulating that the soul of darkness is the same series as the popular virtual game Sekiro.

Therefore, many players who only know about wolves and have not heard much about dark souls are very curious after seeing the promotional activities of wolves in the name of wolves (mainly because it is cheap). Go and buy a copy to play with.

"Emmm, that's actually not bad. Thinking about it carefully, it's not a loss, it's even a small profit!"

There is no way, the activities that I do must be forced to pay off.

"Okay, these are minor issues. I called you here today to talk about the new game of Shuguang Entertainment. I almost forgot about it when Old Liu Yi interrupted me."

Mu Chen promptly activated the technique of escape from the mouth and changing the topic to forcibly end the topic of loss or loss.

 Thank you "Morning Breeze, Wei Liang" for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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