Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 302 News Release

Chapter 302 News Release
So, Mu Chen silently said a hundred times in his heart that he wanted to eat dog meat hot pot, and after giving Mu Xiaosan a warning look, he came to Shuguang Entertainment.

At the beginning of March, Mu Chen led the virtual game production team of Shuguang Entertainment, and began a retreat journey that lasted...emmm, I don't know how long it will take.

Of course, all of this was just circulated among the senior personnel of Suguang Entertainment, including the name, genre and so on of the new game.

Ordinary employees only know that the company has a new game production project, as for the others...

However, if there is such a big news about Shuguang Entertainment, it will naturally spread from the company.

After all, Mu Chen is not a god, and he cannot control everyone's thoughts, nor can he control everyone's behavior, even if they are employees of Shuguang Entertainment.

Naturally, the news of Suguang making a new game spread out.


Dawn Entertainment Official Forum:

Dajiba: "Hold the grass, breaking news, breaking news! Shuguang Entertainment has started the production of a new game!"

Don't eat lemons: "Rumor? There's no news on Shuguang Entertainment's official website. How do you know?"

Grandma Qiao's list number one: "Agreed, how long has it been since Sekiro hit the shelves? It's been less than a year, and a new game released at this time is not in line with the company's personality of Suguang Entertainment over the years"!
Press the F key to enter the tank: "Cut~ The character design is used to be broken! Those stars are like this, Suguang Entertainment can do the same!"

Just when a group of netizens in the forum were drawn out by this topic and started a heated discussion, the person who brought up the topic posted another post.

Dajiba: "Cough cough, well, I'm so noisy, my cousin's little uncle's second brother-in-law's third aunt's neighbor's dog's daughter-in-law's owner's son is in Shuguang Entertainment - working as a security guard, He personally said that many leaders of Suguang are working overtime now, and the game company is working overtime, I think everyone must know why it is for?"

Emmm, although this relationship is a bit complicated, but aside from this relationship, if the news is true, then Suguang Entertainment is really likely to be making a new game.

Dangre, for this reason, many people still don't believe it, and there are quite a few people who don't believe it.

"Fart, is working overtime just to make a new game? Who stipulated it??"

"That's right, labor and management work overtime every day, and I haven't seen what the company is doing!"

"Hehe, maybe Mu Chen just wanted to squeeze the employees out. Where do you think Shuguang Entertainment got so much money? It's still squeezing the employees and cheating ignorant players!"

How should I put it, this rhythm suddenly appeared when netizens were discussing whether Shuguang Entertainment would make a new game, and there were a lot of them.

At the same time, Mu Chen, who has already started the production of Great Thousand Worlds at Shuguang Entertainment, when he heard the news from Liu Jin, he just nodded to show that he understood, and didn't say anything more, nor did he say how to deal with it.

Although he thinks this method is quite familiar, or it can be said that it is the same as Ma Teng and Griffin's methods, but this time it will be a little more aggressive and faster, but Mu Chen knows that this time it is not the two. An old man's action.

After all, the fat Griffin is still far away in Europe, and neither Xinhuo Games nor EG Games has revealed any new games. Although these two points are not enough to rule out the suspicion of the two of them, but——Sometimes, Men's intuition is even more accurate than women's.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that our new friend is a little anxious!"

Mu Chen was in the virtual game production office, looking at a map while muttering to himself.

"Let's announce the news. Anyway, it will be sooner or later. Besides, even if they know the name of the new game, the content cannot be copied, and they can't tell anything from the name of the game."

Muchen said indifferently to Liu Jin.

"I don't need to tell you how to deal with those sailors. The old method will do."

Then Mu Chen continued to speak.

"Okay, Master Mu." Liu Jin nodded in response.


After going out, Liu Jin came to the new media department of Shuguang Entertainment, preparing to announce the production news of the new game of Shuguang Entertainment on the official website and official Weibo.

As for those sailors, Mu Chen's old method is to ignore them.

Being hot doesn't mean doing nothing.

Like now, it's good to just announce the news on the official website. As for other things, it's still in the middle of my heart.

And Mu Chen is more willing to slap his face with facts.

It was the same with Ma Teng and Griffin in the past, and it is the same with Leihuo Entertainment now.

Emmm, maybe there are those wise netizens who are not sailors but don't use their brains to surf the Internet.

But these netizens have an advantage, that is, no matter how painful they were slapped in the face before, if there is a next time, they will still stretch out their faces and slap you.

Unlike Griffin and Ma Teng, two veterans, now they have learned to be head-to-head, and they don't engage in those bells and whistles. (emmm, finding a helper should not be called fancy)

Li Jun, the general manager of Leihuo Interactive Entertainment, the son-in-law of the chairman of Taihe Group.

Emmm, although this identity and background make this Li Jun look like a softie at first glance.

However, this guy is really powerful and skilled.

Although he is not handsome (this is what Mu Chen said when he saw the photo), but he was able to integrate this Thunder Huo Entertainment by himself, without any help from his father-in-law, which is quite impressive.

At this time, our boss Lei is sitting on the boss chair in the office, listening to the secretary's report.

"So, Suguang Entertainment just announced that they have started making a new game?"

Li Jun said.

"Yes, Mr. Li, their new game is called Daqianshijie. At present, there is only this name. There is no news about the rest, whether it is pictures, videos or game types."

The secretary answered.

"Well, I see, you go down first."

After seeing the secretary back out, Li Jun took out another mobile phone with a bearer card and made a call.

After the call was connected, Li Jun didn't speak, and a man's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"It's definitely a crime theme. I personally heard Minister Wu and the others meeting to discuss it that day."

Li Jun was obedient to the phone, but remained silent, then hung up.

"I didn't expect these to be so bold~"

Li Jun first sighed with emotion, and then said with a smile on his face: "It's good to be courageous, so I don't have to be timid. The game industry is still a business, so let me, a latecomer, take a look at your skills." .”

At the same time, Griffin, who was far away in Europe, had just hung up a transoceanic phone call with an inexplicable expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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