Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 310 2 Options

Chapter 310 Two Options
Lao Guo, also known as Guo Cunhai, used to be the leader of the Mu Group who specialized in researching and conquering virtual reality technology.

Later, our Young Master Mu borrowed (abducted) to Shuguang Entertainment to help develop the virtual game warehouse.

Although Mu Chen told the Mu Group at the time that Lao Guo and the others would be put back when the time was over, but our Master Mu's purpose has always been - if you borrow it, it's yours, and you can return it (hai) Also (huan) what to return.

So, Guo Cunhai led his team to stay in Shuguang Entertainment in such a daze, and has been studying the higher-level technology of the virtual game warehouse.

In addition to the corresponding software technology, Guo Cunhai's team is also conducting research on the hardware technology related to the virtual game warehouse under Muchen's request, but because of the specialization in the technology industry, Guo Cunhai's research progress is relatively slow in terms of hardware. Be slow.

Therefore, after Mu Chen heard Lao Hu's proposal, he was also slightly puzzled.

After all, judging from the discussion between the two of them just now, the problem of resource occupation in the game warehouse is indeed a major difficulty for Shuguang Entertainment at present.

Of course, if Guo Cunhai can really solve this problem, it would be great.

"Okay, old Hu."

"Let's go to Lao Guo now and see if he has any solutions."

Mu Chen didn't think about it for too long, so he went to Shuguang Entertainment's research institute with Hu Feng.

Because of Shuguang Entertainment's sufficient funds, Guo Cunhai's research institute moved to the vicinity of Shuguang Building, and Mu Chen and Hu Feng arrived there soon.

After seeing Guo Cunhai with messy hair, the two succinctly explained the problem this time.

"How? Old Guo, is there any solution?"

Muchen stared at Lao Guo who was not old at all, hoping to hear some real good news from him, instead of making a twist just after he finished speaking like Lao Hu before, which was really uncomfortable.

After listening to Mu Chen's question, Guo Cunhai on the other side frowned and thought for a while, then slowly said:
"Master Mu, according to your request, there are two feasible solutions based on the technology we currently have."

Emmm, although Muchen wanted to hear good news from Guo Cunhai, he really never thought that Cunhai could not only solve it, but also said that there were two solutions.

Thinking of this, Mu Chen couldn't help but glanced at Lao Hu who was standing next to him.

Alas~ They are also engaged in technology, why is there such a big difference?
Hu Feng was a little baffled by the look in his boss's eyes, but he was not the kind of talkative person, otherwise he would definitely ask.

Of course, if his own boss thought that way in his heart, he would probably be so angry.

People specialize in technology, and my old Hu specializes in combining games and technology. Can this be the same!

Hu Feng: (::) It's too difficult for me! ! !

But it's okay, because the two of them didn't even make the most basic eye contact smoothly, so the scene behind couldn't appear.

Mu Chen didn't continue to stare at Lao Hu, but asked excitedly, "Tell me, Lao Guo, what are the two plans?"

Guo Cunhai immediately replied: "The first solution is to upgrade the hardware of the virtual game warehouse and put it in the question you mentioned, Mr. Mu. In other words, it is to increase the total resources of the game warehouse, so that even if a game takes up a lot of resources , but because the total amount has increased, the remaining resources are sufficient for the operation of the company's other games."

After hearing what Guo Cunhai said, Muchen hurriedly asked:
"What about the second option?"

"The second solution is just the opposite of the first solution. The second is to use a data compression technology specifically for virtual game warehouses, so that things that originally need to occupy 50.00% of resources can be compressed to only occupy 20.00% or Ten percent. In this way, the problem you mentioned, Young Master Mu, can be easily solved."

When Mu Chen heard the second type, his eyes almost popped out.

This is simply a technology that exists specifically to solve the problems that Suguang Entertainment is currently encountering!

Not to mention, Mu Chen said that he decided to choose the second option.

After all, for the first type of hardware improvement, Mu Chen knew at a simple thought that it would be very troublesome to really promote or implement it.

As for where is the trouble?
It's very simple, just one question, how to upgrade the hardware of those game warehouses that have been sold?

Is it possible that Suguang Entertainment will find someone to go to each house and install the hardware one by one?
Think about it, it's not very capable.

This method, in addition to wasting money and human resources, also means that other players may not be willing to install additional hardware.

As for why you are not happy, emmm, this thing requires money, and it will definitely not be cheap, Mu Chen can't install it for all game warehouses for free.

Therefore, due to various reasons, after having the second solution, Mu Chen directly threw the first hardware upgrade method out of the blue.

"Forget about it, Lao Guo, just use the second upgrade solution. Directly compressing the game is much more convenient than upgrading the hardware!"

Muchen said happily to Guo Cunhai.

Ran goose ...

Our old Guo, at this time, also showed the entangled and painful expression on his face when he and Hu Feng were discussing with Muchen.

And Mu Chen, who had seen this expression on Hu Feng's face several times, immediately didn't know what to say when he saw the familiar expression on Guo Cunhai's face.

What the hell... This is deliberately against me!
Every time, I will give you a huge surprise and disappointment first, and then... tell you that, in fact, we really can't do that method just now.

(╬◣д◢) How can it be repaired!
"Oh, that's fine, Lao Guo, you don't need to say it, I know we can't reach the level of compression games you mentioned just now, right?"

After Mu Chen was annoyed at the beginning, he also said helplessly.

It is also impossible for him to blame Lao Guo for this matter. After all, this kind of technical problem, if you have mastered it, you have mastered it, and if you don’t have it, you don’t have it. It is impossible to master it just because he swears.

"Uh... Young Master Mu, although we can't do it now, if we are given a while, there should be no problem."

When Mu Chen was about to take Hu Feng back to rediscuss the plan in despair, or to directly make a castrated version, Guo Cunhai said hesitantly.

Although Lao Guo's tone was not firm, these words were heard in Muchen's ears like the sound of heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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