Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 314 Operation "Kick Ass"

Chapter 314 Operation "Kick Ass"

On the other side, Mu Chen and Liu Jin were frantically swiping their phones at the event operation department of Shuguang Entertainment.

The two just want to see when the joint operation game called "Fortress War" will be launched.

This is also Mu Chen's pain point, what the hell, Bruce releases a new game as soon as he releases it, but he just doesn't learn well, when he released the trailer, he didn't announce when the new game will be launched.

That's why Mu Chen and Liu Jin stared at their phones all the time, so that they knew the enemy's movements at the first time, and then... gave him (their) buttocks a hard blow.

"Old Liu, let's go to dinner first. Anyway, the event is already ready. When the game over there is released, we will start it right away."

"Spending half a day here is enough to give Bruce their face."

Emmm, although Liu Jin didn't know how his boss would let Bruce know that he had given face in the company, he still followed Mu Chen and left the office.

After a while, Muchen and Liu Jin were too quick to hide their jingle bells, and after finishing their lunch in the canteen of Shuguang Entertainment, they rushed back to the event operation department where they were staying before.

"How is it? Is there still no movement over there?"

Liu Jin asked a programmer sitting there.

"Not yet, it's already [-]:[-], Manager Liu, do you think they won't go online until the afternoon?"

"It's possible, just keep watching and go eat after get off work later, as long as Master Mu and I stay here."

After Liu Jin made some arrangements, he and Mu Chen walked to the lounge on the side.

To be honest, after hearing this answer, Mu Chen and Liu Jin were also full of doubts.

"Master Mu, tell me, did they come here to do as the Romans do, and wait until twelve o'clock noon to go online just like us?"

The two had just sat down, before Mu Chen's butt was warm, Liu Jin suddenly spoke.

Hearing Liu Jin's conjecture, Muchen couldn't help being taken aback, and then thought about it carefully, it seemed to be the reason.

"Hiss~ Old Liu, don't talk about it, it seems that this possibility is really possible!"

The more Mu Chen thought about it, the more likely it was that this would happen.

"It's okay, just wait, if you can't beat labor and management, give them a little face, and delay my precious time for half a day."

Our Young Master Mu said with a domineering air.

Sure enough, Mu Chen and Liu Jin heard the shouts of the staff there before the two of them chatted a few more words.

"Master Mu, Manager Liu, their new game has just been released, and it's exactly twelve o'clock!"

Mu Chen and Liu Jin looked at each other, and they both saw a smile in each other's eyes.

Hehehe, it's better to come early than coincidentally!
"Okay, then let's release the latest event announcement of Shuguang Entertainment immediately. The official website, official Weibo, Lunta, etc., I will all have news about the new activities of Shuguang Entertainment."

Mu Chen immediately gave the order to start this "ass kicking" operation.

10 minutes later……

Hesitant: "Anyone who plays Fortress Warfare, how about forming a wild team? It's boring to play alone in solo queue and then match!"

Elder Burial Love Eight Bags: "Hold the grass, you can play it so soon? Brother, the speed of the Internet is the speed of light?"

Village Head Washing and Cutting: "Is this game fun? It looks a bit like eating chicken?"

What's the name of grandpa's grandma: "emmm, it doesn't seem like it, it's actually a virtual game warehouse version of eating chicken, there is no jj for plagiarism!"

Emperor Du Wuyan Group: "Plagiarism of fart, have you seen the promotional video? People can use skills, and the painting style is different. The painting style of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is relatively realistic, while the painting style of Fortress War is more I prefer the American manga style, where did the plagiarism come from? Is it considered plagiarism if it is also the Battle Royale mode?"

Jiangnan Unlocking King: "Hehe, it was the same when League of Legends became popular. Soon, a lot of moba games popped up like mushrooms after rain. Is it the turn of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds now?"

I love Papa Ma: "Hey, yo, look, you can get it, damn, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has had imitation games for a long time, okay! It's been two or three years, and you're still talking about plagiarism, why? , could it be that Shuguang Entertainment started to engage in these things because Jiang Lang ran out of talent, without game production?"

What this netizen who supported the Fortress War said was full of words.

Indeed, before Fortress War came out, many games similar to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds had appeared in the domestic market, all of which were based on the battle royale mode.

Regarding these games and the game makers behind them, Mu Chen chose not to bother, unless the multi-faceted efforts were overdone.

Because Mu Chen knows that this thing cannot be banned, after all, few people can keep calm in vain in front of interests.

Not to mention that these two have not seen the acceptance of new games by domestic game players.

As for those comments on the Internet that support Shuguang Entertainment, saying that Fortress War is plagiarizing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, Mu Chen and the others have nothing to do.

They can't stop this statement.

It is impossible for Suguang to stand up like a chaste and brave woman and say to everyone: Ah, they didn't copy this or that.

Then you have to be laughed to death!

In that case, Mu Chen can guarantee that a large number of netizens will definitely say that this is Suguang Entertainment's pretending to satirize Storm Games and YH games.

Just when the netizens who supported Fortress War and Shuguang Entertainment were arguing happily on the Internet, a large number of people suddenly appeared on the Internet and said:
"Everyone, take a look at the official website of Shuguang Entertainment, big news!"

"That's right, if you miss today, you'll have to wait another year!"

"You can't miss this opportunity. If you miss it, it won't come again. Don't miss it when you pass by!"

Emmm, for a while, all major microblogs, post bars, and forums were filled with slogans similar to the big sale of merchants jumping off buildings that are held every day in shopping malls.

Of course, those netizens who don't like Shuguang Entertainment very much can't help but speculate with the greatest malice when they see this kind of news on the Internet.

"Hehe, why, could it be that Shuguang Entertainment is about to go bankrupt, so there is a clearance sale for all their games?"

Ran goose ...

Maybe it's their God, oh no, in China, it should be the Jade Emperor or Taishang Laojun, who felt the piety in their hearts.

The reason why Suguang made such a big noise this time is really related to its games.

Of course, the clearance sale is not enough, but this time the activity is indeed relatively large.

It can even be said that it is almost comparable to the previous Spring Festival Seven Days Fun event.

(End of this chapter)

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