Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 317 E-sports

Chapter 317 E-sports
In August, the sun in the sky still tried its best as usual to help obese people on the earth lose weight in the sun.

Gao Cheng is no longer a small employee who needs to be arranged by others, but a department director with hundreds of people in his hands.

Emmm, Dangre, why can he reach this high position at such a young age (less than thirty)?

Among them, part of the reason is because of his excellence and ability; there is also part of the reason, ahem, his girlfriend (Li Qingqing) can be said to be his fiancee now, and she is the daughter of the director of the company~~~
Everyone should understand after seeing this, right?

How important it is to have a pair of discerning eyes (actually shit luck), maybe they will pester you on the Internet day after day, asking you to bring her sister paper, Kuoneng is also someone who has a mine at home, a company at home, etc. Such a little rich woman.

When it's hot, if the other end of the network cable is something similar to Grandma Qiao, Grandma Li, Grandma Wang, emmm, then you can only ask for blessings, or if you really can't get through this hurdle, maybe it's a good idea to become a monk~
Closer to home.

Our classmate Gao Cheng, who was in a high position at a young age, is now bringing his fiancée blind monk, ahem, no, it’s Li Qingqing, and they have come to the Shuguang Entertainment e-sports center where they haven’t been for a long time since they started working. .

"Did you say that Mu Chen will come to the opening ceremony today?"

Sitting beside Gao Cheng, Li Qingqing asked softly while playing with his hand.

"I don't know. Anyway, I went to Shuguang Entertainment for a long time to discuss things. Manager Liu came to the interview, and even signed the signature. Maybe I was busy making new games. At the beginning of the year, it was just Shuguang. Entertainment has started making new games."

Gao Cheng shrugged and said helplessly.

Sure enough, after five points, at the opening ceremony of the [-]th SG E-sports Competition, only Liu Jin came to the stage to give a speech. As for Mu Chen, there was no one in sight.

While Gao Cheng was listening to Liu Jin's opening speech, the conversations of several young people next to Gao Cheng fell into his ears.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect that the virtual game has been out for more than three years, and there are so many people watching the game. Fortunately, my hand speed exploded when I bought the ticket. Otherwise, I might not have another chance this year." A young man Turning his head to look at the stadium full of people, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"That's right, especially the League of Legends, it seems that it is not affected by any virtual games at all, there are still so many pitfalls waiting for me in the rankings every day, it's amazing!" Someone immediately echoed in a complaining tone, It feels like he is complaining why these people don't all play virtual games, as if he can happily score higher after doing so.

"Hahaha, with your rank of Black Iron 3, you still want to find a master?" Hearing the second young man's complaint, another person immediately laughed.

"Cut, you know what a fart, labor and capital are the rank of black iron, the heart of a king! You, a fool who only knows how to save some fallen woman Celia every day, will not understand the belief of our summoner !" The second young man who was ridiculed by his friend immediately started to fight back.

"Girl, it's a girl, how many times have I told you, Celia is a girl, not a woman, and she didn't make a mistake!"

The third young man was very annoyed at what his friend said, as if he had been poked in a sore spot.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Laozi trusts you!"

"I've been playing with you for six or seven years, and you're still a girl? Besides, only women who have stumbled need money to save them, don't you think so?"

"What the hell am I..."

The young man who was the first to speak stopped the quarrel that was about to erupt between the two in time.

"Okay, isn't it just a virtual character, what about it?"

"Don't forget our purpose of coming to watch the game live this time. We are the first batch of students who are about to graduate from the e-sports major. There is no e-sports atmosphere and professional level in the whole world that can compare with the Shuguang E-sports Center, so Don't just play around, our graduation thesis next year will depend on this SG E-sports competition, if you miss it, you really won't have time."

The other two nodded in agreement when they heard what the young man who spoke first said.

After all, they will be graduating in June next year, but the SG Electronic Competition is held in August every year, so they have to come this year to experience it in the field.

When it's hot, if you miss it this time, there are still competitions. After all, there are still many regular seasons in various competitions, but those competitions, whether it is venues, equipment or the number of events, are far inferior to the SG e-sports competition .

"By the way, did the squad leader buy a ticket?"

The second young man suddenly asked.

"It seems that I bought it, but some of them bought it from scalpers, so I don't know where it is. You also know that because of the control of Shuguang Entertainment, there is no such large gang of scalpers. These scalpers are actually It’s all sold by viewers who can’t come.”

The first young man returned to Tao.

"It's okay. I'll contact you when I get out. It's too noisy here. No one responded to my message just now."

The third young man also echoed beside him.

As for Gao Cheng, who accidentally listened to all their conversations next to the three of them, he was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that he would meet three legendary students majoring in e-sports when he came to watch the game, and they seemed to be seniors who were about to graduate soon. He came here to watch the game this time to prepare for them. This is enough for a graduation thesis.

"Well, may I ask, are you going to work in an industry related to e-sports after graduation?"

Gao Cheng couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, so he turned his head and asked the young man who happened to be the first to speak before him.

Although the three of them were a little surprised by Gao Cheng's sudden question, seeing Gao Cheng's interested expression, they all nodded and replied: "Yes, X3."

"Maybe I can still work in this venue after graduation!"

After the second young man answered Gao Cheng, he said with great anticipation.

"Tch~ It would be great if you can work in the stadium of our Hangcheng Optimist team. If you still want to come here, why don't you say that you want to be the director of the e-sports department of Shuguang Entertainment (that's Ye Shengge's position at this time)?"

The third young man then turned on the mocking mode again.

"Hehe, how will you know if you don't try it? Right now, Dawn Entertainment still lacks professionals in the competition department. It's hot, because of the emergence of the home court system, many teams now need professionals like you in their home games."

Gao Cheng saw that the two young men who looked like live treasures were about to pick each other up again, so he smiled and revealed a little bit of inside information to them.

But this is also true, because he is also a young man, so Gao Cheng, who works in the Mu's Group and often has business contacts with Shuguang Entertainment, has become acquainted with Ye Shengge. This is what Ye Shengge complained about when drinking with him before. of.

He said that now not only are these old traditional e-sports events lacking people, but Suguang Entertainment also needs to train e-sports related practitioners in virtual games in the future, so it can be said that Ye Shengge's head has grown a lot recently.

And the three young people majoring in e-sports looked at Gao Cheng in surprise, they didn't know if what this young looking guy said was true.

But I still kept a mind in my heart, if it is true, they will make a lot of money; even if it is false, they will lose a little time.

(End of this chapter)

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