Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 319 Not a single drop left

Chapter 319 Not a single drop left
And after Mu Chen thought about it for a period of time, he felt that the main focus of the Great Thousand World would still be on these small worlds.

In fact, Mu Chen wanted to grasp with both hands at the beginning, and both hands were hard.

He wants to make those small worlds more exciting and attractive to players, but also wants the main world to occupy a certain place in the hearts of players.

But judging from the current situation, it is not enough.

After all, Shuguang Entertainment has already allocated a lot of resources to the small world. If it wants to expand the main world together, it will be easy to be overwhelmed.

As the saying goes, if you take too many steps, it is easy to tear yourself apart.

Now Shuguang Entertainment has to slow down their pace, so Mu Chen decisively changed the position of the main world in the entire game of Great Thousand Worlds.

After discussing with Lin Sen for a while, Mu Chen decided to position the main world as a transit point for players to go back and forth between different worlds.

Like those infinite stream novels, there will always be a neutral space where all can go.

Now the main world of Great Thousand Worlds is positioned as such a neutral space.

Of course, there are no cities in this neutrality, various buildings and the like.

Some only have countless wild monsters, various primitive terrains and... all players.

Of course, with the passage of time, there will definitely be cities. After all, Mu Chen, who has read many Infinity Stream novels, knows the importance of a transit city in Infinity Stream.


Great Thousand Worlds is a game, unlike in novels where the protagonist is in danger of life at every turn, he needs to use the protagonist's halo in the city to pick up the leaks.

So, how to seduce... Ahem, no, it is to attract players to come to the cities of the main world to bleed their wallets, that is what Mu Chen and the others need to consider.

In other words, among the two games released by Suguang before, only World of Warcraft has a slightly better krypton gold method, but Sekiro... emmm, there is no other way.

Fortunately, during the event later, Mu Chen forcibly changed Sekiro's clothes, allowing this samurai from a foreign land to come to a dress-up show.

In fact, Liu Jin also asked Mu Chen if he wanted to directly open a small krypton gold in the wolf to change the skin.

To be honest, Mu Chen was really tempted by this proposal at the first time, but later he gave up.

After all, Sekiro is always just a stand-alone game. After most players clear the level in one swipe, few people will choose to swipe it twice and swipe it three times. Therefore, its popularity and popularity come and go quickly.

Besides, if such a stand-alone game costs money, then Suguang Entertainment is really like getting into the money hole.

This will greatly reduce the player's impression of Suguang Entertainment.

In particular, now that Shuguang Entertainment is still surrounded by powerful enemies, it cannot make such a mistake of bad reputation.

Therefore, in terms of krypton gold in virtual games, Shuguang Entertainment is not as powerful as Xinhuo games to be honest.

After all, their main consumer group is female gamers, and women buy things... Hehe, sometimes even if you give her ten cards, it may not be enough to swipe.

Don't ask Mu Chen why he knew, the past is unbearable.

"Well~ It seems that Lao Liu has to discuss how to make money... Oh no, it's a way to free the players' wallets."

Thinking of this, Mu Chen's face could not help showing a trace of a scheming smile.

Of course, in the eyes of our little secretary Tang Xiaomo, this smile looks a little bit obscene.

"Why are you smiling so obscenely? What bad idea are you thinking?"

Because she and Mu Chen are the only two people in the office now, so they don't have so many scruples.

"Ahem, what is obscenity, I have a wise smile!"

Mu Chen immediately put away his smile, and said seriously.

"Tch, Ben Guliang is going home, Boss Mu, are you still sleeping in the company today?!"

When talking about this, Tang Xiaomo blinked at Mu Chen with her big eyes, as if she could speak.

"Cough, this..."

As soon as this topic was mentioned, our young master Mu felt a little pain in his waist.

However, as a man, he naturally couldn't admit cowardice in front of his own woman.

"Go back, how could you not go back!"

"Let's go now!"

"Just wait until I find Lao Liu to talk about something."

After finishing speaking, Muchen picked up the phone and called Lao Liu over.

After a while, Liu Jin opened the door and walked in.

"Master Mu, are you looking for me?"

"Ahem, Lao Liu, after the game is almost over, let's start to see how to design some krypton gold activities in the main world of the Great Thousand World that suit the game situation. Of course, during this part of the game You can think about it first, Old Liu, to see if you have any better ideas."

"Okay, Master Mu."

After Mu Chen finished explaining to Liu Jin, he went home with Tang Xiaomo as if he had nothing to love.


In this way, for a long time afterwards, Muchen lived a life of...emmm, pain and happiness every day.

During the day, I worked hard in the company to keep an eye on the production progress of the Great Thousand World, and input the map data brought back from the map surveyors of the Small World into the game every day.

After all, you can't just wait for all the maps to be surveyed and mapped before entering them, as that will definitely delay more time.

And at night...

Emmm, do you know what it feels like to know that there is not a single drop left?
Although it may be a bit exaggerated, the life of our Young Master Mu is really... too difficult!

Fortunately, at the end of August, the [-]th SG Global E-sports Competition finally ended, so Liu Jin didn't have to spend time going to the venue.

And because Liu Jin has time, Tang Xiaomo doesn't have to come to the company every day to help Mu Chen (tell Mu Chen to go home).

Therefore, our Young Master Mu finally had a chance to recuperate.

Afterwards, Mu Chen also called Liu Jin to get an overview of the results of this year's SG Global E-Sports Competition.

In general, it is... a year is not as good as a year.

Of course, this refers to the results of the domestic teams. As for the influence of the competition, it is still the top in the world.

This year, the best result in the country is actually the CS competition that has gradually declined - the semi-finals.

As for League of Legends and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, emmm, have you heard the story of the top eight goalkeepers in the finals?

Hearing such a result, while Mu Chen decided it was unbelievable, he also wondered whether he should make some changes in the game.

For example, appropriately increase or decrease some competition items, and for example, add virtual games.

(End of this chapter)

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