Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 354 Metal Sign

Chapter 354 Metal Sign
After slowly despising himself in his heart, Zhu Sheng quickly ran back to his birth point, and put back the pistol and dagger on his body.

After all, today he was just going to step on the spot. If he entered the bank with a weapon and was caught by the four security guards with spray guns at the door, he would definitely be cool...

After losing ten or twenty points of fatigue points, Zhu Sheng came to this credit point bank not far away empty-handed this time.

After looking at the credit point bank where only a few NPCs came in and out for a while, he adjusted his nervousness slightly, and then walked straight to the second branch of Shuguang Credit.

When Zhu Sheng was less than two meters away from the four strong security guards, he felt four piercing eyes staring at him blankly.

At this time, Zhu Sheng was also on the verge of an arrow and had no choice but to bite the bullet, pretending that he didn't see the four people here, and went directly to the gate of the bank.

Ran goose ...

When he was just about to walk into the gate, when the front foot was still ten or twenty centimeters away, a sudden change occurred.

"Drip drip..."

A piercing siren sounded suddenly, which directly shocked Zhu Sheng.

However, before Zhu Sheng had time to think about why the door was suddenly barking, he saw two dark round holes appearing in his cigarette coin.

"I, I, I... none of my business!"

To be honest, even though Zhu Sheng has been in the game for so long, he has done a lot of tasks and earned a lot of credits.

But it was the first time for him to be pointed at by four long and thick guns at such a distance.

So, after being given such a slap by the four burly men by the security guards, Zhu Sheng didn't know what to say, and was stuttered in fright.

"It is not allowed to bring any items into the bank. Now warn once, the second time will be shot directly, and it will be blacklisted by all banks in Shuguang City."

I saw one of the black-clothed security guards pointing a gun at Zhu Sheng and said coldly.

Zhu Sheng quietly swallowed his saliva, his thighs trembling a little.

However, after hearing what the black-clothed security guard said, Zhu Sheng hurriedly left the gate of the bank that looked like he was going to love people.

emmm, in fact, it can be described as shitty shit, which is more appropriate.

Five minutes later, Zhu Sheng, who was out of breath, walked into an alley and leaned on the wall as if he had a kidney deficiency.

"Fuck, shit..."

"I put my weapons at home, why do you still say I have something on me? Could it be that the bank is not allowed to enter with clothes on? You can't be so perverted?"

As soon as Zhu Sheng mentioned this, he couldn't help shivering again. The feeling of being pointed at by four trolls was really unforgettable for him.

Afterwards, Zhu Sheng remembered that the security guard said that he would kill him if he brought something in for the second time, and then blocked him, so he immediately felt around himself and saw something on his body.

"What is this? When did I have a metal plate in my pocket?"

After Zhu Sheng fumbled around, he found a rectangular metal sign in his butt pocket.

After Zhu Sheng took a closer look at the sign, he found that there was only one address written on it, and nothing else was left.

"What the hell? No. 250 Shabi Road? Where the hell is this?"

After Zhu Sheng saw the address on the metal plate clearly, he was really powerless to complain.

You are only two hundred and five Shabi!

A good address is not given, but some fancy things are arranged.

But for this address, Zhu Sheng felt that it was even weirder than his task of robbing a bank.

Although the task of robbing a bank was a bit difficult, it was still relatively transparent, so he directly told Zhu Sheng about the rewards, punishments, and requirements.

But this address is even weirder than when he was holding the mission envelope.

He didn't say anything, just put a bare address there.

And he didn't have close contact with anyone today, or in other words, apart from doing quests and accepting quests, he didn't have any contact with other players or NPCs.

But this metal sign appeared accurately in his trouser pocket, which was a bit scary.

"Could it be... there is something in this game that we players don't know about?"

Zhu Sheng felt that his guess was very possible.

Now, there are two roads in front of Zhu Sheng.

One is to continue to test the bank, and then find an opportunity to directly take the bank away.

However, based on Zhu Sheng's current strength, 90.00% of the nine-point-to-nine chances are that he himself was sprayed into a sieve by the trolls.

Two, it is shrinking, oh no, it is dormant for a period of time, slowly accumulating strength, that is, saving money, and then buying rogue weapons, or inviting more people.

But this method takes a relatively long time.

First of all, as far as more powerful weapons are concerned, Zhu Sheng has learned about them before. He has to work in the game for at least [-] full game days without eating or drinking before he can afford a long gun.

Not to mention recruiting soldiers and buying horses, he would only need more credit points. He didn't know that he would have to save them until the year of the monkey.

As for the last choice, it is natural to go to the address on the mysterious metal plate to see.

This choice was only made after he saw the sign, otherwise Zhu Sheng could only choose one of the two previous choices.

However, the fact that the address was so weird made Zhu Sheng a little afraid to act rashly.

What if there are some human traffickers inside?Throw him directly into the black brick kiln and live a life of darkness.

Although this idea is a bit exaggerated, it is not unreasonable.

After hesitating for a full hour, Zhu Sheng finally chose to go to the address on the metal sign, that is, Shabi [-] to have a look.

The big deal is that people are dead and birds are up to the sky. He still dares to gamble a little in the game.

Of course, another important reason is that after Zhu Sheng has solved the burden in his family, he can still do some things he wants to do in the game.

But for making money, no matter what time it is, Zhu Sheng said that he will put it first in the game.

After all, although the debt problem has been resolved, he certainly won't think too much money, the more this stuff, the better.

Therefore, Zhu Sheng, who made up his mind, started to inquire about the location of No. 250 Shabi Road after he went back and brought back the pistol and dagger that he had left at home.

Huangtian pays off, perhaps to appease Zhu Sheng's mind that was overly frightened at the bank before, he found this address without asking for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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