Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 357 Doubt

Chapter 357 Doubt
Zhou Zhifa, the captain of the Shanghai Traffic Police Brigade.

Over the past few days, Zhou Zhifa discovered a rather strange thing, that is, when they went out to patrol at night, those second-generation racing drivers who used to be so energetic suddenly seemed to become rare, even for several consecutive days. Tiandou couldn't catch a single person.

This phenomenon really surprised him.

After all, every time they patrol at night, they always catch a lot of people.

Counting the time, it has been a full ten days now, and they haven't caught these racers at night.

However, those who drink and drive are still not decreasing. They often have "big gains" in the two time periods of midnight and early morning every day.

Today was his daughter-in-law's birthday, so Zhou Zhifa also got off work on time for a rare day.

After returning home, looking at the table full of meals, Zhou Zhifa quickly said happy birthday to his daughter-in-law, and then gave his son who moved faster than him a brainstorm, and he couldn't wait He began to sit on the table and started to move.

"Why did you come back so early today?"

Seeing her husband sitting down, Zhou Zhifa's wife asked in surprise.

"Haha, isn't it your birthday today, of course I have to come back early!"

Zhou Zhifa ate the delicious food again and again, and babbled nonsense that he didn't even believe.

Sure enough, upon hearing Zhou Zhifa's answer, his wife also rolled her eyes at him, and said, "Come on, we didn't see you back on our wedding anniversary half a month ago. I wish you would come back after sleeping in the traffic police every day." For my mother's birthday?"

Zhou Zhifa saw that his wife had exposed him mercilessly, and didn't say anything else, so he just laughed, and then continued to eat and drink.

At the same time, I was feeling in my heart that my daughter-in-law was no longer the little girl who liked these sweet words.

"I said, Lao Zhou, is there something wrong with your work? I think you have come back earlier than usual these days."

Madam Zhou looked at Zhou Zhifa who was smirking there, and asked a little worriedly.

"Hi! It's okay, the main reason is that I don't know why now, the young people who used to like to go out for racing at night are gone, so our work pressure will naturally be much less, so I have time to come back to accompany you and my son. "

Zhou Zhifa glanced at his worried wife, then at his thoughtful son, and cheerfully spoke to comfort him.

"It's fine if there is no more. Every time I watch the videos of car accidents due to speeding, I feel scared for a while. Now they won't go. It's good for themselves, and you are not that dangerous."

Mrs. Zhou felt relieved when she heard her husband say that no one is racing cars anymore.

And Zhou Zhifa's son, who is in high school, thought for a while after hearing his father's words, and suddenly said in a very embarrassing manner: "I know why no one goes out for racing now!"

"Oh? Why?"

Zhou Zhifa looked at his son with a smile on his face, and wanted to hear what "good opinion" he, a high school student, had.

"Because they have all gone to the Great Thousand World, they will not be scolded for racing in it, and there will be no danger!"

Zhou Tu said directly to his father.

"Big Thousand World? Where is that place? Could it be in a foreign country, but even in a foreign country, drag racing is a very dangerous thing, don't you know it? Why are you still talking nonsense? Believe it or not, I will buy you two more sets Five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulation?!"

The more Zhou Zhifa talked, the more he felt that his son was amusing himself, and finally he gave a name that was extremely terrifying to most high school students.

For the sake of his holiday weekend, Zhou Tu immediately explained that the Great Thousand World is not a place, but a game.

"Really? What kind of virtual game can have such great power? It directly solves the problem that we traffic policemen have troubled our entire career?"

Regarding his father's doubts, Zhou Tu, a high school student who was struggling and hadn't played virtual games a few times, naturally couldn't answer them.

He himself heard from those students in the class who usually play games, that today is also a rare opportunity to show off in front of his father.

In fact, Zhou Zhifa, the captain of the traffic police, was not the only one who had such doubts.

The owners of those entertainment venues were quite puzzled when they saw that their business was getting worse and the traffic in their bars or clubs was getting less and less.

The reason for this confusion is naturally the game of Shuguang Entertainment, the world.

So far, Daqianshijie has been open for more than half a month.

Now most of the virtual game players of Suguang Entertainment are used to going to the virtual game room of their own homes or Internet cafes every day, or when they are free, and start to vent their unhappiness in the game, or relieve the pain caused by work. Become tired inside.

Especially those players who have their own virtual game room, now they have gradually regarded the Great Thousand World as their second living place.

Although at the beginning, players will subconsciously tell themselves that this is actually just a game.

But as time goes by, especially when the time in the game is relatively faster, the players are playing and suddenly find that they are a little reluctant to leave the game world.

There is no boss/supervisor who yells at you because you can't complete the task; there is no so-called colleague who will always laugh at you by your side, and often whispers to you; and there is no endless pressure from family members.

In addition, in the Great Thousand World, players can do many things that are not allowed in real life, which is one of the reasons why they linger here so much.

Such as drag racing.

In real life, even if you have a lot of hands and eyes and a lot of money, do you dare to drive the sports car to the limit speed?
dare not!

Unless it is to die.

Of course, although this can be done in the game, the Shuguang City Police Department is not jealous.

Those speed racing players who are caught by the police will have their cars impounded and repainted to be confiscated and used as police cars.

This can be regarded as repaying the other body with the other's way.

And it is precisely because of this strategy that those local rich players who just entered the game to race cars complained a lot.

Although the cars here are not worth a lot of money, rich people will be caught by the NPC police in the game for a matter of face. Naturally, they will be laughed at by other people in the circle.

Of course, these consequences are acceptable to them.

At least, it won't be as troublesome as in the real world after being caught by a racing car.

Therefore, the task of the traffic policemen at night has naturally become a little easier during this period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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