Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 360 Fake NPC

Chapter 360 Fake NPC
After selling off the extra credit points saved on him, Zhu Sheng looked at the extra two or three thousand RMB on the bank card, and curled his lips very dissatisfied.

If you put these credit points ten days ago, they can sell for tens of thousands of RMB.


Zhu Sheng didn't complain for long, after all, in his opinion, it's pretty good that he can earn money with his current son.

You know, he saw in the Great Thousand World Forum before that some players also received some mysterious missions in bars or other places like him.

At the beginning, the players who received the mysterious mission were still excited about Jill, thinking that they were like the son of destiny in the novel, what kind of treasures could they get, or magical weapons, no matter how bad they were, there were hidden professions and so on. Special flow batch of things.


When these players opened those mysterious missions, they declared that they had gone far away.

The mysterious missions of these players are, without exception, missions with the highest difficulty for novices.

Among these tasks, Zhu Sheng's bank robbery task can only be regarded as a medium difficulty.

The next thing is very simple. These players feel that since there are tasks, there must be a way to complete them.

Then... After they did it, they realized how naive their original idea was.

The first try, failed; the second time, still failed, the third time, failed.

After failing ten times, these players suddenly discovered that the mysterious mission disappeared from their player panel.

All of a sudden, the wishful thinking that directly made them decide to win by the number of times was completely defeated.

When Zhu Sheng saw the tragic experience of these players in the forum, he was also very grateful, thankful that he did not rush to rob the bank.

If he is as tough as these players, then the grass on his game room's grave is probably several meters high now.

And these players, not to mention saving any credit points, are considered sensible if they don't pay RMB.

Zhu Sheng knew a leader, because the first task was relatively simple, he directly spent money on it, and after successfully receiving the second task of the series of tasks, he decided that the method of spending money was still good, so he continued to spend money. .

In the was time for a slap in the face.

This player, who could barely be considered a small local tyrant, spent [-] RMB, only to barely finish the normal progress of the second series of missions.

After seeing this result, Zhu Sheng never saw that rich player in the game again, nor did he see any news about him on the forum.

Therefore, Zhu Sheng was able to save a lot of credit points while doing tasks, which can already be said to be quite a rarity.

Of course, this is also because he is doing mercenary missions these days.

After all, among these mercenary missions, there are still many highly paid missions.

Otherwise, for a long time to come, our students Zhu Sheng will basically be able to eat dirt for a living.


After Zhu Sheng sent out an ambiguous task that required a lot of help through the mercenary union, he began to quietly wait for the players who took the task.

Of course, although he is only a person, but not all stinky fish and rotten shrimp can be used to make up for the number.

The day after Zhu Sheng sent out the mission, the system showed that a team of players had accepted his mission.

When he saw someone accepting the task, Zhu Sheng was very excited at first. After all, it meant that he was not far from completing the task.

Well, when he saw the team of players who had accepted his mission in a bar, the corners of Zhu Sheng's mouth couldn't help twitching.

"Uh... Excuse me, is there only three people in your team?"

Out of politeness, Zhu Sheng spoke first.

"That's right, doesn't the mission requirement say that this is a team mission that requires the cooperation of multiple people, so the three of us are here!"

"What, is there a problem?"

One of the leading players took it for granted, and looked at Zhu Sheng impatiently after finishing speaking.

"Uh... there is a problem, this task may not be suitable for you, so let's forget it."

Zhu Sheng didn't say anything about strength. For the sake of other people's face, he just rejected the three players very tactfully.

Anyway, these three players were also the first players to receive his mission.

But the other party didn't seem to appreciate Zhu Sheng's affection.

When they heard that the three of them were rejected by the task, the three of them were confused at first.

Then there was a burst of irritation.

"Fuck, what's the matter with you NPC? Do you really think that labor and capital players dare not hate you? I have been playing the game for so long, and I have never encountered a game that ended before it started. Task!"

Among the three, the leader shouted first.

"Brother is right. This stuttering NPC is just using us to make fun of us. He didn't let us know about the specific tasks, and didn't even mention the rewards. He just sentenced our brothers to death!"

Another player is also helping out.

And there was another person who looked at Zhu Sheng with very unkind eyes even though he didn't speak.

Zhu Sheng, on the other hand, was in a daze. When did he say that he was an NPC?
Emmm, Zhu Sheng thought about it again, and felt that it was reasonable for them to say that he was an NPC.

After all, from the current point of view, it seems that he is the only mercenary in the entire mercenary union, a third-level mercenary who can issue missions.

Therefore, it is reasonable for these three players to regard him as an NPC.

Thinking of this, Zhu Sheng rolled his eyes, and immediately continued to repeat what he just said, disguising himself as a task NPC with low intelligence, and then said some specific words, which would only appear in a specific place.

In this case, it can be regarded as a way to attract players' attention.

After all, missions from the mercenary union are not available every day, so he still needs to complete certain mercenary missions before he can continue to let the mercenary union release missions for him.

Although it's okay for Zhu Sheng to complete the task, it's best to have one more place to post the task.

In the end, after talking to the three players who thought he was an NPC for more than half an hour, Zhu Sheng successfully pissed them off.

When the three players left, they kept cursing and saying that they had never seen an NPC as retarded as Zhu Sheng in the game for so long.

Hearing this, Zhu Sheng had no choice.

If he talks too much, the players might tell that he is actually a fake NPC.

In that way, some unknown variables may appear in his mission.

After all, players dare not do anything to the task NPC, but it is not necessarily the case for players who issue tasks.

(End of this chapter)

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