Chapter 390

When the audience in Yang Wei's live broadcast room saw him talking a lot impassionedly, and then backhandedly chose a medical soldier, they almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Your mother's kiss, you looked at the scout class one second and said you should hone your marksmanship, but the next second you pressed it on the medical soldier, is this still len?
"I lost it! I've seen ones that don't want Bilian, but I've never seen such outrageous ones!"

"To be honest, this dog has once again refreshed my understanding of thick skin."

"Hehe, this is the first time I've heard that Nima medical soldiers can practice marksmanship!"

"Just be cowardly, and make some fancy excuses to come out, it's simply not human!"

"As for the existence of impotence, which is smaller than a cup, what kind of milkman?"


In short, when the audience in the live broadcast room saw that Yang Wei chose a medical unit, the barrage of complaints never stopped.

And Yang Wei looked at the bullet screens complaining about him after choosing the type of arms, smiled very contemptuously, and said:

"Hehe, you don't understand this. The main reason is that my choice is too advanced and involves your knowledge blind spot. Viagra, I don't blame you."

Yang Wei pretended lightly, then ignored the ridicule of the audience in the live broadcast room, and went directly to accept the task.

On the other side, our classmate Feng Xia, who just died at the mouth of a wolf (gun), finally found a dilapidated place in the wilderness that looked like a player's town after going through all kinds of difficulties.

"Fuck, if this is some kind of cheating gamer town, Laozi... Laozi won't play games for 5 minutes!"

Feng Xia looked at the dilapidated town from a distance, and made a vow that he thought was very vicious.

No wonder Feng Xia was so annoyed.

After all, I was very happy today, but for some reason, I was thrown into this place where birds don’t shit, chickens don’t lay eggs, and then I was blown up by wolves, emmm, by my own rotten gun die.

These have seriously affected Feng Xia's gaming experience.

You know, when he was in the gta world before, his journey went smoothly to the late stage of the game.

He robbed the bank smoothly, and then smoothly, uh, the establishment of the gang was a little turbulent, but it was just a small problem; then he successfully entered the 15th district, and then successfully entered the In the core urban area of ​​Dawn City, Hai won a top ten game reward in the end.

But... It's such a big boss, and now even Nima's player novice Chengdou just saw it, is there any reason?

Could it be that heaven is jealous of talents? !
As Feng Xia walked, he looked at the town that was getting closer and closer, thinking wildly.

Half an hour later, Feng Xia, whose fatigue value had dropped to an extremely low value, finally came to this town that he...has been haunted by dreams.

Although it is a bit dilapidated, it is still a place where people live.

In particular, it is very likely that this is the player town that allows him to extract his Gatling.

With an expectant heart, Feng Xia, whose face was full of wind and frost, and who was in tatters, walked into this dilapidated town.

"Welcome to the mercenary town, rookie, you need to choose a unit."

Just as Feng Xia entered this town, a soldier standing at the door came to talk to him.

You are a rookie, labor and management are among the top ten in the gta world!
Although Feng Xia was not angry in his heart, since he didn't have a weapon in his hand, and this soldier looked armed to the teeth, he still held back a little.

However, don't bully the young and poor!

Feng Xia decided that after he got Gatling, he must establish his status in this town. He wanted to let these people know that his title of No. [-] Brother in Shuguang City was not made by himself, but by a shot It was shot in one shot!

After walking around the town for a while, Feng Xia found that the number of players here seems to be so small, which is quite abnormal.

You know, as long as it is a game of Suguang Entertainment, in the first few days when the server was just opened, there are basically players everywhere, it shouldn't be so rare!
Abnormal, very abnormal!

Feng Xia felt that today's incident was full of weirdness.

First, I was inexplicably (because I didn’t choose) thrown into a desolate place, and then I walked for a long time to find a town, but when I arrived at the town, Nima found that there were not many players there. Feng Xia was annoyed.

Two minutes later, Feng Xia came to a tent with the same shape as when Yang Wei chose his troop.

Similarly, Feng Xia also entered the troop selection interface, but unlike Yang Wei, Feng Xia's tent had five options.

In addition to the assault units, scout units, medical units, and support units that all camps have, there is also a unit called professional mercenaries in front of Feng Xia.

Emmm, although Feng Xia doesn't know if the options of other players are the same as his, but his years of gaming experience told him that one chooses the most special and most fraudulent profession.

Therefore, he decisively pressed the button of the mercenary unit.

"Hey hey baby Gatling, here I come!"

After choosing his troop, Feng Xia didn't even bother to do any tasks, he just turned around and left the troop selection tent, and started wandering around in this dilapidated town instead.

10 minutes later……

"Damn! What the hell is this place? It feels like there are NPCs everywhere? Apart from the few you met in the mission tent just now, why are there no other places?"

Feng Xia turned around and found that apart from some normal buildings and normal NPCs, there were no players in the entire town.

At first, he was far away, and when he saw the NPCs inside, he thought they were players, so he said that this place is not very normal.

But what the hell did he find out after he walked around carefully, that this doesn't mean that there are fewer players at all, it's just that... there are no players!
Feng Xia, who felt that he was on the verge of breaking out, suddenly saw a person who was dressed similarly to him rushing towards him. He could tell at a glance that this person should be a player, so he took the initiative to greet him.

"Hey, brother, tell me how you came here? Why are there not many players here?"

The player who was stopped by Feng Xia gave him a surprised look, and then replied quite honestly: "If I knew, I would still be here? Why? After eating, I was distracted, and I went back and thought about which one to choose carefully, and finally... came here."

Feng Xia: ...(σ)σ
(End of this chapter)

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