Chapter 393
Boom boom~
On a small hillside that is not high, with a loud noise, there is a splash of sand and stones, and the atmosphere is smoky.

And our Yang Guoqi anchor and nanny Wei is lying shivering in a ditch on this small hillside at this time.

To be honest, although he, Yang, thinks he has seen a lot of big scenes, he has always felt that he is a very courageous person before (hehe).


Only after he actually came to the battlefield in person did he realize that even in the game, it takes a lot of courage to face the indiscriminate bombardment of countless artillery fire.

And he, Yang Wei, obviously did not have such courage.

emmm, in fact, it is still biased to say so.

It's not that he doesn't have such courage, but that he has no courage at all.

What kind of soldier would hide himself behind a bunker when he first entered the battlefield and before he started fighting?
Yang Wei is like this.

As soon as this guy came to the battle area between the two sides, he wished he could retreat into the ground.

Most of the other players who also came to the battle area to complete the mission were curious or excited, not extremely scared like Yang Wei.

Afterwards, Yang Wei's performance even conquered the rest of the players.

At first they thought it was because they were playing for the first time, so they were a little scared.

But after he fought for a long time, he was compared to a medical soldier, but he didn't even save the wounded soldier even once.

Because the rest of the NPCs in Yang Wei's team couldn't call this comparison at all.

The players on the same team and who came here with him also looked at Yang Wei with contempt.

I was thinking in my heart: Why did this bitch come to play this game?Is the gta world not fragrant enough, or Tetris not attractive enough?

"That Sabie lying on the stomach over there, get up and give me an injection, I'm going to lose all my blood!"

Just as Yang Wei was lying down pretending to be an ostrich, a player not far from him was yelling loudly at him.

Yang Wei: You can't see me, you can't see me, you can't even see me...

At this time, the audience in Yang Wei's studio was also impressed by Yang Wei's performance.

"Hahaha, is impotence trying to make us laugh to death?"

"Emmm, although it's a bit exciting on the battlefield, isn't he going too far?"

"Yang Trembling Medical Soldier Wei, come on!"

"Is the anchor showing off his talents? He is really good enough!"

"Ahem, ban yin and yang, our Viagra, he's just... strategically obscene, and it's not really because of fear!"

"That's right, a sniper who can't disguise is not a good medical soldier."


At this time, Yang Wei also knew that his current son must be inferior.

But he's really...a little scared.

Before, he only experienced the battlefield in film and television dramas, and the most recent one was yesterday's scene mode.

Emmm, then why did Yang Wei classify yesterday's scene modes into film and television dramas?
Because this ratio is really hiding behind a bunker on the beach.

During the whole process, I just occasionally turned my head to look at the battlefield, and then continued to look up at the sky.

You know, Mu Chen set up such a battlefield mode before the official game started to let the players experience it in advance.

However... Judging from today's performance, it is obvious that our Mr. Yang Wei rejected Mu Chen's kindness.

Of course, at this moment, Yang Wei didn't have the heart to think about the scene of his golden life yesterday to cheer himself up.

Now he just wants to get up quickly so that he will not continue to be ashamed.

Otherwise, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he will have no face to give nonsense to the audience in his live broadcast room in the future.

Thinking of this, Yang Wei suddenly brought up a little bit of courage, took the reward he got from the gta world, took an ak in his hand again, and struggled to stand up.

When Yang Wei stood up, he suddenly felt how ridiculous his previous fear was.

It's nothing at all!

Although the enemy's artillery bombardment was very close to him, it didn't bring him any feeling of fear.

This is like the epiphany of a martial arts practitioner, and Yang Wei felt that he must also have an epiphany.

Then, Yang Wei, who had "enlightened himself", was about to walk towards the player who had just yelled at him, telling him to go over and give him a hug.

Then when Yang Wei put his eyes on the player, he found that the player was looking at him in horror, and then shouted: "Get down!"

After shouting, without waiting for Yang Wei to say anything else, the player rushed towards the back with lightning speed.

With that agile figure, flowing clouds and flowing water, and making big moves in one go, it doesn't look like a person who is going to die at all.

But Yang Wei turned his head subconsciously after seeing the player's actions.

As a result, he found that a cannonball rapidly zoomed in and zoomed out in his sight, and finally...

World Peace.


"Fuck, if I drive this NPC's broken car again, I'll just eat the steering wheel!"

At this moment, Da Feng Xia was driving to the battlefield.

However, his mood seemed a little bit bad.

"Uh... Actually, it's okay, at least the car can still move, can't it?"

Zhen Fu was used to Feng Xia's complaints all the way, but he still comforted Feng Xia politely.

After all, he was still sitting in this jeep that could fall apart at any time. If he ignited the mood of the irritable driver at this time, he believed that his best ending was to walk to the battlefield.

As for the worst ending... that is to find a more reliable NPC after dying.

After all, the smiling, honest and honest NPC really left a deep impression on Zhen Fu.

Although he is not a high-level player, he is still a veteran of games. Not to mention the virtual games of Shuguang Entertainment, he has basically played all the virtual games of several other companies.

But I have never seen such a... bad NPC.

Although his purpose of contacting Feng Xia was somewhat impure, Zhen Fu still agreed with what Feng Xia said before.

That's what Feng Xia said just now, if he drives this NPC's car again, he will break the steering wheel and eat it.

Mainly it's too annoying.

This car is called a car at a good level, but it is four wheels and an iron box at a low level.

When driving, not only the four wheels are moving, but all the other parts feel moving.

Just for this, five hundred RMB is charged, which is simply ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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