Chapter 113 Dead

There were thousands of dollars to say the least, the reluctance on the woman's face faded immediately when she saw this, and the other two also rushed forward.

"Master, let us serve you together!"

"Okay, okay, I've taken care of my master today, I have some money for you!" Hei Feng grabbed a lot of money and stuffed it on several women, "Bai Feng, aren't you kidding?"

"You play first, and I'll watch for you! It won't be good if you encounter danger when you work hard for a while!" Bai Feng shook his head. He is more cautious in doing things. Suitable.

"Hey, you're worrying too much. In Liuzhou, who dares to think about our two brothers, unless they want to die!" Hei Feng didn't care about Bai Feng's words. The existence of the top [-] people still has some prestige. In such a poor and remote area like Liuzhou, there are not many people who dare to think of them.

"Don't tell me, there are really such people in Liuzhou!" At this time, just as he finished speaking, Ye Haoran kicked open the door of the private room, and appeared in front of the two of them.


The moment the door was kicked open, the two subconsciously jumped up from the sofa.

"Who are you? How dare you disturb the black and white fronts having fun here?" Hei Feng stared at Ye Haoran. He was the angriest one. slump down.

The women were also frightened and fled, ignoring the money.

"Black and white double front? Such a big name, it scares me, and I will lose money!" Ye Haoran smiled faintly, and the vigor in his body also secretly gathered, and walked towards the two.

"Where did you come from, you're looking for death!" Seeing Ye Haoran approaching, the two of them did not hesitate, and they shot directly. As killers, they were also more ruthless, and their shots were full of killing moves.

"It's you who are looking for death!" Ye Haoran did not show any weakness at all, he condensed his energy, and shot out in the air, and the two energy turned into an invisible cold front and forced towards the two of them.

The two felt the sharpness of the two cold fronts, and their hearts trembled, and it was too late to stop.

Stab it!

The cold front slashed across the palms of the two, and immediately pierced the palms of the two, leaving a deep bloodstain.

"Gang Qi transforms into form! A master of the Outer Gang Realm? Who are you?" Seeing that their palms were pierced by invisible energy, the horror in the eyes of the two of them became stronger, and the eyes that looked at Ye Haoran were also full of fear. fear.

"Who? Hmph, are the current killers so unqualified? It's ridiculous that they don't even know their own targets!" Ye Haoran stared at the two with a smile and said.

"My goal? Could it be that you are Ye Haoran?" Hei Feng paused for a moment, then realized, "No wonder you look so familiar!"

The two looked at each other, and both had the intention of retreating. Ye Haoran was in the outer realm. With the strength of the two of them, there was really no hope to kill a master in the outer realm. If they were not careful, they might fall Here, not to mention not being able to get money, but also losing his life, it is obviously a bad deal.

"Withdraw!" The two acted at the same time, sprinting left and right, and rushed towards the exit.

"I'm not dead yet, so I'm afraid it's wrong to go back empty-handed like this! If that's the case, then stay!" Seeing the figures of the two flickering, Ye Haoran condensed his energy, one left and one right, and directly slapped them .

The stellar energy rolled out like a wave of air, rippling in the private room, although the two of them had extraordinary skills, the space in the private room was too narrow for them, there was no way to dodge, they could only use their strength to forcibly Recklessly.

The vigor of the two collided with Ye Haoran's Gang Qi, and they were immediately forced to take a few steps back, and they didn't stabilize their bodies until the corner of the wall.

"Ye Haoran, don't be so extreme! Today you let the two of us leave, and we will never participate in your assassination in the future, and we can even help you kill others!" Hei Feng frowned. He knew that he wanted to leave today. I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

"Is it too late to say these things now? If I only have Neigang or Xiantian, you will let me go? So don't waste your time, take your life!" Ye Haoran didn't want to let the two go, after all, the two It was aimed at him, if he was not strong enough, the opponent would definitely not let him go, thinking about it, Ye Haoran became more determined to kill.

"Vajra palm!" Ye Haoran moved vigorously, and slammed a palm towards Hei Feng, the power of the palm gushed out like a vast wave, directly crushing Hei Feng out of breath.

"Fight it!" After all, Hei Feng is also a killer in the Inner Realm, and he has seen warriors in the Outer Realm. Although he was a little flustered, he did not hesitate in his movements.

"Bai Feng!" Hei Feng yelled, and suddenly a bright dagger appeared in his hand, and the same was true for Bai Feng, the daggers in the hands of the two were flashing with a cold edge, and they swiped towards Ye Haoran from left to right.

As soon as Hei Feng's dagger approached, it was directly blown away by Ye Haoran's Vajra Palm. The energy rushed straight into Hei Feng's chest, leaving a blood-red palm print in an instant. Hei Feng's body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string. Go out and hit the wall.

On Bai Feng's side, the blade was extremely fast, and it slashed towards Ye Haoran's neck. Before Ye Haoran could think about it, he stretched out his left hand and grabbed the dagger in his hand.

The fierce aura of the dagger continued to wreak havoc in Ye Haoran's hands. Even with the protection of the Gang Qi, Ye Haoran's hand still left countless small wounds. At the same time, Ye Haoran's right hand was also shot directly, hitting It touched Bai Feng's forehead, and the huge energy instantly killed Bai Feng.

Although his hand was injured, Ye Haoran didn't care about it, because his self-healing ability was much improved than before, and those wounds healed again inadvertently.

After seeing the dead body of the black and white duo, he was about to leave here, but there was a ticking sound outside the door, and before he stepped out of the room, there were more than a dozen guns pointing at the door. over him.

"Don't move, raise your hands!" Standing at the door, more than a dozen well-equipped soldiers in uniform shouted at him in unison.

"Army?" Ye Haoran didn't dare to move. Although he had a protective body with stellar energy, the stellar energy could block ordinary pistol bullets, but this improved rifle with high lethality couldn't stop it.

"Haoran? Black and white double fronts?" Behind the dozen or so soldiers, an old man appeared immediately. This old man was none other than Yang Guosheng. After seeing that it was Ye Haoran, Yang Guosheng also told everyone to put away their guns.

"No, isn't that?" Ye Haoran pointed to the bodies of the two of them.


(End of this chapter)

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