Unique supernatural master

Chapter 118 Unexpected

Chapter 118 Unexpected
"Ye Haoran, do you want to be a traitor? You are making fun of your own life by doing this!" Wan Zhong yelled into the room with a sullen face.

As long as Ye Haoran's deal is concluded, they will definitely not be able to escape the fate of being silenced.

Ye Haoran didn't make a sound when he heard the words, and after messing around in the room for a while, he came out and looked at the four seriously injured people.

"You traitor, the country will not let you go! We know you want to kill people, come on! I am not afraid of death! After 18 years, I will be a good man again!" The two brothers Li Chong and Li Lin also held their heads up, showing a smile. The appearance of being generous to die.

"My lord, don't kill me! Don't worry, I won't tell you about you, I will definitely keep it a secret for you! I also have money, and I can give you a lot of money!" Nie Biao is different from the others , he is the most arrogant among the four, and he is also the one who is most attached to fame and fortune.

"Eh? Then how much money are you going to give me to buy your life?" Ye Haoran narrowed his eyes and asked.

"[-] million, I'll give you [-] million too!" Nie Biao's gloomy face also flashed a gleam when he heard this, and Ye Haoran let go, it seemed that there was something to be done.

"Brother Nie, you..." Seeing that Nie Biao was so afraid of death, all three of them sighed.

"I'm sorry three, nothing is more important than being alive!" Nie Biao ignored the gazes of the three, took Ye Haoran's account and transferred the money over.

"My lord, the money has been transferred!" Nie Biao also gestured after the transfer.

"Brother Nie, I didn't expect you to be such a person! I misread you!" The three turned their faces away, unwilling to meet Nie Biao's eyes.

"I've said it all, nothing is more important than survival. After all, we've lived for so long. It's really not worthwhile to die without enjoying the foundation we've built so long! , maybe the adults will be lenient!" Nie Biao was not ashamed, but proud, and persuaded.

"Hmph, even if we die, we won't be traitors!" The three of them gritted their teeth and said in unison.

"Since you have such awareness, then I'll give you a ride!" Ye Haoran's voice was very soft, and the strength of his palms was solid, exuding a force that was not weak.

Feeling the strength of Ye Haoran's hands, the three of them also closed their eyes, because they were all seriously injured, and it was impossible to escape the blow, but there was no trace of fear on their faces.

"Good words can't persuade the damn ghost, you three, go all the way!" Nie Biao smiled lightly, seeing that Ye Haoran was about to make a move, he was also glad that he was smart, otherwise today would be his memorial day next year.

Ye Haoran's energy was solidified, and he swung out violently as soon as his body moved.

The three of them felt the impact of this force. Although they were mentally prepared, they couldn't help trembling, but what surprised them was that all three of them were safe and sound. It was obvious that Ye Haoran's blow just now was not aimed at them. Yes, it wasn't until he opened his eyes that he realized that Nie Biao had fallen into a pool of blood.

He stared at the boss, until he died, he didn't understand, Ye Haoran clearly said to let him go, why did he still attack him!

"Okay, the task is completed! You can go back to the business!" Ye Haoran clapped his hands and said to the three of them calmly.

"You? You won't kill us to silence us?" Wan Zhong asked with his eyes wide open.

Ye Haoran's intentions were already obvious, and he didn't intend to attack them.

"Silence? Why should I silence it? I haven't done anything bad, and I'm afraid that you will report me?" Ye Haoran said lightly.

"Then why did you charge money! And promised to let them go!" The three still didn't quite believe it.

"Why don't you give me free money! It's just a joke to let them go! I hate traitors the most in my life, so how can I let them go! Well, the corpses will be handed over to you. I'm a little hungry after moving my hands. Go up and eat." Order something!" Ye Haoran took a step and left here.

There are only three people with six eyes facing each other.

When Ye Haoran was eating, his superiors also received a message from the three of them, and then sent a helicopter to pick up Ye Haoran and the others.

This time the task was completed, the three of them did not dare to claim credit, and put the big head on Ye Haoran's head.

"Lord Ye! Thanks to you, we can come back alive this time. I owe you my life, Wan Zhong!" Wan Zhong is also extremely respectful to Ye Haoran now. Apart from being grateful, Ye Haoran's real strength is really worthy of his treatment.

"If there is nothing else, let's part ways!" Ye Haoran waved his hand, and didn't pay much attention to this matter, after all, saving people is just a matter of passing.

"Okay, Master Ye can come to the capital for a while when you have time! Then I will thank Master Ye for saving my life!" Wan Zhong cupped his hands and separated from Ye Haoran and Li Chong and Li Lin. Even if you are injured, you have to take a good breath adjustment.

After being separated from the others, Ye Haoran also went back to the hotel directly to complete the task. Naturally, Ye Haoran also had time to take Qi Xue and Ye Zimo to the streets to visit places worth seeing.

Wan Zhong was not in a hurry to go back to the capital, but went to Zhou's house according to the previous plan.

"Uncle!" As soon as they arrived at Zhou's house, Zhou Bing, Zhou He, and the old man of Zhou's family also greeted him directly.

"Wan Zhong! Didn't you say you came last night? Why did you come here today? I didn't get through to you last night. I thought something happened to you!" The old man of the Zhou family also asked with a smile.

"Hehe, there was indeed a small problem yesterday, but fortunately the mission went smoothly without any accident!" Wan Zhong shook his head and said.

"That's good! That's good. It's hard to come this time. You can stay here for two more days! The environment in Hezhou is not bad, much better than the air in the capital. In terms of martial arts, the children also hope You can guide one or two!" Mr. Zhou said.

"Well, I really have such a plan this time!" Wan Zhong nodded. He was injured, so he also wanted to rest in Hezhou for two more days.

"Grandpa's food is getting cold, let uncle eat something first! He must be hungry after running around all the way!" Zhou Bing and Zhou He heard that Wan Zhong would stay for a few more days, and his heart was filled with joy.

"Let's go! We have prepared wine and food for you to wash away the dust!" Mr. Zhou said very politely, and the rest of the Zhou family were also very enthusiastic about Wan Zhong. After all, he was from the capital. Even if Wan Zhong had nothing to do with them, they Don't dare to neglect in the slightest.

After Wan Zhong had dinner with Mr. Zhou's family, and exchanged pleasantries for a while, he was arranged to live in a house. Before Wan Zhong rested, the two brothers Zhou Bing and Zhou He also touched him.

"Uncle, are you resting?" The two asked, knocking on Wan Zhong's door.

"Come in!" Wan Zhong replied casually lying on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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