Chapter 120

"That's what you said. If you don't agree, I won't give the money!" The old man said rightly, Qi Xue is indeed not short of this money, but if this lottery can really tell something from her, then the money It is indeed worth it.

"You draw the lottery first!" The old Taoist handed the bamboo tube to Qi Xue's hand and signaled.

"En!" Qi Xue responded, took the bamboo tube and began to shake it.


Qi Xue shook it, and a bamboo stick jumped out of the bamboo tube and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Qi Xue hurriedly picked up the bamboo stick from the ground, and handed it to the old Taoist.

The old Taoist took the stick, touched his beard, looked at the bamboo stick carefully, and then moved his eyes to Ye Haoran and the three of them.

"Miss's career has been stable recently, and everything is going well. I have encountered some troubles before, but they have been resolved smoothly, and the young lady's luck has just started, which can be described as ecstasy!" The old man put down the bamboo stick in his hand and said lightly.

"Huh?" Qi Xue was also taken aback when she heard the words, she didn't expect that the old Taoist had a nose and eyes, even she was a little surprised.

Ye Haoran didn't say anything when he saw this. He had seen many fortune tellers like this, and they were all good at observing words and expressions. It's more general, you can't catch his braid at all.

As soon as they get into the set, their next words will definitely be much easier to say. Of course, after your first reaction, they will have a turning point. If he said hello before, then there will definitely be a pit left afterwards, such as Afterwards, there will be disasters or troubles, and vice versa.

Seeing the astonishment on Qi Xue's face, the old Taoist also knew that he must have said what he said out of ten, and then he should act according to the routine.

"However, I see that you don't have enough energy between your brows. If you want to achieve something, I'm afraid it will not be that simple!" The old Taoist paused, and said with a sigh.

"Please ask the Taoist priest to express it!" Qi Xue was also a little nervous when she heard the words, it was obvious that she believed the old Taoist's words to some extent.

"Secrets must not be revealed, and I can't tell you too clearly. As long as you pay more attention in your life later, some things can still be avoided. I have a magic talisman here. You can take it back and put it at home. Maybe it can help you !” said the old Taoist, took out a talisman from his pocket, and gave it to Qi Xue.

"Then I will thank the Taoist priest!" Qi Xue took the talisman and put it away happily.

"No thanks, I just used people's money to eliminate disasters for others!" The old man waved his hand, although he didn't directly ask for money, but the meaning was already very obvious.

"Okay, Taoist priest, wait a moment!" Qi Xue didn't think much, and was about to turn on the phone to transfer money to the old Taoist.

"Qi Xue, what are you doing?" Seeing this, Ye Haoran stepped forward and asked.

"I don't have that much cash with me, so I just transferred the money to the Taoist priest, what's the problem?" Seeing Ye Haoran approaching, Qi Xue also stopped her movements.

"You don't need to transfer it to him, just transfer it to me!" Ye Haoran said with a faint smile.

"Transfer it to you? Why?" Qi Xue paused for a moment, then glanced at the old Taoist behind and asked.

"Anyway, he's going to transfer it to me later, and it's very troublesome to transfer it around, so it's better to transfer it to me directly, it will save everyone!" Ye Haoran explained.

"Eh? Young man, why should the money be transferred to you!" Hearing Ye Haoran's words, the old man also got up from his chair and walked to the two of them.

"Because I'm on the same team as you, and I'll do the math for you when you undo the sign! Of course, this is not compulsory, and my fee is more expensive than yours. In addition to the 19 yuan, you have to Give me another [-]!" Ye Haoran replied with a faint smile.

"19? Why don't you go grab it?" Hearing this number, the old man also had dark lines on his face. He was already dark enough, but he didn't expect Ye Haoran to be even darker than him.

Hearing Ye Haoran speak loudly, Qi Xue and Ye Zimo were also stunned for a moment, they didn't know what Ye Haoran was trying to trick, after all they had been together for so long, but they had never heard of Ye Haoran being able to tell fortunes.

"Don't rush to call it expensive, you pay for your life, don't say 20 for ordinary people, even if it's 200 million, I may not give it to him! Today 20 is cheap for you, you should be happy!" Ye Hao Ran also patiently consoled him.

He has just merged with Yuan Tiangang, the legendary master of the Tang Dynasty's physiognomy world, and now his physiognomy is probably second to none in the world.

Although Yuan Tiangang lived in a long time ago, among the later generations, there are only a handful of people who surpassed him in physiognomy, because his attainments in physiognomy have already approached heaven.

And the sign of being close to Tiancheng is to know the destiny of heaven and one's own destiny!

As we all know, there is a taboo in the fortune-telling industry, that is, you can't do the fortune-telling for yourself, otherwise you will be punished by the gods. Of course, that only restricts ordinary fortune-tellers.

"Young man, tell me my fortune! It's not impossible, but you have to have that ability!" The old man squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Haoran carefully, then pinched his fingers quickly, his sharp eyes seemed to see through Ye Haoran.

"Huh! I can't see your fate?" The old Taoist stopped pinching his fingers and looked at Ye Haoran with surprise.

"I don't believe it!" The old Taoist's expression froze, and his paused fingers moved again.

"Don't work hard on me. You are still young with your little knowledge. Before that, I advise you to worry about yourself first!" Ye Haoran smiled faintly. When the old man told his fortune, he was also there. For this old man, of course he has already obtained the result in this short period of time.

"Hmph, kid, stop fooling me. A fortune teller can't tell fortunes to himself, nor can he tell fortunes to colleagues. I can't figure out yours, and you can't figure out mine!" The old man gave up at the end, He couldn't figure out Ye Haoran's fate, so there was only one possibility, which meant that Ye Haoran was indeed walking with him.

"Don't judge me with your superficial knowledge, we are not on the same level!" Ye Haoran shook his head, this fate is not impossible to count, but his morality is too low, so naturally it cannot be counted.

"Since I'm going to charge you this money, I won't force you, I will definitely convince you!" Ye Haoran said frankly.

"Eh? Boy, be careful to flash your tongue when you say big words. I want to see how you convince me!" The old man did not continue to argue, but stared at Ye Haoran with interest.

"If my guess is right, your family should have just held a funeral, and it's not just together, I don't know if I'm right!" Ye Haoran said lightly.

"Continue talking!" The old Taoist frowned, obviously touched.

(End of this chapter)

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