Chapter 1076 Examining the Heart
In fact, for Li Chen who has already experienced it, he has also noticed something in the eyes of this girl named Shan Tingting...

But thinking about it, he secretly smiled inexplicably, thinking that it is better not to tease others.

After all, he doesn't have the habit of being merciful.

So, he tried his best to smile and said, "Then... good night!"

However, when he suddenly heard him saying good night, Shan Tingting's heart felt like a deer bumping into her heart, her heart beat faster for no reason, and at the same time, her pretty face also blushed for no reason...

It was only then that she realized that she was a little nympho dazed.

It made her secretly feel that she had lost her composure.

Immediately, she said in a panic, "Then...then...good night!"

After finishing speaking, she quickly turned around, preparing to leave in a hurry...

In fact, later, when she was leaving, she was so shy that she looked up in embarrassment.

She didn't know if it was love at first sight?
Or is it just her wishful thinking?
Because after arriving in Wushan Town, this was indeed the first time she saw such a man she thought was excellent.

In fact, she also knew that this guy named Li Chen was indeed the pride of Wushan Town.

Anyway, she was a little inexplicably moved.

In particular, he behaved well in every way without losing his grace and etiquette, which made her feel...he should be the most outstanding man in Wushan Town.


As for the rooms in the guest house in the town, they are naturally not as luxurious as the big hotels in the city.

However, to Li Chen, on the contrary, he felt...the rooms in the guest house in the town had an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

In any case, at least I can be sure that I am already in my hometown, a place I am familiar with.

After entering the room, after closing the door, he couldn't help but come to the window, drew the curtains, opened the window, and habitually lit a cigarette...

Smelling the smell of his hometown in the air, along with the smoke, he finally couldn't help but let out a long cry: "Huh—"

The mood at this moment is indeed relieved a lot...

The whole person... seems to have relaxed a lot.

There is no longer a tight string in my heart.

It's just that I'm still a little confused...

After returning to China, there seemed to be a lot of messy things.

Especially the wanton hype of those media made him feel a little inexplicable psychological burden.

What kind of Huaguo hero, what kind of international captain, etc., these... really made him a little uncomfortable for a while.

Especially now, there are still inexplicably some fans frantically chasing after him to take a group photo, and they are really not used to all this.

After all, in his own eyes, he is still just that nerdy nerd.

Next, how should I live, or how should I live.

In fact, my poor living conditions are not as good as the media reports.

He frowned with some inexplicable distress, and after lighting a cigarette, he became more and more determined in his direction...

That means you have to go to country T again!
In any case, we must meet Delia!

Although I have returned to my hometown, it does not mean that everything is really over.

As for the invitation from the "Survival in the Wild" program group, let's stand aside first.

Life...besides money, there must always be some humanity!

Some things... what should be done or must be done!
Even though this trip to T country may spend all his little savings, but... so what?
Money is a fucking bastard sometimes.

Especially considering that when I was on a desert island, I had also received some dollars, but in the end not everything was still in the ocean.

In the end, he successfully docked, except for one life, or one life.

The ones that were gained... were lost in the end!

Also includes... Hye Kyo!
And... Xiao Hei!

However, now, at this moment, Captain Li Chen has also realized that he is now standing at a crossroads in his life.

The future is still uncertain.

And there will be no one to tell him what to do?
Just like how I went to be a soldier a few years ago, facing the future, I was just stupid...


Thinking, thinking, and after smoking two cigarettes in a row, finally, he felt that it was getting late, so he should wash up and sleep.

Tomorrow as soon as possible to reapply for documents or something.

Because of the reissue of the certificate, there will still be a time period for the certificate to come out.


It wasn't until before going to sleep that he suddenly remembered that it seemed that the six women hadn't been reported to be safe yet.

But suddenly thinking about it, he didn't know who to report to be safe?

In fact, now, if he could not contact them, he actually didn't want to contact them anymore.

After all, now we both know each other is safe.

Next, each of them should have their own lives, so try to... don't want to disturb them.

Anyway...Qin Xiaowan's attitude has become clear, and she firmly said that she will not marry him, so he feels... Maybe she should respect her decision?
Respect her inner world.

Maybe she has her own considerations.

Then... I hope she is safe for the rest of her life!
After much deliberation, in the end, Captain Li Chen had no choice but to call Tan Jixia and report that he was safe, which meant that he had returned to his hometown.

Then, he asked Tan Jixia to tell them about them.


The night in the town was extremely quiet.

This kind of stillness, as if arriving on a deserted island again, dead still...

If it weren't for a few dogs barking suddenly in the distance, I really thought I was living on a certain island again.

Obviously, this night, Captain Li Chen suffered from insomnia for no reason...

After tossing and turning for a while, in the middle of the night, he couldn't help getting up again, and lit a cigarette...

Suddenly, he was thinking, maybe what Uncle Liu said...can you really think about it?
Because he suddenly felt... Maybe he will finally return to peace?

So returning to the town to work and live... Maybe it's a good decision?
Although life in a big city is prosperous, it is also somewhat inexplicably impetuous, and there is always no sense of belonging.

Although there are many red men and women on the street full of feasting and debauchery, they are just unfamiliar faces after all.

Thinking wildly, suddenly, Captain Li Chen felt... as if he had fallen into some kind of decadence?

However, what should he pursue in life? In his heart, there is still no definite answer?

Maybe life is like this, always at a crossroads, like falling into a deserted island, never knowing what will happen in the future...

But think about it, I am only 24 or [-] years old now, so I still have to pursue something.

Thinking, thinking... He was confused again, and couldn't help lighting a cigarette again...

Then, he began to assume, what kind of feeling and state of mind would it be if Hye Kyo was by his side now?

(End of this chapter)

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