The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

C1078 Arriving at Chicken Claw Village!

Chapter 1078 Back to Chicken Claw Village!
Hearing the girl named Shan Tingting asking if she should wait for the documents or something to come down, or should she go, Li Chen looked at her with a smile, and finally nodded firmly: "Yeah!"

Obviously, he couldn't just stay here.

After all, there are still some things that he thinks must be done, and he still has to do them.

Just looking at his firm nod, Shan Tingting felt a sudden thump in her heart, as if something had been smashed into pieces...

Feel the heartache!
It's just that her heart hurts, and she can't express it to this guy named Li Chen.

After all, they only met each other once, how could she have the nerve to express that she was heartbroken?


In the end, at the moment when Captain Li Chen turned away resolutely, the girl named Shan Tingting actually wept silently...

Under the heart is a heart-piercing pain.

It seems a little flattering.

But, sometimes, there is a kind of feeling, which is indeed the case. The moment of blooming is also the moment of withering.

Of course, this pain may not last long.

Or maybe it's just a pity?

Not to mention, there is a kind of meeting called... meet and hate late.

Perhaps this is such a feeling?


In fact, the moment Li Chen turned to leave, he still noticed the crying eyes of the girl named Shan Tingting...

It's just that he is not a lover, so he can't take care of every girl's mood and feelings everywhere.

Besides, it's just a one-sided relationship.

He didn't bother to tease her either.


After hiking about seven or eight miles on the mountain road, I finally returned to the small mountain village where I lived as a small child——Jizhuo Village.

The scenes here are even more familiar.

There was still that familiar smell in the air.

Children who grew up in the mountains are still used to the taste of the mountains, with a slight smell of fireworks.

The village is not big, a real small mountain village.

The houses in the village are a bit sparse, and each family finds the top of the mountain and builds it along the mountain.

Add up, there are only thirty or forty families.

As for the young and strong labor force in the village, they have all gone out to work in big cities.

Some of them got along well, and even settled down in big cities outside, and basically never came back.

If it weren't for some houses, it would really feel like falling into the primitive jungle of a deserted island...

In the field beside the road, a woman is doing farm work...

Inadvertently, after seeing Li Chen coming back, the woman was so excited that she grinned happily...

"Da Chenzi is back! You are back! It's been more than a year, and your parents are so anxious!"

Seeing this, Li Chen hurriedly smiled and replied: "Working, aunt!"


After a few polite greetings, he continued to walk along the village road towards his home.

The deserted small mountain village seems to have a sense of paradise.

Regarding his parents, they already knew that he would come back that day, so they had been waiting at home.

Suddenly seeing his own child appearing on the village road, his parents were so happy, so excited...

Especially his mother, who rushed to meet her in a panic...

As for his father... Love is in his heart, but he is not good at expressing it.

I was very excited at first, but I pretended to be calm, I still sat on the threshold, and then I couldn't help but lit a pipe...

It's just that when he lit the pipe, his mouth was full of joy...

Although his mother was very excited to welcome him, the women in the village were ashamed to express their maternal love boldly like the mothers in the city.

If it was a mother in the city, she might have hugged her right away.

However, Li Chen's mother just stepped forward excitedly, busy looking her son up and down...

However, when Li Chen got excited, he hugged him up: "Mom!"

But his mother frowned awkwardly: "You child! You are so are still hugging mom, what do you look like?"


After a while, I saw his father finally couldn't help but happily put it on the threshold and stood up...

"It's done! Go back to the house first! Eat! Your mother specially made your favorite stewed chicken and stewed fish!"

This seems to be the father's love.


For the next month or so, Li Chen didn't go anywhere, just stayed at home and stayed with his parents.

Every day, I go to the fields to help with some farm work.

In fact, he was the least fond of farm work when he was a child.

Every time I do farm work, I am forced by my parents.

But now, it is obviously mature.

Seeing my parents still in this small mountain village... facing the loess and back to the sky, my heart hurts, it's not a good feeling.

So now as long as he comes back, he can do as much farm work as he can.


As for the six women in Yanjing after one month, each of them has formally started working and living.

It's just that in terms of feelings, none of the six women have been involved.

Especially the second child, Su Qian'er, as a beautiful CEO, there are naturally many men who pursue her, but she just doesn't look down on anyone.

Liu Caiqiong, who is an older leftover girl, doesn't know what's wrong, she has also started to have a lot of luck recently, and she has a feeling of blooming iron trees...

There are many men who pursue her.

However, Liu Caiqiong was very depressed in her heart, and kept thinking, if she doesn't pursue her sooner or later, she will pursue her at this time, is it annoying?

They now have a sweetheart.

As for the cute girl, because of her personality, she is also a flight attendant, so there are many men who pursue her.

But what this little girl thinks in her heart is, dammit, all of them look crooked, and they also want to pursue the original style, hum!
Let's talk about the divorced northern girl Tan Jixia... There are still many men who pursue her, but she just refuses her with one sentence, that is... Sorry, I have given up on relationships, so I won't think about it for now.

Regarding Qin Xiaowan, although this divorced woman has a child, there are still many men who are willing to be a successor.

I don't even care about buying big and getting small.

It's just... She always rejects people like this, she said... My mother and son are living a good life now, and I don't have the heart to think about reorganizing the family.

Then there is the foreign girl Lina, like this foreign girl... Naturally, there are many men who want to try something new, but Lina doesn't pay attention to them at all.

In their spare time, the six women met again.

This time, the second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help asking: "Uh, you said...the captain...wouldn't he just stay in his hometown all the time?"

The cute girl couldn't help but say: "How about... let's go to his hometown?"

Qiong'er said: "All go, okay? What if the uncles and aunts are not prepared, they won't be able to entertain us?"

Tan Jixia said: "What else do you need to entertain? Going to the captain's house is equivalent to our own home! Really!"


(End of this chapter)

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