The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1080 Six Women Came to Chicken Claw Village

Chapter 1080 Six Women Came to Chicken Claw Village

After a while, three or two old men were doing farm work in the fields beside the road at the entrance of the village. Suddenly, they heard a fragrant wind blowing with the wind, and saw that the three or two old men couldn't help but feel a little bit inexplicably frozen. ...

"Hey, my dear, where does the fragrance come from?"

"It seems to be the scent of the little girls? My good boy! There are no such fragrant girls in our village?"

The other old man couldn't help looking up at the distant village road happily...

When he saw at a glance that there were five or six young girls from the city walking towards the village, the old man was so happy that he grinned his teeth and was about to burst out...

"My mother! Be good! These...these little girls...are they all here to look for Da Chenzi in our village?"

After the other two old men glanced over, suddenly, the eyeballs straightened...

"Heh...these should all be from the city, right? They're so tender! That's you think Da Chenzi can serve you?"

"Now... I guess that old man Li is having fun! You can't even pick up ashes, heh!"

Picking ashes, a village idiom, means father-in-law and daughter-in-law making broken shoes.

Of course, it's usually told as a joke.

Suddenly, when the foreign girl Lina said "Oh", suddenly, the three old men in the field almost burst into tears...

"Oh! My dear mother! there a little foreign girl here?"

"Uh uh uh, I see, I see, there, the one who walks second to last, is really a bastard little foreign woman!"

"My mother! This kind of little foreign really big everywhere! You say...this kind of little girl, can Da Chenzi serve her?"


After a while, when Tan Jixia, Su Qianer and other six women approached, the second child, Su Qianer, smiled politely: "Hello, uncle, may I ask... this is Chicken Claw Village, right?"

With the sudden feeling of spring breeze blowing on their faces, the other three old men couldn't help but burst into joy...

Then, one of the old men replied: "Are you all here to look for Da Chenzi?"

Su Qian'er was stunned for a moment, then nodded hurriedly and said: "Oh yes. That's right. We are here to find Li Chen."

So, the old man laughed again, and then pointed out: "His house... still has to walk along this village road. But, it's almost there. If you see a big locust tree beside the road, it's almost there .”


Then, after watching the six women continue to walk along the village road, the three old men were bleeding all over the ground again...

"Hey... Lao Luo, how is it? Is it the son of old ghost Li from our village who is amazing? Once done, it will be a company of female soldiers, haha!"

"Awesome! It's really amazing! My good boy...these little girls...all of them are tender and tender!"

"The one you just talked about, that little ass is not bad!"

"They're all good! They're all meaty!"


At this moment, Li Chen and his father, each carrying a load of sweet potatoes, were walking home along the village road. Unexpectedly, suddenly, there was a familiar yell...

"Yeah—captain—there—I see the captain—"

At this sudden moment, Li Chen was stunned: "???"

Damn... what's going on?

However, the six women looking at Yanjing have all come here, and Li Chen's father couldn't help but be happy...

At this moment, the six women looked at the captain with a shirtless shoulder and a load of sweet potatoes, and they were a little dazed...

The main reason is that the captain's muscular body is so eye-catching.

Especially the captain who was doing farm work, his masculinity and strength really made these six women a bit of a nympho...

"Wow...the captain is really manly! Everyone's heart is trembling!"

However, the older Tan Jixia said: "It's fine. Don't be an idiot. Hurry up and meet her."

It was the girl from the north who was the best, and hurriedly greeted him, and said to Li Chen's father, "Dad! put down this load of sweet potatoes! I'll do it! I'll do it!"

This time, Li Chen's father was really happy, and couldn't help but ask a teasing question: "Are you okay?"

Tan Jixia said: "Don't worry, Dad! No problem! This do it, it hurts me to see it!"

Li Chen's father listened, at first he really didn't want her to bear the burden, but seeing her like this...he wanted to tease her, to see if she could bear it?

Ever since, the uncle unloaded his burden and said, "Well, come on."

It's just that I didn't expect that after this northern girl took over the burden, she would really take it up...

As expected of a woman who had been a soldier, she really has a little strength.

Tan Jixia, who was carrying the burden, said: "Okay. Dad, you go ahead and lead the way. We don't know where home is yet?"

Li Chen's father was so happy, he said: "That's all, come with me!"

Afterwards, unexpectedly, the second child Su Qian'er came to Li Chen, and said a little shyly, "Let me try it?"

Li Chen was suddenly a little dazed: "You...can you?"

In fact, he was thinking in his heart, this is the beautiful CEO.

However, Su Qian'er looked at him and said, "You can do it. What can I do?"

"Do you really want to take the burden?"

"Nonsense! If you can't bear it, I'll give it back to you!"

This shows that she is like this, so Li Chen had a good time, and really relieved the burden...

The second child, Su Qian'er, took over the burden. In fact, she still felt a little nervous, but she just wanted to try and experience the feeling of doing farm work.

After all, I have never done this kind of work since I was a child.

Seeing that this beautiful CEO really tried to take it up, Li Chen couldn't help being a little surprised——

I thought this little girl was okay!

In fact, Su Qianer has already started to sweat...

Suddenly seeing that she was still struggling a bit, her face and neck started to turn red, so Li Chen said cheerfully, "Why don't I do it?"

At this moment, I saw that those people in the village couldn't help but rushed over to watch the excitement...

Suddenly seeing that the six women are not idle once they enter the village, they are already helping with the farm work, so... I can only see the envy of those people in the village...

"Yo—Old Ghost Li—it's ok—these girls have helped your family do farm work—"

"Look! Old Ghost Li is so happy! You can't even see your jaw!"

Li Chen's father simply laughed happily: "There are guests at home, can you not be happy?"

Then, one of the women couldn't help laughing and jokingly said: "Hey, Da Chenzi, can you do it tonight? Do you want your father to help?"

Li Chen's father said: "Don't worry, my Chen'er can do it by himself! Six more will do!"

It's just that the six women's pretty faces blushed inexplicably when they heard such a joke...

(End of this chapter)

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