The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1092 You Are Really a Good Person

Chapter 1092 You Are Really a Good Person

After this supper, Li Chen couldn't help but took out his mobile phone, looked at the time, and before he knew was past twelve o'clock at night...

As a result, he was somewhat inexplicably stunned for a moment.

It seems that he didn't expect that a small county town would kill time like this.

Originally, he wanted to pay the bill, but he didn't expect Li Junli to pay by WeChat first.

As a result, he had no choice but to stand aside gloomily, lighting a cigarette...

After Li Junli turned around, she looked at him inexplicably and said, "Thank you!"

Li Chen was inexplicably taken aback again, and then he said with some embarrassment: "I should thank you!"

Seeing him like this, Li Junli smiled inexplicably, and then said: "I mean... thank you for talking so much with me tonight. Because... I haven't talked to anyone like this for a long time."

Li Chen was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking tentatively: "Then...your family..."

After Li Junli smiled distressedly, she said lightly: "My parents have passed away."

Later, she couldn't help revealing: "Actually... my husband is the son-in-law. The fruit shop you saw before is actually left by my parents. Including the house above the fruit shop. Now, I also Such a small amount of family property. Although it is not worth much in this small county, it can barely support me. "

Li Chen listened, and couldn't help but secretly startled...

It seems that this is the only way to feel the loneliness in this woman's heart.

However, he couldn't say anything about many things.

Seeing that he remained silent, Li Junli looked at him inexplicably again, and then said: "By the way, if you don't mind, you can stay at my house tonight."

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen said: "No. Thanks!"

Obviously, he won't get involved too deeply.

After all, I just came here to send a message.

That's it.

Seeing him like this, Li Junli didn't seem to know what to say anymore?


After that, the two walked aimlessly along the road...

At this moment, it was already late at night in the small county town, and it became even more deserted.

Except for a row of sleepy street lights, I hardly saw any pedestrians.

There are no vehicles passing by on the road.

To Li Chen, it seems that this is just a place suitable for retirement.

The pace of life, the cost is not big.

It's just that I don't quite fit here.

After a while, Li Chen saw a small hotel in front of him, so Li Chen couldn't help turning his head to look at Li Junli...

Then, he said: "That's all right. Let's end here tonight. You go to bed early too. Thank you for the supper tonight!"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Li Junli turned to look at him with some inexplicable reluctance...

Then, she said: "Thank you too, you are indeed a good person!"

Li Chen smiled distressed, because he didn't know whether he was a good person or a bad person?

Anyway, more than a year of life on a deserted island, there was no shortage of killings.

All kinds of bloody scenes... I have experienced a lot.

Maybe... it's really just the winner is king, right?

Now that he has come back alive, everyone still thinks he is a good person.

But he himself didn't think so.


After that, at the entrance of the small hotel, Li Junli couldn't help but turned around suddenly, looked at him, and said, "By the way, I just... didn't seem to add your WeChat?"

Suddenly listening to this, Li Chen didn't refuse, didn't he refuse?
No way, he had no choice but to take out his phone...

After adding a wechat to each other, in order to end all of this, Li Chen directly said: "Good night!"

Li Junli smiled inexplicably, and then reluctantly replied: "Good night!"


Then, after watching her walk towards the fruit shop, Li Chen also turned around and entered this small hotel.

After opening a room, he went upstairs, and when he got to the room, he was ready to wash up and go to bed.

After all, I have to drive tomorrow.

Now that I have been to Ganlu County, I feel at ease.

However, what he didn't expect was that just as he was about to go to sleep, someone suddenly knocked on the door...

Hearing the knock on the door suddenly, Li Chen was stunned for a moment, then he came to the door with a little vigilance, and asked, "Who is it?"

Outside the door, a voice suddenly came: "Brother, I am little sister."

Hearing such a voice suddenly, Li Chen was stunned again...

Frankly speaking, for a moment, Captain Li Chen was somewhat distracted...

At least he was thinking that he was a widowed man anyway, and here... no one would know?
But after thinking about it, he still didn't open the door, and just replied: "No need, thank you!"

The woman outside the door said: "Oh, brother, just play around. I know you are alone."

Listening to this delicate voice, Captain Li Chen still felt a little itchy...

However, in the end, he said resolutely: "I really don't need it, thank you! Good night!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around resolutely and went back to the bed...

The woman in front of the door heard that the elder brother inside really didn't want to open the door, but she curled her lips coquettishly, hum, what are you pretending to be?

Don't you think people are dirty?

In the future, the wife you marry may belong to several hands, hum!

In the future, people will need others to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to marry a wife, okay?

Stupid, if you don't play, you will fall down!
Frankly speaking, next, Captain Li Chen lay on the bed, tossing and turning for a while, unable to fall asleep...

Even some inexplicable regret.

I thought to myself, Mary, what did we pretend just now?

The door should be opened...

But in the end, after getting up and smoking a cigarette, it was fine, and then I lay down and finally fell asleep.


Early the next morning, after the Captain Li Chen checked out of his room, he went straight to the bus station in Ganlu County.

Because he felt... There was no need to go to the fruit shop to say goodbye to Li Junli.

After all, what should be said last night has already been said.

Or just leave without saying goodbye!
I hope... she will walk out of the shadow of life!

In this world, everyone has their own story, and he... maybe he is just the one who listens to the story?

Li Junli didn't send him a WeChat message until he got on the bus back to Seyang City.

Li Junli: Are you up?

Li Chen thought about it, then sent her a message back: Sorry, I'm already on the bus to Seyang City.Thank you for your hospitality last night!Have a chance to see you again!

After that, Wu Jingjing, the director of Chuanjiang TV, called him suddenly.

This time, after the international captain thought about it seriously, he said, "I'm sorry, Director Wu, I think... maybe I'm still not suitable for your program?"

Suddenly hearing this, director Wu hurriedly said: "Is it a salary issue? This... is easy to say!"

In fact, Chuanjiang Satellite TV's budget is to spend 2000 million to invite him to record ten episodes of the program.

Just at once, it is impossible for this director Wu to offer him 2000 million directly.

(End of this chapter)

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