The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1095 Mysterious Electric Chapter

Chapter 1095 Mysterious Phone
Seeing that the big black guy suddenly asked if she was Hua Guo's sister-in-law, suddenly, Su Qian'er blushed...

As shy as a young girl who has never seen the world...

However, this is really embarrassing, so embarrassing that I don't know how to explain it for a while?

In fact, at this moment, Li Chen himself was taken aback: "???"

After seeing the shyness and embarrassment of the second child, Li Chen hurriedly said to Ryder: "I'm going to Mrs. Ni! What kind of sister-in-law? Don't talk nonsense, okay? This will embarrass the girls, okay?"

After such a relief, Su Qian'er was finally not so shy.

But...the problem came again, that is, listening to the captain's handling, she felt a little uncomfortable...

After all, judging from this handling, the captain didn't dare to admit that his relationship with her was still a bit ambiguous in front of his brother.

At the same time, the title of girl made Su Qian'er feel a little embarrassed.

Although strictly speaking, she is indeed still a girl, but... in terms of age... it's embarrassing again.

Because she is 27 years old this year, a serious old lady.

Moreover, usually, in social situations, people either call her Ms. Su or Mr. Su, and no one calls her a girl anymore.

So from the heart, the second child is also worried about getting married now.

Of course, her so-called sad marriage is naturally... I don't know when the captain can really establish a relationship with her?

In fact, this beautiful CEO of Su Da is a typical shy type, not an active type.

Unless it makes her feel loved, she may take the initiative a little bit.

But now, she doesn't know what the captain is thinking?

Next, when Li Chen was about to introduce Su Qian'er to Ryder, he suddenly received a mysterious call...

On the other end of the phone, there was an old man's voice: "Have Mr. Ryder seen you?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was startled again, and then gave Ryder an inexplicable look...

Obviously, he was somewhat inexplicably dissatisfied in his heart, thinking, there is nothing good about this guy's sudden appearance, as expected!

However, in public places like this, he didn't dare to call the chief directly, so he could only reply honestly: "I see."

So, the old man on the other end of the phone said, "Then come to Courtyard No. 5 tomorrow."


Just like that, I hung up the phone.

It's just that Li Chen is depressed...

I thought to myself what the hell is going on?

Strictly speaking, he has indeed retired.

However, since he used to belong to a special branch, there is an unwritten rule, that is... still... come and go when called.

And all of this must have a strict confidentiality system.


Su Qian'er was still careful, and had already noticed that the captain's demeanor changed suddenly just after answering the phone call.

What might be going on here?

But this is not easy for her to ask.

At this moment, the older Tan Jixia called her...

Looking at the caller ID, she froze for a moment, then said to Li Chen and Ryder: "Excuse me, I'll answer the call."

As she spoke, she turned around and walked aside...

That bastard Ryder watched and saw that Su Qianer was mysterious, but he couldn't help but whisper in Li Chen's ear: "A married woman?"

Hearing that Ryder suddenly asked such a question, Li Chen couldn't help being startled...

In fact, he was a little suspicious at this late hour... Maybe it was her boyfriend calling?

And that bastard Ryder whispered in his ear again: ", you are really good at playing. Usually the more you are such a little bitch, the more exciting you are, ha!"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen hurriedly said: "Uncle Ni, can you say something nice?"


As far as this moment is concerned, Su Qian'er is also very depressed.

She said to Tan Jixia on the other end of the phone: "Huh! What a nuisance! A big black guy appeared out of nowhere, and he came to pick up the station!"

When Tan Jixia on the other end of the phone heard it, she hurriedly asked, "Is that Mr. Ryder?"

"It's not him!"

I heard that it was really him, and Tan Jixia on the other end of the phone seemed to have a keen sense of something...

However, she also served as a soldier, and she also knows that some things are kept secret and cannot be guessed randomly.

As the captain once said lightly, he said that he used to be just a logistics soldier for raising pigs.

This is actually good to listen to.

In fact, with his ability, he can fight a big tiger single-handedly on the island. How could he have been a logistics soldier for raising pigs?
Afterwards, Tan Jixia didn't know what to say?
All I could say was, "Then you can figure it out."


Afterwards, after Su Qian'er hung up the phone and turned back, Li Chen looked at her and couldn't help but said, "Then... that's fine, second child, then you can go back first. I'll take his car Just go."

Suddenly hearing this, Su Qian'er was suddenly depressed again, her beautiful eyes were tightly frowned, thinking what's the matter?

Fortunately, after that, Ryder hurriedly said: "Oh... wait! Brother, I don't have a car! I came from the last subway!"

Li Chen: "...???"

This is really embarrassing, I thought to myself, to hell with Mr. Ni, I didn't say it earlier!Depend on!
Seeing that the captain was embarrassed, Su Qian'er said openly: "It's okay. Then take my car."

Ryder was very happy when he was busy: "OK! Thank you! Thank you, Mr. Su!"

Li Chen was startled again: "You...know her?"

Ryder said: "Of course. The founder and president of Jingchuang Group, right?"

Su Qian'er smiled humbly in a hurry: "Mr. Ryder has won the prize! Compared with Mr. Ryder's multinational corporations, mine is not worth mentioning!"

Hearing what kind of company and what kind of founder they were talking about, Captain Li Chen felt uncomfortable again...

Because he was thinking, can it be possible to keep a low profile, I'm still a poor dick!

Afterwards, when the three of them walked towards the parking lot together, Su Qian'er was walking in front, and Ryder couldn't help but whisper in Li Chen's ear: "Brother, you really have great taste! This little bitch Butt... oh...doesn't it make you feel super hot bro?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen looked at Ryder inexplicably, and then he didn't say anything, just thinking in his heart, I haven't touched the f**k, how do I know?

However, looking at the figure of the second child, to be honest, Captain Li Chen still has some itch in his heart.

Then, Ryder whispered in his ear again: "Brother, take her down, and you won't have to struggle in this life, ha!"

However, Li Chen couldn't help but whisper in Ryder's ear: "I've seen a doctor, and the doctor didn't say that I have a bad stomach, so... I'm not suitable for eating soft food!"

(End of this chapter)

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