The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1100 Things Are Getting Big Again

Chapter 1100 Things Are Getting Big Again

Sunday afternoon, Yanjing, a cafe on Dawang Road.

Jessie, a girl from country Y, invited the international captain to meet here...

Originally, this exotic blonde girl was sitting quietly by the floor-to-ceiling windows in the cafe, and she was already very eye-catching.

As soon as the international captain appeared, the blond girl rushed over desperately, and while shouting at Brother Li Chen, she hugged her and kissed him passionately. Taking out the phone, I was busy taking crazy pictures...

Think about it, this is the era of self-media.

Within half an hour, all kinds of pornographic news about Captain Hua began to go viral on the Internet...

Captain Hua, who had successfully disappeared from the scene, suddenly became the headlines of major media websites again...

"Captain Hua's Private Meeting with a Blonde Girl"

"Captain Hua Guo kisses {r} a foreign girl in a coffee shop"

"Captain Hua was kissed by a girl from country Y on Dawang Road"


When the second child, Su Qian'er, accidentally caught sight of such hot searches, her entire face turned green suddenly...




He really is a scumbag——

At this moment, suddenly, Mother Su couldn't help calling her daughter...

"Qian'er, it's not that mom said it, or that mom objected to it. Go online and find out for yourself, that Captain Li Chen you've been thinking about day and night... Who is this? Isn't this too scandalous? Isn't it? ...Has he returned from survival on a deserted island? This...good public places, he still cuddles with foreign girls, kisses and gnaws, what does this look like? He...who is this? This... ...If you marry him in the future, why don't you worry about it?"


In fact, just at this moment, Li Chen swiped his phone and looked at those trending searches, and couldn't help but start to blush...

Damn, what the...fuck...what is this?

These people...are they too boring?

What the hell am I just meeting my former team members?
Grass, this... Grandpa's!


And those netizens who eat melons, sailors, keyboard warriors, etc., how do they know what is the truth?

When I came up, I squirted wildly...

Yanjing Netizen: Yo!It's disgusting!Hmph, so Captain Hua is actually this kind of person!
Netizen from Shanghai: Look, what kind of hero is that?Man's nature!
Netizen from Qingchuan: fellow captain, this melon... is too big, right?What about Qingchuan pride?
Netizen from Liaoshen: Sister, I really misjudged the person!snort!I will never pay attention to Captain Hua again!

One after another, Tan Jixia and other women all exploded...

The cute girl suddenly sent a private message to the elder Tan Jixia: Huh!That dead surnamed he actually this kind of person?It turns out that it really has a heavy taste?Do you like foreign girls?Then he...then he and Lina are also successful, and I have no objection to Ben Gege, but who is this girl in the hot search?Damn, who is it?

Qiong'er couldn't help sending a message in the 'Return from the Deserted Island' group: Captain, is this the real you?

Then, Lina also sent a message in the group: Oh...captain, tell me you like foreign girls, and I do too!

Then, all of a sudden, the second child, Su Qian'er, left the group with a 'shua'...

This made the other five women dumbfounded:? ? ?


Right now, in a convenient hotel in Yanjing, in one of the guest rooms.

Katerina's opinion is also great...

Hmph, good brother Li Chen!

It turns out... are you playing with me in the dark?

You actually like Jessie?
Hmph, good damn Jessie!
It's a pity that I have always regarded you as my sister!


And at this moment, Jessie, who was sitting opposite Li Chen in the cafe, was very happy...

"Yeah! Brother Li Chen! You've become a celebrity! Both of us are trending!"

"Hee hee... If I knew it would be a trending topic, I should have kissed you harder, ha!"

Li Chen has a green face: "..."

It seems that besides being speechless, I don't know what to say?

To be honest, he really never thought that this matter would also be a hot search on the fucking meeting! I a celebrity?
At this moment, suddenly, the second child Su Qian'er called him...

When he suddenly saw the caller ID, his heart skipped a beat...

Obviously, he is not stupid, he knows that the second child is going to come to Xingshi again to question him!

But after thinking about it, there was nothing wrong, so I had no choice but to bite the bullet and answer the phone: "Hello."

"Didn't you say that you are in Peck Island? Does Peck Island also have a great hope?"

Li Chen: "...???"

After thinking about it hard, I felt that it was his mother's business anyway, and it was useless to explain it. Besides, why did I have to explain it?

So, he simply asked indifferently: "Is that all you are looking for?"

"" The second child on the other end of the phone was really blown away.

Because at first she thought that he would explain something, but she didn't know that he had such an attitude!

After thinking about it again, Su Qian'er, who was completely discouraged, said: "Just now my assistant told me that your passport has been mailed. If you want to come to get it later, please contact my assistant."

After finishing speaking, Su Qian'er hung up the phone with a 'snap'.

Hearing that the phone hung up like this, Li Chen was actually a little dazed all of a sudden——

Jessie stretched out her hand and waved in front of his eyes: "Uh, brother Li Chen, what's the matter with you?"

Only then did Li Chen come to his senses, and then he looked at Jessie...

However, for a while, he didn't know what to say?
After thinking about it, he had no choice but to ask suddenly: "Is Alice okay?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Jessie was taken aback: "Do you like Elder Sister Alice?"

Li Chen frowned again in panic: "No. I just asked about her recent situation. That's all."

After hearing what he said, Jessie said: "Sister Alice said... I want to thank you! She also said... She will teach more people to learn Chinese!"

"Oh." Li Chen responded, and then looked at Jessie again...

Then, he asked, "By the way, what about you? What are your plans?"

Suddenly hearing this, Jessie became a little shy: "Oh, brother Li Chen... don't you understand what I mean? Of course I want to stay in Huaguo from now on, with you!"

Hearing what she said, Li Chen had no choice but to smile awkwardly and said, "Jessie, listen to me, it's fine to stay in Huaguo. At the same time, I also thank you! But... I already have a girlfriend, so... "

Immediately, he hurriedly said: "Also, I will have my plan in the future. Then, I will have my life. I hope you will do the same, and you will have your own life in the future. Our once Survival, it’s over. Just keep it as a good memory!”


(End of this chapter)

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