The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 111 Suspected Savage Footprints

Chapter 111 Suspected Savage Footprints
Afterwards, the three women had no choice but to stare at their Captain Li Chen, who still did not forget to fasten the hatchet to the back of his waist in the rain, and then took the wind-blowing tree branch, and followed the wild dog Heizi eastward toward the rock. That side went.

Looking at Captain Li Chen in the rain, Tan Jixia seemed to be looking at her own man. Feeling distressed, her blood surged, so she ignored it and came down the bamboo ladder. Holding the Luoyang shovel, he chased after him, as if to say, in the wind and rain, I will follow you, my old lady.

This is really a bit of the fierce personality of northern women, in a word, a man who knows how to love himself.

The cute girl Miao Keke looked at this style of painting, she was also passionate and courageous, and her righteousness covered the sky, and she also hurried down the bamboo ladder, but she panicked and took the bamboo bow and arrow that sister Jixia didn't take, and chased after her. up.

Su Qian'er was a little embarrassed, but she was not afraid of the rain when she looked at them, so she also came down the bamboo ladder, as if to say, Miss Ben is actually not that delicate, okay?

She copied a bamboo pole sharpened by Captain Li Chen, and chased after him bravely.

When Li Chen suddenly turned his head in front of him, he was a little silly, hold the grass, these three girls... what are you doing?

Are you all coming to get in the rain?
What should I do if I have a cold?

What should I do if I'm sick?

Thinking about it, he said: "You all go back. It's raining."

Unexpectedly, Tan Jixia said: "You are not afraid of rain, what else should I be afraid of?"

The cute girl Miao Keke said: "In the wind and rain, I will accompany you."

Su Qian'er seemed to be learning the lines from the Goofy TV series, and replied: "Why do you get wet by yourself? Why do we three women hide in a stone cave to avoid the rain? If you get wet, we will get wet too." You are not afraid of anything, and we are not afraid of anything. If you dare to jump off a cliff, we dare to jump too. Because without you, what is the point of our life?"

To be honest, suddenly, Li Chen was moved to tears, thinking about these three silly girls!
But then, he smiled again: "Are you all... recite your lines?"

Tan Jixia said: "Okay. Don't talk about it. We didn't make a fuss. Let's go. We will go wherever you go."

This really made Li Chen a bit out of control, neither laughing nor crying?
But seeing that the rain was still falling, he had no choice but to think, well, let's get it over with.

So, he also said: "Then let's all follow."

Afterwards, after following the wild dog Heizi to pass through the side of the rock facing east, Li Chen was really stunned for a moment——

Hold the grass, what's going on with this shit! ?
Because I was looking at it yesterday afternoon, there are still a dozen big jackfruits hanging upside down on the jackfruit tree, okay?
He also thought to himself, this tree jackfruit is enough for the four of them to last for a few days.

Who knows, there are only two jackfruit left now.

Everything else is gone.

When Tan Jixia looked at the jackfruit tree, she was dumbfounded in an instant, thinking how could this happen! ?
Because she also saw it yesterday, there were a dozen big guys the size of pillows hanging on the tree.

At this moment, the cute girl Miao Keke panicked and exclaimed: "Look—on the ground—whose footprints are so big——"

On rainy days, the jackfruit tree is wet, the soil is soft, and the marks are naturally obvious.

When Li Chen looked down, he was a little confused again, grasping the grass, this...

I saw a string of messy footprints under the tree, the same size as the footprints he found last night.

And they are all barefoot footprints.

The three women looked at it, and they were even more dumbfounded for a while...

Li Chen couldn't help but stepped forward, using his own feet to trace one of the big footprints, holding the grass, it was as wide and as long as his two feet.

Damn, is it really a savage! ?

The jackfruit on this tree...was picked by wild men last night! ?

Suddenly, Su Qianer asked suspiciously: "This seems to be the footprints of a savage? I saw it on a TV program once, and it was said that the footprints of a savage are only this big."

"Ah!? Savage!?" The cute girl Miao Keke exclaimed again.

Tan Jixia said in horror: "The footprints are so big, so how tall does he have to be? Could it be that the four of us are not big enough for him to fit between his teeth?"

Li Chen said: "It's okay. Don't think so scary. Savages are actually not that scary. Because they live in seclusion in the mountains all year round and have never seen the world, so seeing people like us, he is also frightened and shy, the same .”

After hearing Captain Li Chen's words, Miao Keke suddenly became extremely excited: "Then let's follow the footprints to find the savage? Do you really want to see what the savage looks like?"

In fact, Li Chen had already noticed it, and the footprints went all the way up the mountain.

That is to go to the mountain at the east end.

It's raining now, and the mountain is wet, obviously it's not suitable to really go into the mountain.

But he was afraid that the footprints would disappear, so Li Chen said: "You three first take shelter under this tree to avoid the rain. I will follow the footprints and look up. If you really want to go into the mountain, you have to wait for the sky to clear Only then can it be."

As he spoke, he followed the big footprints and climbed up the mountain.

The three women were also surprised, so they didn't listen to him at all, and followed him up.

However, after walking up a few more steps, Li Chen was momentarily stunned, grasping the grass, here... how come there are stone steps going up! ?
It's incredible to think about it, on the deserted island, on this uninhabited wild mountain, stone steps suddenly appeared...

But it looks like it should be very old?
Maybe it was left over from ancient times?

That big footprint disappeared right here on the stone steps.

Looking up along the stone steps, Li Chen realized that the stone steps above were already crowded with firewood and vine thorns on both sides...

If you want to go up the stone steps, you have to clean it up.

This rainy day is obviously not suitable for this kind of work.

When the three women also saw the stone steps in shock, their jaws dropped instantly...

" come there are stone steps!?" The cute girl Miao Keke was the first to ask.

"I don't know either?" Tan Jixia replied in a daze.

Su Qian'er said, "Ask Captain Li Chen in front."

So, Miao Keke yelled: "Uh, Captain Li Chen, how come there are stone steps here?"

Li Chen looked back at her, but said: "Okay, let's all go back. Go back to the cave. I will go back too."

"What's the matter?" Su Qian'er suddenly asked in confusion.

"It's raining." Li Chen replied.

How did he know that a woman's curiosity would become stronger and she would get carried away?

Then, Li Chen said again: "Let's go back and pick the two jackfruits on the tree. Otherwise, we will lose those two."

Su Qian'er was startled: "Ah? So there are many trees?"

Tan Jixia said: "When the captain and I came here yesterday afternoon, there were more than ten big guys like that in the tree."

Li Chen said: "It's a mistake. We still thought that no one in this mountain would grab the jackfruit with us? Who knew that there would only be two of them left overnight. What a fool. I knew it would be like this , we picked them all yesterday afternoon, didn’t we?”

The cute girl Miao Keke said: "Hmph! What a disgusting savage!"

Tan Jixia said: "Is it because the savages don't know?"


(End of this chapter)

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