The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1143 Why is it really all together?

Chapter 1143 Why is it really all together?

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, when Li Chen picked up Katerina at the airport, unexpectedly, Hengmei Films also sent an assistant director to pick her up.

This shows that Katerina insisted on taking her elder brother Li Chen's car, so the assistant director had no choice but to send the hotel's address and location to Captain Hua Guo Li Chen.

Since Katerina is a foreigner invited by Hengmei Films, she has already booked a hotel for her in advance.

Obviously, for Hengmei Films, since it plans to shoot a movie with a desert island theme, it will naturally not save a small amount of money.

After a while, when they arrived at the parking lot and got into Li Chen's car, Katerina was astonished: "Wow——Brother Li Chen, what a luxury car!?"

However, Li Chen came up with a sentence: "It's not my brother's, but someone else's."

Katerina said: "That's amazing! At least Brother Li Chen has a friend who owns a luxury car!"

Hearing these words of consolation, Li Chen could only frown with a hint of comfort...

After staying for a while, after driving out of the airport, Li Chen couldn't help asking: "By the way, did you invite Jessie and Alice?"

Suddenly hearing this, Katerina's beautiful eyes frowned slightly: "Huh? This... I don't know about this either?"

Immediately, Katerina was taken aback, and then said, "Brother Li Chen, you are still thinking about Sister Alice, right?"

Not to mention, in the heart of this international captain, the impression of Alice is really deep.

After all... that is indeed a very charming foreign girl.

That bastard Ryder... had been chasing after this little bitch.

It's just that... Alice has no feelings for Ryder.

However, afterward, the international captain said to Katerina: "Don't talk nonsense, I only miss Alice. Actually... Ryder and Jessie, I miss both."

Unexpectedly, at this time, suddenly, another strange call came in from Li Chen...

After the call was connected, a voice came directly: "Guess who I am?"

The international captain was really in a trance for a while...

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly said, "Sun that right?"

This made Sun Jiaying on the other end of the phone couldn't help being very happy: "Do you still remember me?"

Li Chen frowned, thinking, they used to be my team members, how could they not remember?
When I was on the island, there were only a few people, really.

Afterwards, he asked curiously, "Where did you know my phone number?"

Sun Jiaying expressed her joy again: "Director Ning told me. By the way, I am Yanjing. Jingming Hotel, you know?"

Suddenly hearing this, the international captain suddenly didn't know whether to be happy or to...

I was just thinking in my heart, shit, it seems... how the hell did I get it all together this time?
Because at the airport just now, the hotel location sent by the assistant director was Jingming Hotel.

It seems that they are all arranged in Jingming Hotel?

Afterwards, the international captain couldn't help showing off: "Then guess... who am I with now?"

"Who is it?" Sun Jiaying hurriedly asked in surprise.

"Guess first."


"No. Not her."

"That is……"


Sun Jiaying on the other end of the phone suddenly had a pleasant surprise: "Ah! It's Linna! Did she also receive an invitation from Hengmei Films?"

After Li Chen smiled, he said, "We will arrive at Jingming Hotel in about an hour."


About an hour later, the assistant director who was at the airport had already arrived at Jingming Hotel ahead of schedule.

When Li Chen and Katerina also arrived, the assistant director hurriedly greeted him: "Captain Li, Ms. Katerina, go to the front desk and show your ID cards to register, and then directly take the The room card is fine. Don’t worry about the rest.”

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was a little confused: "I... I also have a room?"

The assistant director hurriedly said: "Of course! It is necessary! You are the captain, how could you not have one?"

So... this captain Li also said: "Then can I live here forever?"

"Of course!"

Hearing this, Captain Li is really rude.

Because he was thinking, if there is free room to live in, why not live there?

After a while, go to the small hotel on the edge of the Fourth Ring Road and check out the room.

Next, when Li Chen and Katerina were checking in at the front desk, Sun Jiaying hurriedly greeted them...

"Captain! Linna!"

Suddenly, even the receptionist at the front desk of the hotel couldn't help being happy for a while...

Because they also recognized it, this is the international team of Desert Island Survival.

Katerina, who had already got her room card, turned around and hugged Sun Jiaying passionately...

"Sister Jiaying! Ha! We finally meet again!"

The girl at the front desk couldn't help but said shyly, "Uh, Captain Li Chen, can you sign for me?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was a little stunned: "Just now... when I got the room card, didn't I sign it?"

The girl at the front desk smiled shyly again: "Oh, it's not this! It's... signing my diary! Because... I really admire you! You are really amazing!"

Hearing this again suddenly, Li Chen was startled again, wondering if I'm really a celebrity?
After thinking about it, there was nothing wrong with it, so Captain Li Chen had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, let's sign."


After the girl at the front desk watched Captain Li Chen sign her diary, she was so happy, she hurriedly said: "Captain Li Chen, if you need anything, just call the front desk anytime, my name is Xiaoqin. "

Hearing these words suddenly, Captain Li was stunned again, "Fuck me, is this celebrity effect?"
No wonder... Those students who are successful in the draft will happily say, thank you for making me a star...

Afterwards, as a Hua country woman, Sun Jiaying looked at the captain, she was still a little shy, a little shy, and didn't dare to rush over to hug her so boldly.

She can only smile happily like that...

Captain Li looked at the two of them and said, "Then what... you two go upstairs first. I still have something to do. I'll come back to you when I'm done."

Immediately, he did not forget to add: "Oh yes, I am in room 1207."

Afterwards, watching the international captain turn around and leave in a hurry, Sun Jiaying and Katerina were stunned for a moment...

I thought to myself, what is his urgent matter?

If the two of them knew that he was just rushing back to the small hotel to check out, would the two of them laugh out loud?
Thinking about it, it's true that Captain Tangtang is only worried about such trivial things...

(End of this chapter)

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