The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1160 Couple Road is More Suitable for Couples

Chapter 1160 Couple Road is More Suitable for Couples

Suddenly hearing the girls from the north brought the topic back, Captain Li couldn't help but secretly startled: "???"

Holding the grass, it seems that you really can't chat with women?

This damn... was going around, but ended up getting caught in by this bitch?

If he turned his head and looked at this northern girl, he would feel very helpless...

Frankly speaking, he really didn't want to mention how he felt about his second child.

The main thing is that when it is mentioned, there is too much sense of gap.

After all, the second child is a leader in the business world, a beautiful CEO, how dare to talk about that calf with the second child?

Fortunately, the bus arrived at the hotel suddenly, so Captain Li suddenly said, "Here we are, get off the bus."

This time, it was Tan Jixia's turn to feel depressed and confused: "???"

Before she could react, Captain Li was about to take his luggage and get out of the car.


After getting out of the car, the cute girl was the first to say with joy: "Wow! The air here in Zhuhai is so clean!"

Obviously, compared with Yanjing, the air and environment in Zhuhai are indeed much better.

No matter how you say it, Zhuhai is also a major tourist city.

The second child, Su Qian'er, seemed to have an online strategy in advance, so suddenly, she said on a whim: "Uh, by the way, let's go for a walk on Lover's Road after we put away our luggage? They said on the Internet that the night view of Lover's Road is so beautiful." Oh!"

Suddenly hearing this, taking the opportunity, Qin Xiaowan smiled inexplicably and said, "Go to the lovers' should go with the captain. The lovers' the name suggests, it is more suitable for couples. So...we still don't go Be a light bulb."

Hearing what Qin Xiaowan said, Tan Jixia couldn't help booing: "That's right, that's right, Sister Wan'er is right. Lovers Road is only suitable for couples."

It's just that suddenly, the second child, Su Qian'er, was embarrassed, and looked at them with a confused face...


As if they don't understand what they mean?
At this moment, Captain Li also looked embarrassed, a little unclear, so...

Fortunately, at this time, the cute girl suddenly said: "Why? Why is the lover's road only suitable for the captain and Qian'er? Isn't it suitable for Miao Keke and the captain? Isn't it suitable for Qiong'er and the captain? Not for Lina With the captain?"

Then, the cute girl said again: "There is also Sister Jiaying. There is also Linna."

This was disturbed by the cute girl, Captain Li was very happy...

He was even thinking, thank you, cute girl!

Afterwards, Qiong'er hurriedly said: "Uh, that's fine, let's go to the hotel first. The crew is already issuing room cards."


After being disturbed like this, Qin Xiaowan and Tan Jixia have big opinions on the cute girl...

But think about it, it seems that it can only express understanding.

Therefore, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but whispered in Tan Jixia's ear: "Xia'er, I think this matter... we should discuss it with Ke Ke and Qiong'er in private."

Just hearing this suddenly, Tan Jixia frowned, and then said: "How can we discuss this matter?"

Come to think of it, this matter is really not negotiable.

The cute girl has no eyesight and is unwilling to withdraw voluntarily, so there is really no way to discuss it.

Qiong'er...although she didn't say anything, but in her heart... maybe she has a big opinion?

Afterwards, after thinking about it, Tan Jixia said: "I think this matter... let the captain and the second child develop naturally."


At this moment, when the crew was handing out the room cards, Captain Li Chen arranged a luxury suite according to the treatment of a first-line celebrity.

After receiving the room card, Captain Li Chen went upstairs first.

After the women reacted, they hurriedly asked, "Where's the captain?"

The crew listened and explained with a busy smile: "Captain Li just went upstairs."

Suddenly hearing this, the cute girl curled her lips and said, "Huh! The surname is Li! What do you mean? Are you so unwilling to get together with us?"


In fact, to be honest, Captain Li really felt an invisible pressure to stay with these little girls now.

Besides, it's getting late, and after a long day in the car, it's time to wash up and sleep.

Of course, it's time to start a new way of thinking about life.

After all, it's not a problem to stay in such a muddle.

What's more, after the filming of this film is finished, it will be in a state of doing nothing again.

So I still have to think about it, how will I live the rest of my life?

But, after a while, after the group of women went to their respective rooms to pack their luggage, they ran to knock on the door of the captain's room one by one.

Li Chen, who had just smoked a cigarette and had been quiet for a while, suddenly opened the door, his head got dizzy again...

Seeing him like this, the cute girl said: "What? You don't know us?"

Immediately, Katerina also said excitedly: "Brother Li Chen, let's go for a walk around. I just arrived here, so I can't sleep."

Seeing them like this, Captain Li frowned again...

After thinking about it, he didn't know what to do, so he had no choice but to say: "Well, wait a minute, I'll get the cigarettes."


However, although the coastal city in the south is known as the city that never sleeps, the streets of Zhuhai after 12 o'clock at night still seem a little deserted...

It's just that some supper stalls, food stalls and so on are really booming.

It is the first time to experience the charm of this southern coastal city. To be honest, Jun is still a little excited...

On a whim, Captain Li said, "How about...we also go to experience the food stalls here?"

It was just that the words had just finished, when suddenly, a startled voice came: "Yeah—look—over there—Captain Hua—"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen and the others were stunned: "???"

At this moment, Captain Hua Guo was thinking, hold the grass, what's going on?

Suddenly seeing a crowd of people standing up and rushing towards them at the food stall, Li Chen hurriedly said, "Let's dodge."

But it was too late, because I saw a group of men and women frantically gathered around...

"Captain Hua Guo—you are so handsome—"

"Hey, Captain Hua, are you here to film a movie?"

"Hey! Captain Hua, can I take a photo with you?"


Now, Captain Hua Guo is really a bit stupid.

Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and the other women are also a little silly...

In particular, there are already girls who are already compulsively taking photos with Captain Li Chen. Suddenly, they are also a little at a loss...

Finally, after thinking about it, there was nothing wrong with it. Looking at them one by one, Li Chen had no choice but to ask: "Then what... how about the food stall here?"

As soon as the words were finished, a woman hurriedly said, "Let me invite you, Captain Li!"

With such enthusiasm, Captain Li had no choice but to hurriedly say: "No no no. No need. No need to please! Thank you!"


(End of this chapter)

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