Chapter 1162 Miss Dong

In the end, after making a fuss like this, I had to turn back to the hotel.

Regarding this, Captain Hua Guo was extremely depressed...

Because in the future... maybe it will be a luxury to think about living a life that is as poor as hanging silk?

Inexplicably...become a star, be a public figure...

Wanting to go shopping and eat food stalls has become a luxury.

This is so... It feels like I will be deprived of all the fun in the future and the rest of my life.

When I took the elevator upstairs, I checked the time, and before I knew it, it was already 2 o'clock in the night, and it was almost 3 o'clock. As a result, Captain Hua was inexplicably depressed...

At this moment, Tan Jixia, Su Qianer and other women are all very depressed...

" this considered a star?" The cute girl was the first to poke her lips gloomily.

Qionger said: "It's so annoying! Don't we just want to take a stroll and feel the charm of Zhuhai?"

Suddenly, Katerina couldn't help but said, "'s too bad! In such a beautiful city, can we just stay in a hotel?"


Seeing that their women are like this, Li Chen, as the captain, had no choice but to say: "Okay. Don't be depressed. It's so late now, just wash up and sleep."

Suddenly hearing what the captain said, Qin Xiaowan was inexplicably excited and said: "Yes, yes, go to bed early. We will pass through Macau tomorrow. We are all in Zhuhai. Wouldn't it be a pity not to go to Macau?"

However, the second child, Su Qian'er, said: "Don't. Don't be surrounded by a group of people when you pass the customs tomorrow. It's like watching rare animals."

Tan Jixia, a girl from the north, said: "Isn't this a good thing? At least it proves how popular we are now, no less than those traffic stars, isn't it?"

The foreign girl Lina hurriedly said: "Oh...No! It can only prove that Captain Hua's popularity is not inferior to those little fresh meats!"

Immediately, Sun Jiaying couldn't help but said: "Yes, yes, the captain is hot. We are not hot."


After staying for a while, when Li Chen, the captain of Huaguo, returned to his room, he suddenly saw a large bouquet of flowers inexplicably growing on his bedside, he couldn't help being stunned again: "??? "

Hold the grass, what's the situation?

Has anyone been in our room?
This hotel it so casual?

Thinking about it, he hurriedly checked his luggage...

After careful inspection, he found that nothing was missing, so he was stunned again...

Looking at the big bouquet of flowers again, he couldn't help frowning again, shit, did someone send it to the wrong room?

I'm a fucking man, why did you give me this thing?
At this moment, suddenly, inexplicably, I only heard the landline phone on the bedside table ringing suddenly...

This made him stunned again: "???"

After thinking about it, there was nothing wrong, so he had no choice but to go forward and pick up the landline phone: "Hello, hello!"

"I'm sorry, Captain Li, to interrupt you! I'm the front desk of the hotel!"

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li was stunned again...

"Excuse's the matter?"

The front desk of the hotel replied: "It's nothing, I just saw you coming back to the hotel, so I called you to let you know. The flowers in your room were placed by our hotel staff entrusted by Ms. Dong Qianxue. That is to say ... While you were away, our hotel staff took the liberty of entering your room once, in case you might cause a misunderstanding, so..."

Before the front desk of the hotel finished speaking, Captain Li hurriedly said: "Wait! I want to ask a question first!"

"Then... you can ask..."

"You just said...Miss Dong Qianxue?"


Hearing that the front desk still said it was right, Captain Li was even more puzzled: "No...then what...this Miss Dong Qianxue...who is it? Do I know her?"

However, the girl at the front desk couldn't help but laugh...

Captain Li was even more depressed: "No...then what...why are you laughing?"

The girl at the front desk hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, Captain Li! That...what...Miss Dong Qianxue is the daughter of the Dong family!"

However, Captain Li was even more confused: "What is the daughter of the Dong family? What does this have to do with me?"

I was still asking this question, and I was confused. Unexpectedly, Captain Li's cell phone rang again inexplicably...

Seeing that the phone rang, suddenly Captain Li was so upset...

In desperation, he had no choice but to say to the girl at the front desk: "Then what... that's fine. I understand. That's it."

After hanging up the landline phone, he picked up his mobile phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, but the area code belonged to Zhuhai. He was confused again, who was he thinking?

Thinking, no way, he had no choice but to try to connect the phone: "Hello, hello!"

However, the first thing that came from the phone was a delicate smile...

The laughter was quite pleasant, and one could even feel that the other party was a beautiful woman.

"Are you asking who sent the flowers?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Captain Li was stunned again, "Fuck me, this woman...could be Dong Qianxue, right?
But this really nice.

Especially the tone was a bit familiar, as if he had been friends with him for a long time, Captain Li was even more stunned...

"You are……"

"I am Dong Qianxue."

Captain Li suddenly became a little stunned: "No... then what... do we know each other?"

"Don't we know each other now?"

Captain Li was stunned again: " did you know my number?"

"This... is kept secret. I'll tell you when we meet."

"Meet?" Captain Li was taken aback again.

"What? You don't want to see me?"

"It's not...we...really that familiar?"

"'ll get familiar with it?"

Captain Li was taken aback for a second, and after he realized this, he said straightforwardly: "Are you trying to... pick me up?"

"Oh, I hate it! Can you not speak so harshly? People just... just admire you!"

Captain Li couldn't help being inexplicably stunned for a moment: "Then what... I'm sorry, Miss Dong, it's getting late now, I want to sleep."

"Then... well. Then go to bed early. I wish you a good dream. Good night!"

As soon as the phone was hung up, Captain Li couldn't help being inexplicably stunned again, "Fuck me, what is this all about?"

Miss Dong?
Dong Qianxue?
Thinking, thinking, I couldn't help it, Captain Li couldn't help but immediately turned to Baidu on his phone...

I just want to know who this Miss Dong is...

(End of this chapter)

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