The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1195 Miss Dong Wants to Give a Surprise

Chapter 1195 Miss Dong Wants to Give a Surprise

In the afternoon, near Wanglang Island, there is another half-developed Qinji Island.

On the pier facing southwest...

I saw that Miss Dong from Zhuhai was overjoyed at the pier...

Because she wanted to give Captain Hua a surprise.

Because she has already learned that the crew of "Self-Saving Action on a Deserted Island" will transfer to Qinji Island in the afternoon for the follow-up filming of the film...

On the side, the bodyguard holding the sun umbrella for Miss Dong couldn't help but whisper in her ear: "Miss, why don't we go to the hotel to rest first?"

The reason why the bodyguard said that was because the sun was too fierce at noon.

Just one stop here at the pier is already sweating profusely...

As far as Dong Qianxue herself is concerned, she is already dripping with sweat...

However, looking at the vast ocean under the sun, she was in a good mood...

At this moment, although she heard the bodyguard's suggestion, she didn't seem to have heard it. She still looked at the vast sea in front of her with a thoughtful smile...

It wasn't until a while later that she turned her head to look at the bodyguard beside her, and asked, "Don't you think the charm of really too great?"

Suddenly hearing what the lady said, the bodyguard was a little dazed...

Damn, what is the charm of nature?

Is this... the sun?

Why do I feel... the real charm comes from the captain of Hua Guo?

However, the bodyguard didn't dare to complain easily, so in desperation, he had no choice but to say: "Then what... the charm of the ocean... is indeed endless. Otherwise, why would there be so many ocean lovers?"

So Dong Qianxue said: "Then tell me...if there is no hotel here, but a pure desert island, how long can we last here? How long can we live?"

Suddenly hearing what the young lady said, the bodyguard couldn't help but look at her inexplicably...

"Miss, you don't... want to start a trip to a deserted island, do you?"

Dong Qianxue said: "Why not? Li Chen can do it, why can't I?"

Hearing this suddenly, the bodyguard was stunned again: "???"

He thought to himself, is Miss crazy?

Afterwards, Dong Qianxue suddenly said: "Okay. That's fine. You all go back to the hotel. I want to stay here by myself for a while."

The bodyguard was stunned again: "Miss, what... the sun is so big, you..."

Dong Qianxue said: "Isn't it the sun? Li Chen and the others can survive on the deserted island, so am I afraid of being exposed to the sun?"


After that, when the bodyguards really wanted to go back to the hotel first, they couldn't help but look back at Ms. Dong who was standing at the pier...

At this moment, Ms. Dong didn't have a parasol, just wearing a sun hat and a pair of sunglasses, standing quietly on the pier...

Suddenly, one of the bodyguards couldn't help but said, "Uh, you said... Miss, is she crazy?"

"I don't think so. I think Miss just wants to win the sympathy of Captain Hua by means of self-torture."

Another bodyguard said: "I think that Hua Guo captain is stupid. Such a good thing, what else is he thinking?"

"That's right. We've never seen a lady so crazy before."

"Damn it, I really want to meet the captain of Huaguo for a while, and see what kind of abilities he has?"

"That's right! I've thought so for a long time! If you don't have the ability and don't want to eat soft food, then it's purely pretending, isn't it?"


At this moment, the boat rented by the "Desert Island Self-Saving Operation" crew has set off from the wharf of Wanglang Island...

The next shooting location - Qinji Island.

According to the setting of the script, H country actress Jeon Hye Kyo should make her debut here.

Regarding the scenes on this island, there are relatively few.

It is estimated that it will take three or two days to finish filming the scenes on this island?


Due to the fierce sun outside at this moment, Huaguo captain Li Chen also rested in the room on the ship.

To be honest, the filming in January on Wanglang Island is really like reliving it again.

However, this made Captain Hua feel that his life was very fulfilling.

At least I can do something about what I have experienced.

Of course, gradually, it also made him feel a little relieved...

So now, what he thinks more about is... After the movie is over, where will he go?

After all, you can't go on in a daze forever.

Although my heart still stays on the deserted island and in the ocean, I still have to live well after all.

So, in the days to come, what else do I have to do?

At this moment, Qin Xiaowan was staying in the room of her second child, Su Qian'er.

"Uh, Qian'er, I think...the matter between you and the captain can still be done?"

Hearing Qin Xiaowan's sudden words, Su Qian'er frowned in gloom...

After a while, Su Qian'er said: "But I still don't understand what is going on in his heart?"

Qin Xiaowan hurriedly said: "Xia'er and I have analyzed it. Maybe it's the captain who thinks you are too good? After all... aren't you a beautiful CEO?"


But at this moment, the cute girl took the opportunity and directly knocked on the door of the captain's room.

Seeing that it was a cute girl who came forward suddenly, Li Chen was a little stunned...

The cute girl looked at him angrily, and said, "Why... do you think it's Qian'er?"

Seeing the cute girl like this suddenly, Li Chen had no choice but to smile awkwardly and said, "Can you find me for something?"

"Why...don't you plan to let me in?"

No way, in desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to let the door open and said, "Then come in."

So, the cute girl also walked in...

Seeing how cute a girl is, Li Chen doesn't know what to say?
Afterwards, when the cute girl turned around and saw that he was still standing at the door, she said, "Hmph, are you afraid I'll eat you?"

Li Chen could only smile and frown: " can talk about it if you have something to do."

Seeing him like that, the cute girl looked at him inexplicably. After a while, the cute girl said: "Director Ning said...the filming will be over in about a month, so I just want to know ... When will you marry me?"

Suddenly listening to this, Captain Li really has a big head...

"No... so what... You suddenly came in to talk about marriage. I haven't had a lunch break yet, so I'm still sleepy."

Suddenly hearing this, the cute girl looked at him with inexplicable anger, and then said: "I don't care! Anyway... you said, I might change my mind after I really land on the shore, but I have always thought that way , has not changed, so... now you can always consider marrying me formally, right?"

"It's not... so what... Isn't the play over yet?"


(End of this chapter)

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