Chapter 1234 Thank you for the gift

After a while, when Li Chen drove past those cars, he simply sent a text message to Wu Chuxiong...

The content of the text message is: Mr. Wu, thank you for your meeting gift, I will accept everything as ordered!
At this moment, Wu Chuxiong suddenly saw that he had received such a text message, and he couldn't help being startled: "???"

Obviously, after all, he used to be a gangster, and he also made a fortune by doing it.

Although he is trying his best to clean up his crimes now, he is still doing some illegal activities under cover.

It's the same sentence... A dog can't change eating shit!
So when he suddenly received such a text message, Wu Chuxiong really got a little furious...

In other words, there is a way to steal.

If people don't have that kind of morality, they won't easily send text messages directly to provoke, right?
As a result, Wu Chuxiong hurriedly called Lawyer Liu after writing down the mobile phone number that sent the text message...

"Hey, check it for me to see if this phone number belongs to that Captain Li?"

Suddenly, Lawyer Liu listened, and couldn't help being startled: "W-What's the matter, Mr. Wu?"

Wu Chuxiong said depressedly: "Fuck! Damn! Boy! I just received a text message, the content is... Mr. Wu, thank you for the gift, I will accept everything!"

Suddenly hearing this, Lawyer Liu panicked and became nervous: "Then, tell me... let me check the phone number."

After Wu Chuxiong reported the mobile phone number, Lawyer Liu hurriedly checked it...

Immediately, this Lawyer Liu was stunned: "Hold the grass! It's over, it's over, it's over!"


At this moment, Li Chen has already driven to that no-man's land section...

I saw two SUVs ahead, blocking the road deliberately slowly...

Waiting to take a look at the car mirror, there are three SUVs chasing after him suddenly accelerating...

After Li Chen frowned gloomily, he roughly glanced at both sides of the road...

There is a narrow walkway on the right.

There is a lawn beside the sidewalk.

So, he was also thinking, Sister Wan'er, I'm sorry, you will have to repair the car later.

When the three SUVs behind him were about to speed up and collide with them, unexpectedly, Li Chen gave a decisive direction and directly drove to the sidewalk on the right and jumped up...

It's just that his reaction was too quick, causing the three SUVs behind to fail to react, so he directly rear-ended and hit the two SUVs in front that were deliberately blocking the road...




Suddenly, there was a loud crash of various impacts...

But, it was just the horses' own cars that collided with each other.

One of the cars, without knowing what happened, suddenly ignited and exploded...


With that loud noise, the flames exploded, and the five SUVs were instantly blown away...

Li Chen, who was so frightened that he jumped on the sidewalk, couldn't help dodging with his head bowed.


After a while, Wu Chuxiong received a call.

Naturally, it was the lawyer Liu who called him...

"Mr. Wu, it's not good!"

"What's wrong?" Wu Chuxiong asked on the other end of the phone in a daze.

"Five of our own cars crashed into each other!"

"What, what!?"


Just at this moment, after the five cars exploded, they were in a mess and changed beyond recognition, and suddenly a few buddies rolled down from the car...

"Hold the grass, damn it! Damn... If Lawyer Liu arranges this kind of work in the future, I won't do it even if I beat him to death!"

However, the other buddy was pinched by the car door, bleeding profusely...

"Ah—my leg—grass—"


Seeing that there was still such a good show to watch, Li Chen couldn't help but take out his phone in the car beside him and started recording live videos...

While recording the live video, he couldn't help but push open the car door and get out of the car...

"Brothers, you were just talking about Lawyer Liu... What's going on? What's going on?"

The few buddies who were waiting to roll on the ground looked at it and suddenly saw that Captain Li, they couldn't help being stunned: "???"

Unexpectedly, one of the buddies was probably too depressed, so he couldn't help but yelled rudely: "Fuck! Idiot! Why don't you leave? Waiting for death? Really waiting for Mr. Wu and Lawyer Liu to kill you ?”

Li Chen pretended to be stupid on purpose: "President Wu and Lawyer Liu..."

"Crap! Mr. Wu doesn't know? It's Wu Chuxiong! Of course, Lawyer Liu is the lawyer Liu who has been working for Mr. Wu!"

"Oh." Li Chen responded, and then said, "Thank you!"


When it was almost time, the police officers from the Peckzhou Branch who had been lurking around suddenly rushed forward...

All of a sudden, the boys arranged by Lawyer Liu were all dumbfounded: "???"

At first, there was some coaxing, but suddenly I realized that this time it was his fault!

Seeing that the police officers had been mobilized, Li Chen simply called Wu Chuxiong in his spare time...

"Is it President Wu?"

Wu Chuxiong on the other end of the phone was startled tremblingly: "Who are you?"

"I'm the one... Mr. Wu doesn't want me to enter Peck Island."

Hearing this all of a sudden, there is nothing wrong with it, this President Wu has no choice but to be hard-boiled: "Boy, what do you want?"

Li Chen said: "I'm not... Mr. Wu wants peace talks? So I came to Peckzhou, right? But... Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, I say you... You are so rude! Since you invited me Come to negotiate peace, but you don’t want me to enter Peck Island, so you say... What’s the matter with you called Ta Ma?”

"Boy, are you finished yet?"

However, Li Chen said: "Oh, by the way, Mr. Wu, over there...the police should have arrived, right?"


Wu Chuxiong almost vomited blood.

However, unexpectedly, with a sudden bang, his office door was kicked open...

Several police officers filed in.

Suddenly seeing this, Wu Chuxiong was completely stupid: "???"


After finishing the matter, Li Chen who was on the scene couldn't help but went forward to take a look at his car...

Overall, it's pretty good.

It's just that the front of the car is a little scratched.

It doesn't matter.

He just thought that this car belonged to Qin Xiaowan after all, so he had no choice but to call Qin Xiaowan...

"Hey, Miss Wan'er, I'm sorry, your car... I got scratched on the front of the car."

Qin Xiaowan on the other end of the phone hurriedly said: "It's okay, captain. It's okay if you hit it. Anyway, I want to get a new car."

This made Captain Li startled: "???"

Damn, this really a little rich woman!

It's just that he doesn't care!

Just thinking about Coco's matter makes me so damn depressed...

(End of this chapter)

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