Chapter 1255

Afterwards, when Wen Sanduo really came out with a big watermelon in his arms, You Jing was really startled——

Because she didn't seem to expect that the watermelons they grew on this island were so big.

Wen Sanduo habitually said happily, "How is it, Miss You? Is the watermelon we planted big?"

But Li Chen said: "Don't talk nonsense. Hurry up, take a knife and open the watermelon. Don't make the other big star thirsty."

However, You Jing couldn't help but look at Li Chen inexplicably...

Then I saw her thinking secretly for a while, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it?
After looking at him again, she couldn't help but finally said: "Li Chen, don't call me a big star in the future, I am no longer."

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help being taken aback: "W-what's the situation?"

You Jing said with a quiet smile: "It's nothing. It's just that I have announced that I will quit the showbiz indefinitely."

Li Chen was startled again, and then he didn't know what to ask?

He was just thinking, why tell me this?
Does it have anything to do with me?

But he didn't dare to say these words easily.

After all, vaguely... he still felt it, or it had something to do with him more or less?

But if it is said, it seems to indicate...the two of them already have some kind of relationship.


In general, Wen Sanduo is quite discerning.

After he opened the watermelon and cut it into small pieces, he saw the captain chatting with You Jing, so he said, "Well...Captain, I'm going to clean up my rice bowl."

As soon as the words fell, before Li Chen could reply, he disappeared in a flash...

This actually made Li Chen startled. Damn, this kid... is really fast!
Next, after the two of them were left under the arbor, the atmosphere froze for a while, a little awkward...

Because Li Chen didn't know what to say?
And seeing Li Chen not talking... You Jing still felt a little hurt, did she feel like she was making fun of herself?
Thinking about it, the more the atmosphere froze, the more embarrassing it would be, so Li Chen had no choice but to say hello: "Then, what... eat watermelon."

Seeing that he finally said such a sentence, You Jing couldn't help but smile a little joyfully...

Then, she really reached out and took a piece of watermelon, tasted it...

After tasting it, she couldn't help being startled with joy: "Wow! So this really sweet!"

Li Chen said: "Eat more if it's very sweet. This kind of not something you can buy anytime in the market."

Seeing him like this, You Jing looked at him inexplicably...

Then, she suddenly said: "Do you know that you are on fire now?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen said, "You're talking about the movie "Self-Salvation on a Deserted Island", right?"

"Yeah." You Jing nodded.

However, Li Chen said, "It's just that the movie is popular. It doesn't matter if I'm popular or not. Besides, I'm not in the entertainment industry. I don't care if it's popular or not."

Hearing what he said, You Jing said, "Then do you know that Mr. Han from Hengmei Pictures is always looking for you?"

"I don't know." Li Chen shook his head, and then said, "I only know how many watermelons are still in the field on this island."

Seeing him like this, You Jing couldn't help but ask again: "Then do you know how much President Han plans to pay you this time?"

This made Captain Li startled: "How much?"

"A salary of 1 million yuan."

"This, how much!?" Captain Li finally became surprised.

Seeing this, You Jing couldn't help but smile: "I thought you wouldn't be moved?"

However, Li Chen said: "1 million, who wouldn't be tempted? After all, money is still a good thing, isn't it?"

As he spoke, he frowned suddenly: "It's a pity! We can't earn the 1 million!"

Hearing what he said, You Jing understood.

Because he is now a soldier, the army will not allow him to go out to accept plays or become an actor.

However, looking at him again, You Jing suddenly asked curiously: "Why did you... come here to guard the isolated island?"

Li Chen couldn't help being startled: "This matter... don't you know?"

However, You Jing shook her head in a daze: "I don't know."

In fact, she herself really didn't know what was going on?

Seeing her answering like this, Li Chen froze for a moment, thought for a while...

So, he thought to himself, then just pretend she doesn't know.

Thinking about it this way, he replied: "Somewhere, it must be destined. But... now it's very good. It's also in line with my heart."

In fact, You Jing also vaguely felt that he was much happier on this island now than before?

Because he was always a little dull before.

But now on this island, he seems to have really let go, and he is a bit careless.

Of course, You Jing was also thinking, maybe this is the real him?
Afterwards, You Jing looked at him with an inexplicable smile, and then she said: "This time... I came to the island suddenly and found that you are different from before."

Li Chen was a little confused: "Is there?"

You Jing said: "Of course. You were always dull before. Now... you talk a lot. And... your personality is much more lively."

Li Chen was stunned for a while after listening, and then smiled: "So I'll just say it, it's exactly what I want."

It's just that You Jing couldn't help looking at him sincerely, and said, "Then you plan to... stay on this island from now on?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen frowned: "Then I don't know? Now... I can't help myself."

Hearing him say that again, You Jing expressed her understanding.

Because she also knew that he is now a member of the army, so he still has to listen to orders from his superiors for future tasks.

If there is an order from above to send him back to land, he can only return to land.

But seeing his frown, You Jing asked, "You don't want to leave here?"

Li Chen said: "It's good here, why should I leave?"

So, You Jing asked: "Then you... get married and have children?"

Li Chen then replied: "I've already been married. It's just... she's gone!"

"You mean... Jeon Hye Kyo?"

"En." Li Chen nodded.

Seeing him like this, You Jing thought for a while, and then said: "But she... is gone after all, isn't she? So..."

Before she finished speaking, Li Chen said: "I understand what you mean. But we... are not suitable!"

You Jing was taken aback for a moment, and then said with an awkward smile: "We haven't even started yet, how do you know it's not suitable?"

Li Chen said: "Because I already have someone I like."

"She is……"

Li Chen smiled and said, "You have seen it."


(End of this chapter)

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