Chapter 154 Wolf

Then, just as Li Chen was about to lead the three women towards the papaya place on the side of the road ahead, he suddenly couldn't help but startled tremblingly, holding the grass——

Following this trembling start, he didn't dare to take another half step forward.

When the three women were also startled, they followed Captain Li Chen's eyes and looked forward in panic...


The three women all exclaimed in fear and panic in their hearts.

I don't know when a wolf covered in gray and black sprang out!

At this moment, that beast is standing facing them on the green cobblestone road ahead...

Those amber eyes are looking at them suspiciously, sharply and fiercely!

Fortunately, there were wild dogs Heizi and Xiaohei standing in front of them.

At this moment, Heizi and Xiao Hei also looked at the wolf vigilantly...

Subconsciously, Li Chen was already preparing to pick up the ak47 in hand.

Frankly speaking, although the ammunition is limited, having a handful of this thing in hand is really a lot of courage.

No matter how you say it, if one shot passes by, at least you can barely save your life.

But if it is a wild boar, one shot is enough!
At this moment, Li Chen was only fortunate that the three women did not shout behind him.

You must know that the beasts in the mountains are also extremely sensitive. If they startle them, they will definitely launch a crazy attack.

Don't underestimate the deadly attack of wolves!
This beast can really eat people!
In fact, the three women at this moment were already stupefied with fright. While trembling all over, they held their breath subconsciously, and then broke out in cold sweat.

My legs trembled so much that I almost peed.

Li Chen really didn't expect that there were wolves on this deserted island!

Fortunately, it was only a single wolf. If it was a pack of wolves, it would be absolutely miserable!

Just when Li Chen felt that the wolf was about to run, unexpectedly, suddenly, with a whoosh, the wild dog Heizi was the first to rush towards the wolf...

Immediately afterwards, the wild dog Xiao Hei also made a whoosh and rushed away.

The beasts in the mountains fight each other, which is also very interesting.

Because they also pay attention to an aura.

Also pay attention to strike first.

As long as there is an overwhelming momentum, the enemy will instantly become weaker.

This is the same as those gang fights in the mixed society. As long as the momentum is lost and the courage is frightened, it will be the worst end.

In short, the more cowardly you are, the more you get beaten.

Sure enough, Heizi and Xiaohei first took advantage of the momentum, and the wolf faltered, turned around and ran away.

And Heizi, who flew up, rushed straight to the back of the wolf, biting down...

The wolf fell down with a 'poof'.

When it was about to turn around and bite Heizi back, unexpectedly, Xiao Hei took the opportunity to pounce on him, and as soon as he mouthed down, he tore and bit one of the wolf's ears...

Seeing the bloody scene unfolding, the three women behind Li Chen trembled inexplicably——

Li Chen, on the other hand, relaxed his vigilance slightly.

Next, I saw that wolf was completely scared.

The more this is the case, the more ruthless the wild dog Heizi and Xiao Hei will be...

In the end, the wolf gradually lost consciousness amidst the howling.

I don't know what happened to Heizi and Xiao Hei, but they actually hated that wolf so much.

The next scene was even more bloody. Heizi and Xiaohei directly tore the wolf alive and ate it on the spot...

"Team, captain..."

The cute girl Miao Keke whispered in Li Chen's ear suddenly trembling.

Li Chen said: "Don't watch if you can't stand it. Look elsewhere."

Next, a few big eagles flew down, and they seemed to want to take the opportunity to have lunch.

Sure enough, the big eagle also started to eat wolf meat.

As for the big eagles, the wild dogs Heizi and Xiaohei didn't chase them away either, and let them come to snatch the food.

After that, Li Chen didn't look in that direction either.

Because it was too bloody.

Li Chen was even thinking that if this was a live broadcast, the hit rate would explode.

Because of the real scene of nature, who has seen this?

It's a pity that I haven't figured out what kind of deserted island I am in now.

So don't even think about live streaming.

I don’t even have a mobile phone, so what are you playing?

Unexpectedly, it was Miss Jiao who grew up in the greenhouse who had been watching helplessly...

Although she was trembling all over while watching, she still felt that watching was enjoyable, and seemed to have an inexplicable sourness.

As if in an instant, the originally sharp-eyed and fierce wolf disappeared without a trace in the end...

There is only a blood on the bluestone road.

The wild dogs Heizi and Xiao Hei were still licking blood.

"My mother—"

Tan Jixia suddenly said this.

Afterwards, Li Chen took the lead and walked over. He didn't care about that, he just turned around and started picking papayas on the side of the road.


The cute girl Miao Keke suddenly exclaimed.

Taking the opportunity, Li Chen turned his head and smiled at her, saying, "Cute girl, come here, you should eat more of this."

Unexpectedly, Miao Keke rolled her eyes in embarrassment: "Hmph! Do you want to eat your head? This pair is not small, okay?"

This made Su Qian'er couldn't help but burst out laughing...

Tan Jixia couldn't help but smile immediately.

Li Chen rubbed the hatchet on his clothes a few times, and then cut the papaya. When the golden flesh appeared, a scent of papaya wafted in the wind, and the eyes of the three women began to shine...

Li Chen scraped off the black seeds in the papaya with the tip of a hatchet, cut off a small strand, and bit it down. Apart from the coolness of the flesh, the sweetness of the papaya filled his mouth...

For him, just one word: Cool!

Seeing that he was eating so vigorously, after a while, the three women came over, swallowing their saliva.

It was as if they had forgotten the bloody scene just now.

"Is it sweet?" Miao Keke, the cute girl, was the first to ask eagerly.

Li Chen said: "You'll know if you try it."

As he spoke, he cut a strand and gave it to her.

The cute girl took it over, smelling the scent of the papaya, no matter how old it was, she just buried her head and bit it down...

"Wow! It's delicious! It's so sweet! The aroma of papaya is so strong!"

Tan Jixia and Su Qian'er watched and saw that Captain Li Chen also handed the papaya to them, so they were not polite.

After tasting the taste of papaya, Su Qian'er suddenly smiled happily and said, "This papaya is so sweet! It's really delicious!"

Tan Jixia said: "I heard that papaya soup is only effective for women?"

Li Chen couldn't help but said: "Do you still need efficacy?"

Unexpectedly, Tan Jixia simply said: "Have you already seen your heart itch?"

"Heh!" Su Qian'er couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, the cute girl Miao Keke also said: "Sister Jixia, let him taste it tonight, hehe!"


Li Chen almost vomited blood, thinking to himself... these three girls, it's really more of a mess than the other!
And Su Qian'er couldn't help but smile again: "Heh—"

(End of this chapter)

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