Chapter 179 The Death of Xiao Hei
After a while, after leaving the village and arriving at the entrance of the village, the sea water finally receded completely, and the golden sandy beach below the entrance of the village was finally fully revealed.

"Wow! I can finally see that beach again!"

The cute girl couldn't help but smile for a while, feeling suddenly relieved and refreshed.

The wild dog Xiaohei was even more excited. He couldn't help but bear the brunt of it, and was about to rush down from the position in front of the village...

Li Chen just wanted to yell for Xiao Hei to slow down, but unexpectedly, there was a sudden 'hiss'.

It looked like it was the same giant python from yesterday. It suddenly sprang up, and there was a sneak attack. It opened its mouth wide, and with a swish, it directly swallowed and wrapped the whole head of the wild dog Xiaohei...


The cute girl suddenly screamed and jumped up, her face turned pale with horror.

Su Qian'er was startled suddenly with a trembling face, and she stopped in panic, her eyes were full of horror, and at the same time, she subconsciously stepped back...

On the other hand, Tan Jixia's eyes were filled with shock and anger——

Hmph, that bastard! !

It's still here! ?
After the whole head of the wild dog Xiao Hei was swallowed and wrapped by the big mouth of the giant python, he struggled with all his might, his feet stuck into the soil, trying to pull it back, but he couldn't. Pull out the head.

"Hold the grass!"

Seeing what happened, Li Chen waved the branch in his hand angrily in a panic, stared at the python's seven inches away, and immediately took a short run-up, and then ruthlessly slammed a tree branch over...

'Pfft! '

One of the metal-plated branches pierced through seven inches of the giant python angrily, and blood spilled out.

But, still to no avail.The wild dog Xiaohei's head was still in the mouth of the giant python, still being swallowed.

Immediately, with a swish, the giant python's tail swung forward with all its might...

Shocked by what happened, Tan Jixia didn't care too much, she panicked and shoveled it to Luoyang...

'Whoosh! '

Unexpectedly, Luoyang Shovel was instantly rolled up by the giant python's tail.

The moment Luoyang shovel was released, Tan Jixia could only be stunned in panic, ah! ?

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Chen yelled 'back', so he also jumped over...

Tan Jixia hurriedly retreated.

Li Chen, who had already jumped to the sandy ground below, turned around and took out the hatchet from the back of his waist.

After seeing the shocking scene of fighting the giant python suddenly, Meng Meizi and Su Qian'er were too dumb to say anything.

At this moment, the two of them, apart from their eyes full of fear, are trembling involuntarily, and their mouths have long been opened into a big 'O' shape...

When the giant python's tail was tightly wrapped around the Luoyang shovel, Li Chen took the opportunity to run up angrily, and then slammed down the hatchet fiercely, and with a 'shua' sound, the giant python's tail was cut off.

The next scene was even more bloody and frightening...

I saw their Captain Li Chen waving the hatchet constantly, slashing along the body of the giant python, swishing all the way.

There is a feeling of cutting eel on a chopping board.

Not only the cute girl and the second child Su Qian'er were dumbfounded, but even Tan Jixia was a little dumbfounded at the moment.

It seems that their Captain Li Chen is even crueler, crueler, and more butcher...

But they didn't know that there was no way out of this.

Because he wanted to save Xiao Hei.

However, even though a cold-blooded beast like the giant python has received a fatal blow, it still has to struggle for a long time.

In order to prevent its figure from swinging around and entangled again, this is the only way it can be done.

Because if it is cut into joints in this way, it will not be able to swing.

Afterwards, they saw their Captain Li Chen clutching Xiao Hei's hind legs in a panic, struggling to pull them out...

In the end, with a 'bass', he pulled Xiao Hei's head out of the giant python's mouth.

But after witnessing this scene in surprise, the cute girl and Su Qian'er exclaimed even more: "Ah——"

Because Xiao Hei's head was pulled out, all the fur was gone, the whole was a bald, bloody head...

When the wild dog Heizi rushed up, after looking at it, I saw that it was so sad that it was crying...

Li Chen could only curse helplessly and extremely helplessly: "Hold the grass—this beast—"

Afterwards, the wild dog Heizi was mad like crazy, turned around, and bit the dead python...

At this moment, looking at Xiao Hei's bald, bloody head, Tan Jixia's heart trembled, her hair stood on end, and she felt a gust of cool wind on her back.

Afterwards, as soon as Li Chen let go, Xiao Hei immediately fell over.

This feeling of heartache cannot be expressed in words, and can only be silent, long silent.

Only Heizi was still madly biting the dead python.

After a while, as the sky suddenly became dark, I saw a flock of eagles coming...

As for the dead python, it was enough for the hawks to feast on.

In order to prevent the hawks from rushing to peck the wild dog Xiao Hei, in desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to grab one of Xiao Hei's hind legs in a panic, and then dragged Xiao He away.

It wasn't until the hawks devoured most of the giant python that the three women gradually came back to their senses.

At this time, Li Chen suddenly yelled at the wild dog Heizi: "Heizi!"

Only then did Heizi turn his head to look sadly, and after he understood what his master Li Chen meant, he turned around and guarded Xiao Hei's corpse.

So, Li Chen turned around and went to pick up the Luoyang shovel.

Next, he had no choice but to dig a hole on the side of the cottage entrance, preparing to bury the wild dog Xiao Hei.

Fortunately, after a while of busy work, finally, the wild dog Xiao Hei was put into the pit.

When Li Chen was filling the pit with shovel after shovel, the wild dog Heizi could only stand aside silently, watching with distressed eyes while weeping sadly...

The three women looked at this scene with fear and awe in their hearts.

The danger of nature, the fragility of life, the inseparable emotions, etc., are all intertwined at this moment.

When the three women realized many things, they walked towards the pit, and couldn't help crying silently...

However, it wasn't just Xiao Hei who was crying, but also their unknown fate.

It seemed that all of a sudden, the three women began to understand why Captain Li Chen began to gradually train their survival skills.

Because... the unknown danger, when will it come, no one knows?
No one can guarantee that they will be able to leave the island alive.

Xiao Hei rests here, it belongs here, it belongs to this island.

But, they are not!

They were just accidental outsiders.

At the end, Captain Li Chen, who was looking at them, did not forget to set up a wooden sign for the wild dog Xiao Hei, with the words "Xiao Hei's Tomb" written in loess on it, the three women suddenly felt that the man in front of them was terrible. Respect, cute...

(End of this chapter)

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