The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 181 Almost Leaving the Island Successfully

Chapter 181 Almost Leaving the Island Successfully

After a while, Tan Jixia suddenly yelled joyfully in the sand facing south: "Hey—Captain—here's a suitcase—"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but turned around and rushed over...

Afterwards, the cute girl and the second child, Su Qian'er, hurriedly turned around and followed.

At this time, it is indeed a major surprise to find a suitcase on the beach.

After they all approached, they found that there was indeed a large suitcase in dark ink.

Tan Jixia did not forget to smile happily: "It's so heavy! It's so heavy! I can't even lift it! There should be a lot of treasures inside!"

But Li Chen frowned slightly, as if he smelled a strange smell.

The cute girl squatted over in panic and joy: "Open it and take a look?"

Tan Jixia rolled her eyes: "You think I don't want to open it? Didn't you see the combination lock?"

After Su Qian'er took a look, she said, "Shall I cut it open with a knife?"

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, their Captain Li Chen stepped forward with a hatchet...

Then I saw him use the tip of the hatchet to slash in through the zipper of the suitcase abruptly, and then with a 'hissy' sound, the hatchet slashed around the zipper.

It's just that as soon as the gap came out, suddenly, an unpleasant and pungent stench filled the air...

The cute girl who was squatting in front of the suitcase hurriedly stood up holding her nose and stepped back.

Tan Jixia and Su Qian'er also wrinkled their beautiful eyes in a hurry, and couldn't help covering their noses with their hands.

When their Captain Li Chen lifted the lid of the suitcase with a hatchet, suddenly, the three women backed away in panic and trembling.

But curious and frightened, he looked into the suitcase...

Their Captain Li Chen cursed in his heart: Hold the grass, damn it!
Because there was a blond woman curled up in the suitcase, and it was rotten and smelly...

This was clearly killing people and throwing away the corpses.

Suddenly seeing such a thing in the suitcase, the four of them were speechless for a while.

At this moment, a group of jackals came out from the dense forest next to it...

Before the four of them came to their senses, let alone the blond woman was gone, even the suitcase was gone.

Afterwards, when Li Chen turned his head to take a look, he couldn't help but curse again: "Hold the grass!"

It wasn't until a while later that Tan Jixia couldn't help asking: "Uh, captain, what was that group of... just now? Why do they love corpses so much?"


"Ah? Just now... is that a jackal?"

And then, the cute girl Miao Keke couldn't help but ask, "Just now... the blonde woman in the suitcase..."

Before she could finish asking, Li Chen said: "That's it, don't ask anymore. We're not detectives. We're just trying to survive on a deserted island."

Then, he said again: "Even if we see the evil, what can we do? Now we can't even protect ourselves."

Hearing Captain Li Chen's words suddenly, the cute girl was too embarrassed to say anything.

Afterwards, Li Chen said: "It's done. Let's go back."

Suddenly hearing this, Su Qian'er couldn't help but said, "We...don't fish anymore?"

At this moment, the sound of a motorboat suddenly came from the eastward sea area...

Li Chen, who reacted extremely quickly, hurriedly said: "Quick! Go to the dense forest nearby!"

The three women were also shocked when they heard some movement, and each of them turned around in a panic and ran towards the dense forest nearby.

The wild dog Heizi, who had been guarding Xiaohei's grave, ran towards the beach in a panic until now, and followed his owner Li Chen to the nearby dense forest.

Four people and one dog, as soon as they hid in the dense forest by the beach, they saw a motorboat slowly approaching the beach towards the south...

The three unshaven foreign men on the motorboat all had blond curly hair, and one of them was a little bald.

The younger man in the front seat of the motorboat had a rifle beside him.

The two standing men in the back seat each held a rifle in their hands.

From the looks of it, he doesn't look like a nice guy?
After staying close to the beach, they didn't land on the island either, they just looked around suspiciously on the beach...

I don't know what they are looking for?
At this moment, Li Chen, who was hiding in the dense forest, had his eyes fixed on the motorboat.

Immediately, seeing him, he couldn't help picking up the AK47 with two bullets in his hand...

Tan Jixia who was beside him panicked after seeing it, and whispered in his ear: "Is it too dangerous?"

Li Chen whispered in her ear: "You just want those two Miss Jiao to hide well. Remember, hide behind the big tree and don't show your head. Leave the rest alone."

Then, he said again: "You tell those two Miss Jiao, it's a success, let's leave now."


After a while, at the beach, the three men on the motorboat were chattering, but Li Chen couldn't understand.

It's just that the ak47 in his hand was aimed at the bald foreign man...

'clatter! '

Suddenly there was a gunshot, and before the three men on the motorboat realized what was going on, a bullet hole appeared between Xie Dingnan's eyebrows, and a little blood spattered out at the same time...

When Xie Dingnan came to his senses, he was about to fight back, but the muzzle of the gun in his hand was pointing downward...

'Wow! '

There was a sudden explosion, and a shot hit the bottom of the motorboat.

At the same time, Xie Dingnan suddenly leaned back and fell backwards...

As the seawater suddenly poured in from the bottom of the motorboat, after Xie Dingnan fell on his back, the motorboat suddenly became unstable on its side.

In the end, all three men on the motorboat fell into the sea, and the entire motorboat turned over.

Seeing this scene suddenly, Li Chen frowned, holding the grass, what the hell!This... Grass!

But suddenly, a man was about to climb ashore from the sea, there was no way, the gunshots in Li Chen's hand had to be heard again...

'clatter! '

The man who was about to climb up suddenly leaned back and fell into the sea water with a 'poof'.

Two rounds of bullets were used up.

Fortunately, the other man has drowned, otherwise, there is really no way to do it.

Although the plan to snatch the motorboat failed again, there was no turning back for this kind of thing, so they had to keep doing it.

When they suddenly saw that the overturned motorboat began to sink slowly, the three women also frowned beautifully, and at the same time, they were a little inexplicably unwilling.

Because this time, they are really just one step away from saving themselves from the island.

Seeing that there was hope, who knew that the motorboat was not strong enough, it was pierced by that shot, and it was watered.

Afterwards, with the smell of blood, I saw a group of sharks coming...

The three men who fell into the sea were quickly eaten by sharks.

This made the four of them feel relieved, because there was nothing to worry about. After all, everyone was gone, so they disappeared.

Suddenly, Tan Jixia said sadly: "This time, we almost succeeded!"


(End of this chapter)

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