Chapter 216 Sawadika
Trapped here at the 'Y'-shaped fork in the spinosa forest, seeing that the toe of the shoe is pointing in the direction of leisure, and going back, Li Chen is also confused, frowning Afterwards, it was directly squeezed into a 'Chuan' font...

How could it be possible to go back?

It seems that this thing is not reliable?

Try throwing it again?
Looking at Captain Li Chen like that, Tan Jixia couldn't help but think about it, and then said: "Do you really believe this?"

At this time, the cute girl Miao Keke said: "It must be wrong to go back."

It was Su Qian'er who guessed, "Could it be...there are other the leisure place?"

To be honest, this possibility... really cannot be ruled out.

It's a labyrinth itself, maybe it's not necessarily the right place to go?

Captain Li Chen couldn't help but bend down to pick up the shoes, and said, "Don't worry. I'll try throwing it again."

Listening to him talking like this and looking at him like that again, the three women couldn't help feeling a little bit amused again.

The wild dog Heizi was also staring blankly at him, ready to throw his shoes again...

"The sky is spirited, the earth is spirited, the Supreme Lord came to manifest..."

Hearing that Captain Li Chen was still chanting words suddenly, the three women were even more amused, ha!

Suddenly, like a Taoist priest who practices things, after a while of muttering, he closed his eyes, and then threw the shoes up again...

Just listening quietly for a while, their Captain Li Chen was stunned again: "Where are the shoes holding the grass!? Why didn't they fall down again!?"


The three women laughed again.

But this time, when the wild dog Heizi raised his head to look around, his eyes immediately trembled with fear, and his whole body shrank back subconsciously in panic.

After seeing Heizi's reaction this time, suddenly, the three women panicked and were startled with vigilance——

Then timidly raised his head and looked up in the direction that Heizi was looking up, and saw that the three women were all timid and terrified——


Because the shoe was actually caught by a big furry hand and held in that big furry hand.

At the same time, the three women smelled an extremely unpleasant smell from the tall, furry monster.

The smell of mutton is not like that of mutton, the smell of manure is not like that of manure, and the smell of sweat is not like that of sweat. In short, the strange smell is too unpleasant and too smoky.

Suddenly there was something wrong, the shoes didn't seem to be hanging on the tree this time, their Captain Li Chen opened his eyes, then looked up...

Hold the grass! ?
Wild, wild man! ?

Really, really savages! ?

To be honest, Li Chen felt a little terrified when he suddenly saw that big, furry guy with a height of more than 2 meters and almost 3 meters lowered his head and looked at him suspiciously.

But out of some kind of curiosity, he couldn't help but looked up and down in a panic...

Except for the hairy body, this guy is almost the same as a human body, with almost no difference.

It's just that weird smell all over the body is extremely unpleasant.

Li Chen suddenly recalled herding cattle when he was a child, this guy smelled very bad like the strange smell that Niu Xiatian had on him.

Looking down at its big feet again, Li Chen was stunned again, it seemed that they really corresponded to the big footprints they made under the jackfruit tree last time.

About this guy's waist, there is still a circle of leaves hanging from vines, blocking his privacy.

Looking up at the gorilla-like face again, Li Chen was inexplicably terrified again, always feeling that there was some kind of murderous intent hidden in those suspicious and dull eyes.

It can be seen that it looks down at him like that, and he doesn't seem to dare to make the slightest unnecessary movement.

Otherwise, he really wanted to pick up the rifle hanging on his shoulder.

In the end, in desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to put his hands together and greet him politely: "Sawadika——"

Savage: "...???"

Seeing that Captain Li Chen greeted the savages, the three of them became curious.

Just looking up, I saw that the savages were also looking down at them with a confused and suspicious expression.

Like they don't understand what they're talking about.

Seeing that the savages kept silent and kept looking at them like that, Li Chen was startled timidly——

Immediately, he had no choice but to smile as embarrassingly as possible and said, "Don't you understand? Then...Nicetomeetyou!"

Savage: "...???"

Li Chen was taken aback timidly again, and then said: "Ah, you!"

Savage: "...???"

Li Chen: "Wow you!"

Savage: "...???"

Li Chen: "Three greens!"

Savage: "...???"

All of a sudden, the three women felt a little bit amused, and at the same time admired their Captain Li Chen, who knew how to say hello in so many languages!

Thai, English, Japanese, Korean, French, etc. are all used, but the savage has always looked confused and suspicious, but has been looking at them with straight eyes.

In the end, there was nothing to do, and their Captain Li Chen had no choice but to smile at the savage embarrassingly: "Then... hello! Nice to meet you!"

This time, it seems that the savage really understood, that big furry hand actually put down, and handed back the shoe to their Captain Li Chen...

Surprised by this, Captain Li Chen hurriedly smiled: "Thank you! Thank you!"

At the same time, he was busy and timidly trying to take the shoe from the wild man.

It's just that the savage just looked at him like that and didn't speak.

Seeing that he had taken the shoes, suddenly, the savage stretched out his hand inexplicably and pointed to the right of the 'Y'-shaped fork, as if to say: go this way.

This made the four of them confused for a while, thinking that the savage came to show the way! ?
Before the four of them could react, the savage suddenly turned around and walked towards the spinosa forest beside him...

Suddenly, they heard the rustling sound from the spinosa forest beside them, and the four of them hurriedly turned their heads to look, grasping the grass, where are the savages! ?

gone! ?
That's it! ?

"Damn! They disappeared so soon?" Captain Li Chen wondered again.

The three women were stunned for no reason, the cold sweat finally passed.

Afterwards, the cute girl Miao Keke still trembled and said, "Just really scared me to death!"

But Su Qian'er couldn't help but said: "So that's what savages look like?"

Tan Jixia asked curiously, "Why did it flash so fast? Why did it disappear all at once?"

But Li Chen couldn't help but said to the cute girl: "I finally saw a wild man this time, right?"

This made the cute girl somewhat inexplicably sour, and then she asked, "Uh, by the way, it just stretched its finger to the right, what does it mean?"

Tan Jixia rolled her eyes: "Stupid, you? It tells us to go to the right, understand?"


(End of this chapter)

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