Chapter 221
Afterwards, when they were going down the stone steps from Dongtou mountain to the cottage below, the three women suddenly saw that Captain Li Chen was still carrying the backpack firmly on his back, and the four-legged wolf was still in the backpack. Because of this, the three women's eyes were full of surprise, and they were a little inexplicably speechless, and they really convinced him!

After all, they all knew what they had just experienced.

During the indiscriminate bombardment, their Captain Li Chen still didn't forget the stuttering!
If you don't accept it, it's really impossible!
Think about it, too, just now the three women only cared about running for their lives, and didn't care about anything else.

It wasn't until now that Su Qian'er and Miao Keke, the cute girl, realized that both of their tree branches had fallen into the basin in the center of the island, in that piece of spinosa forest.

As for Tan Jixia, that rifle also fell in the spinosa forest in that basin.

But the gun was out of bullets, so it didn't bother me so much.

When walking down, the wild dog Heizi's eyes were a little depressed, as if he suddenly felt a little helpless, and there was a hint of helplessness.

Because it gradually realized that it began to rely on its master Li Chen a little bit.

This is not a good thing for it.

The degeneration of instinct, for it, will face death.

After all, it still understands in its heart that its owner, Li Chen, does not belong here or this island after all, and he will leave sooner or later.

And it will always belong to this island only.


After a while, after going down to the cottage, passing under the jackfruit tree, and returning to the green area along the east side of the rock, Li Chen felt very lucky after taking a general look.

Because the helicopters of the group of foreign golden retrievers did not bomb here today.

The green space in the cottage is what it should be.

Except for the big deep hole they bombed out in the middle of the green field yesterday, there is no other change today.

Maybe the five helicopters have noticed that they went to the basin in the center of the island today?
That's why there was an indiscriminate bombardment there.

After going around from the side of the big deep pit to the green field to the west, the three of them rushed towards the canopy as if they were running suddenly.

When they sat under the canopy, they sighed for a while, as if they had finally returned home, were safe, and could take a good rest.

The horrific scene was finally over.

Li Chen understood this very well. After all, what they experienced today was the scariest day they had ever experienced on this island.

After the life-and-death battle with the wolves, it never stopped.

Especially after experiencing the indiscriminate bombing by those five helicopters, it was even more thrilling, frightening, and frightening.

Now they are all the lucky ones who survived the catastrophe!

Afterwards, Li Chen, who was carrying a backpack, was about to enter the awning when unexpectedly, a big furry hand suddenly rested on his shoulder...

"???" Li Chen was stunned for a moment, and he was very confused, as if he didn't know what was going on?
When the three women under the canopy suddenly saw the tall and furry savage behind Captain Li Chen, their hearts began to tremble again...

Especially when they saw that tall savage put a big hand on their Captain Li Chen's shoulders, they were even more inexplicably worried.

After all, in front of that furry tall savage, their incomparably stalwart Captain Li Chen is also half shorter than others!

It feels like the gap between an adult and a child.

Especially thinking that before, this kind of savage was able to throw Luoyang shovels to kill the helicopters, what a tough combat power it is!

"What should I do?" The cute girl whispered in Tan Jixia's ear tremblingly, "Captain Li Chen will be fine, right?"

The second child, Su Qian'er, was also full of worry——

Li Chen himself was also a little terrified, turning his head and looking back while sweating...

When he was looking straight up at a waist surrounded by leaves hanging from vines, he trembled again, looking up in panic...


Seeing this kind of funny scene suddenly, the three women wanted to laugh again.

And the savage's gorilla-like face didn't have much expression, but his eyes were like an old man's, looking down at the kid in front of him inexplicably and profoundly.

In the next scene, Li Chen looked up, and the savage looked down, and the two just looked at each other silently.

After a long time, the savage's big furry hand patted Li Chen's shoulder as if patting a child, and then it made a gesture with its eyes, as if saying: Let's go over there for a chat.

Li Chen tried his best to understand the meaning of the wild man's eyes, and then he had no choice but to gesture to the backpack on his back in a panic, as if telling the wild man, I will put down the backpack and talk about it.

Instead, the savage understood the wordless gestures and eye contact, so he nodded in agreement.

So, Li Chen hurriedly took off his backpack, and yelled under the awning: "Then who... second child, come, take the backpack back."

Immediately, he did not forget to add: "Get a foot of wolf leg meat and roast it first."

Seeing that Captain Li Chen was yelling, Tan Jixia panicked and signaled to Su Qian'er, telling her to hurry over.

In desperation, Su Qian'er had no choice but to get up quickly, but looked at the savage in shock, and then she could only bravely walk towards Captain Li Chen.

Afterwards, while taking the back, Su Qian'er tremblingly said in a low voice, "Captain, are you alright?"

Li Chen said: "It's okay. Don't worry. Remember: stand still!"

After Su Qian'er took over the back, he turned around and gestured to the wild man, as if to say, it's all right.

So, the savage gestured with his hand, as if to say: Go around and go east to the green field.

"Hmm!" Li Chen could only nod his head hastily.

Next, in the eyes of the three women, it was as if an adult led a child, and they walked around the edge of the big pit in the middle of the green field to the green field facing east...

Suddenly, the cute girl Miao Keke worried in Tan Jixia's ear again in fear: "Uh, sister Jixia, should we take this opportunity to make a sneak attack so as to save Captain Li Chen?"

Frankly speaking, Tan Jixia was really thinking about this matter in her heart.

However, seeing that the savage and Captain Li Chen seemed to be very friendly, she whispered in the cute girl's ear: "Damn girl! Don't make trouble for nothing, okay? Let's just stay as Captain Li Chen wants! "

However, the cute girl said again: "What if that savage wants to be unfavorable to Captain Li Chen? And... what shall we do in the future?"

On the contrary, Su Qianer asked without any worries: "Uh, sister Jixia, how do you roast this wolf meat?"

It seems that the second child is really courageous now.

However, if you think about it, it was really tempered by Captain Li Chen and this environment.

After all, you have eaten tiger meat, haven't you?

You also fought life and death with the wolves, didn't you?
He also narrowly escaped death under the shelling, didn't he?
(End of this chapter)

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