Chapter 225
This night, in the northwest cottage of the deserted island.

It was a bit difficult for Sister Meng and the other three.

Because their cabins, pots and pans, etc. were all blown away by shells, they are still hungry tonight, and they don't know where to sleep tonight?

For the time being, the three of them could only stay on the edge of the big deep pit that was blown out by shells in the middle of the green space.

It can only be a fluke to think that the most dangerous place is also the safest place.

Because after all, this place has been bombed by artillery shells, presumably there will be no second bombing?
The moonlight tonight is not too good, it is always covered by clouds from time to time, and it feels like the sky is about to change again.

The three of them looked up at the sky at a loss, looked at the moon that was once again covered by clouds, and each of them frowned even more gloomyly...

"Hmph! This broken moon tonight!"

All of a sudden, the Yujie Xiaoliu couldn't help but murmured such a sentence.

Xiao Cao, on the other hand, was inexplicably worried and said, "The weather won't change again, right? If it rains again tonight..."

Before Xiaocao could finish speaking, Sister Meng said, "It's done. It's useless to say so much. I can only grit my teeth and persist. After tonight, we will talk about it tomorrow."

Then, Sister Meng said again: "That's all we can do tonight. Grit your teeth and get through it. It's no big deal. We survived the stormy night, didn't we?"

Hearing what Sister Meng said, Xiao Cao could only curse in desperation: "What the hell, that fucking helicopter!"

The Yujie Xiaoliu couldn't help but said: "I don't know when the rescue team will come?"



Right now, on the beach in front of the cottage entrance in the southwest of the deserted island.

"Uh, Captain, why does it feel like the sky is about to change again?"

The second child, Su Qian'er, looked up at the moonlight, and couldn't help asking.

Hearing the second child's question, Li Chen and the other three couldn't help but look up at the sky...

Even the wild dog Heizi couldn't help looking up at the sky.

Seeing that the moon is always hidden by the clouds tonight, Li Chen also frowned...

Afterwards, he said, "It's okay. If the wind blows in the middle of the night tonight, there won't be any rain."

This made Tan Jixia startled again, and hurriedly asked with some admiration: "You can also watch the sky!?"

Li Chen said: "It's not something profound or mysterious. Those old people living in the countryside, who wouldn't know whether it's raining or not?"

Then, he continued: "Generally, it's normal to have dark clouds occasionally. But I'm not afraid of the wind. If the wind blows in the middle of the night, there will be no rain."

But at this moment, the cute girl Miao Keke said: "It's still comfortable to stay here by the sea, and my mood is also comfortable."

This is also true.

After all, the seaside is empty and the field of vision is also broadened, so the mood is naturally different.

After staying in the cottage for a long time, when I occasionally come out to the beach, I feel like I am decompressing.

It's just about where to go next. Now, in the eyes of the four of them, it is also a problem?
In the end, Tan Jixia couldn't help but said: "Now the center of the island can't continue to explore the secrets. What are we going to do tomorrow?"

Li Chen said: "I'll explain what happened tomorrow."

"Then there must be a plan, right?" Tan Jixia said again.

But Li Chen said: "I'm still alive when I get up tomorrow morning, let's plan."

The cute girl Miao Keke hurriedly said: "Hey, don't talk so scary, okay?"

The second child Su Qian'er suddenly said: "Although it sounds scary, what Captain Li Chen said is just the truth."

Suddenly, Tan Jixia also asked: "Second brother, don't you want to leave the island?"

Su Qian'er said: "Using Captain Li Chen's words, what's the use of thinking?"

Hearing that the three women finally talked about the issue of outlying islands again, Li Chen couldn't help but look at the three of them inexplicably...

Afterwards, he asked with a half-smile, "Do you really want to leave the island?"

This made the three women's eyes light up again, and then Tan Jixia asked, "Do you have a solution?"

Li Chen smiled inexplicably, and then said: "If you three girls can maintain the tough state of fighting against the wolves during the day, I think...the outlying islands shouldn't be too difficult, right?"

So, Tan Jixia said: "Then tell me about your plan?"

Li Chen smiled inexplicably again, then suddenly got up and said, "It's done. Let's go back to the cottage."

"???" The three women were inexplicably confused and puzzled.

Seeing that the three women were like this, Li Chen said: "The plan will be discussed tomorrow."

Hearing this sentence again, the three women were still stunned...

Afterwards, no matter what, the second child Su Qian'er said, "Then why don't you stay at the beach for a while? Anyway, go back now... I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight, right?"

Think about it too, after experiencing so many horrors during the day, how can I sleep at night?

So, Li Chen said: "Then the three of you sit here and chat, and I'll go to the beach to have a look."

As he spoke, he walked towards the beach.

The wild dog Heizi watched, got up quickly, and followed his master Li Chen to the beach.

Now the wild dog Heizi is inseparable from him.

When he got to the beach, Li Chen didn't do much, but couldn't help but bent down to pick up a piece of rock, and then couldn't help but hit the water on the sea...

In his memory, playing in the water was something he used to do by the pond when he was a child.

At that time, a group of children in the village often played more flowers than anyone else.

In a blink of an eye, those have become memories.

If it wasn't for being stuck on this island, he would suddenly have time to think and recall memories, and he would feel... It seems that he has almost forgotten those playmates in the village now.

After growing up, they went their separate ways, and also went their separate ways to make a living, and we haven't contacted each other for a long time.

How are they doing now, he doesn't know?
Suddenly thinking about it, there seemed to be many unforgettable memories in my memory.


At this moment, under the moonlit night, the three women sitting on the beach watched Captain Li Chen paddling in the water boredly on the beach, which also aroused their reveries or memories...

Life is really like a dream, as if in the blink of an eye, those childhood memories have already been deeply buried in my heart.

In today's fast-paced life, there is really no time to recall anything.

Perhaps this desert island survival also gave them a chance to calm down and think or reflect?

Suddenly, Tan Jixia half-talked to herself and asked: "You said...we are always busy here and there, always thinking about how much money we make, is it really meaningful?"

The cute girl Miao Keke suddenly couldn't help but said: "I'm not that stupid. Why do you earn so much money? Could it be that if you marry someone in the future, you'll be able to heal him?"

Hearing what the cute girl said, Su Qian'er couldn't help laughing.

Afterwards, Su Qian'er said: "Actually, once in a while, calm down and think about what the meaning of life is. In fact, none of us can explain it well?"

Then, she added: "Just like on this island, according to Captain Li Chen's meaning, there are seven words: eat and drink enough, and live."


(End of this chapter)

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