Chapter 235 Two Big Tigers Come Again
Afterwards, before the three women could come to their senses, Captain Li Chen turned around and went to get the rattan.

Until they suddenly saw that Captain Li Chen was weaving rattan ropes out of local materials, the three of them were stunned again, thinking what is he going to do?

Li Chen didn't say anything, he just had a busy meal there.

After a while, he went down into the ditch below, tied the tiger's front and rear legs with rattan ropes, and after he climbed up, he looked at the three women again, and said: "What are you still doing? Hurry up, come here, help me. Let’s drag this big beast up together.”

"???" The three women were stunned again.

Afterwards, Tan Jixia finally put down the bamboo bow and arrow and walked over.

In front of her eyes, the second child, Su Qian'er, also put down the branch in hand, and then walked over.

Then, the cute girl put down the bamboo bow and arrow, and walked over.

Then, under the guidance of their captain Li Chen, the four of them pulled the rattan rope and worked together to pull the dead tiger up from the ditch.

After a short break, their Captain Li Chen said again: "Okay. Come on. Let's drag this big animal to the water source in the east. In the afternoon, we will clean up this big animal again." .”

The three women seemed to understand what it meant.

But think about it, if this big beast is really cleaned up, this body of meat is indeed enough for them to eat for half a month.

It's just that the three of them were still a little stunned, but Li Chen couldn't help but said: "Damn! Seeing that your intensive training has been for nothing? Why are all of them so stunned?"

Immediately, he said again: "Is there anything to be afraid of? They are all dead."

As he said that, he still didn't forget to kick the dead tiger.

Afterwards, Tan Jixia finally couldn't bear it and said: "Okay. Don't be dazed. Come on. Together with Captain Li Chen, we will drag this beast to the east water source."

Next, the four of them worked together again and dragged the dead tiger to the east water source.

Wherever he went, there was blood.

At this moment, the wild dog Heizi was staring at him, all in a daze.

It was even thinking, maybe one day, if it died, it might end like this?

After finally dragging the big tiger to the water source in the east, after a long sigh, Li Chen said: "It's done. Let's put it here first. Let's clean it up in the afternoon."

It's just that the three women still had some inexplicable tremors in their hearts when they looked at the dead tiger lying on his side by the water source.

After all, this is the king of the jungle.

Afterwards, when the four of them returned to the westward living area, Captain Li Chen couldn't help but ran to the fire under the awning to light a cigarette.

After another long sigh followed by the smoke, I felt a little refreshed.

But at this moment, without knowing what was going on, Tan Jixia couldn't help leaning over and asking, "Uh, captain, did any pirate ships pass by Zhaikou this morning?"

Hearing this girl suddenly asked about this matter, Li Chen couldn't help being startled, and then glanced roughly at this girl again...

It wasn't until a while later that he asked, "What's the matter? Do you really want to leave the island now?"

Frankly speaking, Tan Jixia really has an urge to leave the island at this moment.

She doesn't know why?
Maybe this big tiger stimulated her something today?

Or maybe it's because she feels... living in this kind of fear every day is really unbearable?

But, afterward, Tan Jixia just said: "Anyway, isn't our first plan now is to prepare to leave the island?"

Just listening to this, Li Chen also frowned, and then said: "I also want to leave the island. But how easy is it? Do you think we have our own boat? Do you think we are here for vacation? ?”

"...???" Tan Jixia was suddenly a little embarrassed.

But at this moment, the second child, Su Qian'er, went to the cave and brought down four smoked fish without saying a word.

Because in the past few days, their Captain Li Chen would fork fish for a few days every day, and Su Qianer would marinate and smoke the fish left over.

After returning to the canopy, Su Qian'er asked, "Captain, shall we have this for lunch today?"

"Yeah. OK." Li Chen nodded hurriedly.

Next, the cute girl Miao could see that Sister Qian'er started to get busy, so she was busy getting firewood, ready to help Sister Qian'er, help, light the fire and so on.

After all, cute girls also have self-knowledge. If they don't do the work that they can do, it will seem that they are really redundant.That's really like a young lady who needs to be served by others.

After all, this is survival on a deserted island, and no one is obliged to serve anyone.

Suddenly seeing that the second child and the cute girl were becoming more and more stubborn, Li Chen whispered in Tan Jixia's ear: "What's going on with you bitch suddenly? Both of them are in better shape than you now."

Suddenly listening to this, and then looking at the second child and the cute girl, Tan Jixia felt a little embarrassed again, after thinking about it, she said in Captain Li Chen's ear: "Don't worry, you can do whatever you want, I, a northern bitch, will never hold back!"

Hearing that this girl finally said this, Li Chen smiled slightly.

Now, it is indeed the most difficult time, so, from time to time, we need to encourage each other.

Although the plan to leave the island is already being planned, there is no rush for this matter.


Wait for a while, after lunch, their captain Li Chen had just lit a cigarette, when suddenly, there was a whistling sound coming from the green field to the east...

The wild dog Heizi slid faster than a rabbit, and immediately scurried to the jungle behind the westward rock.

As a result, the four of them turned their heads vigilantly in a panic, and suddenly, their scalps were numb...

Nima, this time, two big tigers with black horizontal stripes all over their bodies and fierce eyes rushed over.

Seeing that something was wrong, Li Chen hurriedly said: "Quick, climb into the cave above!"

This time, they finally had experience, and the three women no longer doubted or hesitated, turned around in panic and ran towards the bamboo ladder.

And their Captain Li Chen was secretly rejoicing that there was such a big deep hole in the middle of the green space, otherwise, it would be too late to run.

Afterwards, he hurriedly grabbed a branch of a tree, and hurriedly turned and ran towards the bamboo ladder.

While climbing up, he handed the branch to the three women at the entrance of the stone cave above.

When he climbed up to the entrance of the stone cave, he hurriedly turned around, lay down, and pulled the bamboo ladder up.

Suddenly, in the eyes of the three women, it was Captain Li Chen who was very calm, calm and steady in dealing with all this.

Originally, I thought that the two big tigers would attack quickly, but suddenly, I saw the two big tigers turned around and walked east towards the dead tiger at the water source...

Later, when he suddenly saw the two big tigers biting the dead tiger and started robbing for food, Li Chen was so depressed, hold the grass, damn it!

Co-authored by two snatchers!

This shit... What a fool!
"Our big tiger!" Suddenly, the cute girl Miao Keke said with some distress.

"What should I do?" Tan Jixia asked.

Li Chen frowned: "What else can I do? As much as those two old brothers can grab food. You have to save some for us, right? Are you really stupid enough to go down and do it with them?"


(End of this chapter)

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