Chapter 272 Night at Sea
After a while, when Tan Jixia waited for the three of them to go to sleep in the hold, Li Chen still frowned a little helplessly, always having an inexplicable premonition, that is, it always felt that the ship would not reach the shore in the end?
Looking at the wine on the table again, he casually picked up a glass, couldn't help but poured a glass of wine, and then drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

He just licked his lips again, and he couldn't help frowning, "Damn, why does it smell like lips again?"

Which girl's lips are so fragrant?

Okay, let's go to the cockpit first.


In the middle of the night, when Sister Meng and the three suddenly saw Captain Li Chen coming to the cockpit with a cigarette in his mouth, they were a little dazed, thinking that Captain Li Chen hadn't gone to bed yet?

Involuntarily, the Royal Sister Liu Caiqiong said with some distress: "Captain Li Chen, go to sleep, it's okay. There are three of us here."

It's just that Li Chen still looked at the sea surface under the navigation lights with inexplicable worry...

Although the sea surface under the light is still stable and the waves are normal, there is always something inexplicably creepy in the invisible darkness.

Suddenly seeing Captain Li Chen frowning slightly, Sister Meng said: "It's okay, Captain Li Chen. Go to sleep for a while. Xiao Cao is much more proficient at manipulating ships now. Don't worry."

Hearing what they were saying, and looking at the three of them, they were quite concerned, and then looking at the data on the dashboard, they were all normal, so Li Chen had no choice but to say: "That's it. Then the three of you more energetic. What about me...I'll just rest in the cabin, and call me anytime you need anything."


At this moment, although the three women in the bottom deck were already sleepy, they suddenly wanted to sleep, and felt like they couldn't fall asleep.

Always feel like something is missing?
Suddenly, the cute girl Miao Keke finally couldn't help muttering: "Captain Li Chen didn't sleep with us, why do you always feel uneasy?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Tan Jixia and Su Qian'er realized that Captain Li Chen was missing by their side.

As a result, Tan Jixia couldn't help but said angrily like a charming daughter-in-law: "Hmph, damn ghost, don't come to sleep yet!"

Su Qian'er was a little shy and silent.

It's just that she suddenly felt that the man was missing in her heart, and she always felt inexplicably uneasy.


And at this moment, Li Chen, who had a cigarette in his mouth, couldn't help but came to the deck outside the cabin.

Although the night was late, the sea view was still beautiful under the moonlight.

The magnificent and boundless sea is sparkling under the moonlight, as if the endless white silk is floating...

The sea breeze in the middle of the night is getting cooler and cooler, and I feel very comfortable in my heart.

It's just that seeing the beautiful young woman named Qin Xiaowan still standing in front of the guardrail on the bow, Li Chen could only frown inexplicably...

This thing... I was a little worried that she would suddenly lose her mind, so she jumped from there.

And suddenly hearing the footsteps behind her, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help turning her head to look back...

Suddenly seeing that it was Captain Li Chen, she finally couldn't help but squeezed out a slightly brighter smile: "Captain Li Chen!"

Seeing her like that all of a sudden, Li Chen felt a little relieved, at least her spirit is much better now, and her condition is also much better.

As a result, he also hurriedly smiled at her...

After coming to her side and standing in front of the guardrail, he said: "Aren't you sleepy?"

Qin Xiaowan was stunned for a moment thoughtfully, and then said: "Not sleepy."

Hearing that she was not sleepy, Li Chen didn't know how to answer the question?
Therefore, he had no choice but to take a puff of cigarette...

Then he looked at the sea under the moonlight with some inexplicable deep eyes.

"What are you thinking?" Qin Xiaowan suddenly asked curiously.

Li Chen gave an inexplicable wry smile: "It's nothing. I was just thinking, after dawn... can we go to shore?"

Unexpectedly, Qin Xiaowan actually said: "Isn't it good to continue sailing?"

"???" Li Chen was suddenly a little dazed, wondering what this girl was thinking?

Is it good to continue sailing?

Afterwards, Qin Xiaowan smiled inexplicably: "Look, how beautiful the sea is. Also, how comfortable the sea breeze is blowing."

Li Chen had no choice but to frown again, feeling like he had no common language with this girl.

But thinking about her experience, I think it's not surprising that she has such a state of mind.

After a while, after the cigarette was finished, he flicked the cigarette butt in hand to the sea, and said, "That's it, you can continue to look at the scenery of the sea. I'm a little sleepy."

In fact, it was really sleepy.

Just worrying about the safety of the whole boat, he was trying to exert himself.

After he turned around in the night, Qin Xiaowan turned her head to look at him again, and she also felt that that figure was incomparably stalwart!

The stalwart made her feel a little inexplicably throbbing.

She even wanted to tell him her secret, that she got ringed.

The reason why she throbbed so much that she wanted to tell him this secret was because she was thinking that if he didn't dislike her, she would be willing to satisfy his man's needs.

In fact, when women sometimes feel that they have nothing to repay, they can only think in this way.

In the end, however, she was too ashamed to say anything about it.

After all, she also felt that her body was dirty, and her inferiority complex was unspeakable.

In the end, she could only silently watch the stalwart figure enter the cabin.


After returning to the cabin, Li Chen casually made a bunk on the floor, then lay down and fell asleep.

He is really sleepy now.

After lying down for a while, I fell asleep ass.

As if what will happen next, he is also a little helpless.


After a while, when Qin Xiaowan finally returned to the cabin, she suddenly saw Captain Li Chen lying down in the cabin and sleeping like that. on the belly.

After a while, she was finally sleepy, so she sat aside and took a nap.

In short, she will never go down to the lower deck again, because she has a nightmare experience there!

At this moment, in the cockpit, Sister Meng couldn't help but say, "Xiao Cao, if you're sleepy, just squeak."

Xiao Cao, who was still taking the helm seriously, said, "It's all right. I'm not sleepy."

The Royal Sister Liu Caiqiong couldn't help but suddenly said inexplicably excitedly: "I really want us to dock after dawn!"

Taking the opportunity, Sister Meng couldn't help but joked: "Don't want to be romantic with Captain Li Chen at sea for a while longer?"

Liu Caiqiong blushed in panic and said, "Where is my turn?"

Suddenly, Xiao Cao also said: "There is still a chance."

Liu Caiqiong simply said: "I think so too. I'm afraid that Captain Li Chen will look down on me, okay?"

Sister Meng suddenly said as someone who came here: "To be honest, it's really hard to find a man like Captain Li Chen now. So...Xiao Liu, it's up to you."


(End of this chapter)

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