Chapter 277 Crocodile
Next, Li Chen was about to lead them to walk towards the rock that Qin Xiaowan mentioned, but suddenly, there was a "snapping" sound from the dense forest beside him...

Hearing this movement suddenly, Li Chen panicked and turned his head to look at the dense forest next to him. He saw that the firewood and vine thorns were being moved, and the rainwater falling from above was also splashing...

As a result, he had no choice but to stop in a panic, gestured to them behind him, and then whispered: "Stand still! Don't say anything!"

Tan Jixia and the other three women have become accustomed to it and have some experience, after all, they have been following Captain Li Chen.

It's just that Sister Meng was waiting for the three of them, watching the movement, each of them was startled and their faces were pale.

After a while, I saw a long crocodile's mouth protruding from the dense forest next to it...

Just as Liu Caiqiong was about to scream 'Ah', unexpectedly, Su Qian'er covered her tightly with one hand: "Shh! Don't make a sound! Do you understand?"

"???" At this moment, Liu Caiqiong could only stare with frightened eyes in a daze.

Originally, Sister Meng wanted to scream instinctively, but suddenly seeing that Su Qian'er had already tightly covered Xiao Liu's mouth, she had no choice but to panic and cover her own mouth subconsciously.

But the cold sweat couldn't help but break out.

Then, three or four more long crocodile mouths poked out...

Hold the grass, Nima!
Suddenly, their Captain Li Chen also wanted to tremble——

A group of such big beasts appeared in surprise, and it was really scary.

Presumably, everyone has seen it in film and television works. The consequence of those bad guys throwing people into the crocodile pond is that they are instantly torn and swallowed by the crocodiles, and even the scum can't be found.

Afterwards, four or five large crocodiles slowly crawled out of the dense forest nearby...

Especially the crawling posture, it seems like a cow is swaying.

Following Liu Caiqiong, who was learning to hold her breath and stand still, her face turned pale, her legs trembled, and she couldn't help urinating.

Fortunately, it was also wet at the moment, so nothing could be seen.

At this moment, Li Chen, as the captain, did not dare to act rashly.

He could only hold his breath and stand still, just watching four or five large crocodiles crawling across the beach in front of him and heading towards the sea...

This kind of beast seems to be slow in crawling, like a senile old man, with a staggering pace, but if its wildness is really aroused, it will attack as ferociously as a tiger.

Especially the bite, it was really direct and fatal.

Fortunately, after the four or five large crocodiles finally climbed to the beach, they jumped into the sea water and swam away happily...


Li Chen let out a long cry, feeling relieved.

Immediately, he did not forget to say: "What the hell, it's dangerous!"

Hearing Captain Li Chen's long cry, they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, their captain Li Chen had been feeling his scalp tingling just now.

Suddenly, Sister Meng couldn't help but asked in a trembling voice, "Why are there... so many big crocodiles here?"

Before Li Chen could answer, unexpectedly, the cute girl Miao Keke took the lead and said, "Is there anything unusual about this?"

Suddenly seeing the cute girl like that, Li Chen knew that this little girl has always been dissatisfied with the three of Big Sister Meng.

So, Xiao Cao came closer and whispered in Captain Li Chen's ear, "Captain Li Chen, are you alright?"

Li Chen said: "Basically... if you don't provoke me, it's nothing serious."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly said: "Okay. Let's go. It doesn't make much sense to study this."

It's easy to say, but Sister Meng and the three of them are still trembling in their hearts...

After passing through this beach, Li Chen said: "Remember, no matter what kind of large animal you encounter, the first reaction is not to run violently. No matter how scared you are, the first reaction is to stand still Even if you run, you have to wait until you have checked the situation before you run.”

Just as the voice was falling, suddenly, there was another loud bang...

Suddenly, a big shark jumped up from the sea ahead...

Sister Meng and the three of them trembled violently again, their faces were pale, their eyes were so startled that they couldn't speak for a moment.

Suddenly, the beautiful young woman Qin Xiaowan also trembled a little, and said in a trembling voice: "What kind of sea is this?"

And the cute girl really wanted to tell them, what a fuss.

It is also true, they have never seen any ferocious beasts, wild boars, wolves, big tigers, etc., they have seen all of these.

Several giant pythons have died in battle.

It's just that the women didn't dare to eat snake meat, so Captain Li Chen didn't cut snake meat.

In fact, although snake meat is also delicious, it is better to eat less.

After all, that kind of beast has too many parasites on its body.

Presumably, many of you have read the news reports that in the eastern part of China, there are many people who love to eat snake meat, and eventually the parasites with long white stripes are concentrated in the brain, which is difficult to treat.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Captain Li Chen did not easily take them to eat snake meat.

Of course, unless you have to, you have to eat when you have to.

Afterwards, seeing that the cute girl was about to share her experience with Sister Meng and others, unexpectedly, Tan Jixia panicked and whispered in her ear: "Don't be shy! Don't forget that you also have times when you are scared to pee!"

Miao Keke was secretly embarrassed for a while, so she had no choice but to keep quiet.

In fact, Tan Jixia has never forgotten the awe Captain Li Chen said.

When the crocodiles appeared just now, they actually felt the same tremor in their hearts, but it was not so obvious.

Besides, in fact, they also wanted to worry about this strange island.

If there were really large and ferocious beasts densely packed, they would be equally terrified.

After walking forward for a while, the beautiful young woman Qin Xiaowan hurriedly pointed out: "That, there, the rock group!"

But Li Chen frowned.

Because I want to go to the rock group, there is a mountain in the middle, and the mountain is connected with the sea.

In other words, you have to swim across the sea.

When the ship sank, I just wanted to survive, so I just swam to the island desperately, and there was no way to take care of crocodiles, sharks and the like.

But just now, everyone has seen crocodiles and sharks, how dare they go into the water so easily?

Sure enough, Tan Jixia couldn't help but ask, "How did this happen?"

Sister Meng said: "Why don't you just forget it? If it rains, it will rain."

But Li Chen still couldn't help but look at the dense forest around the col...

Seems to think of a way, or can it pass?

It's just that on this rainy day, it's still not realistic to go around this circle of dense forest.

Finally thinking about it, he had no choice but to say: "It's done, let's just stay on this beach. Anyway, it's the same wherever we go now."

(End of this chapter)

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