The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 309 You practice spearfishing first!

Chapter 309 You practice spearfishing first!

After a while, when the women started squatting by the fire and preparing to grill fish, their Captain Li Chen lit a cigarette, then turned around and walked out of the hood...

This made them stare, one by one in a daze, as if they could never figure out what Captain Li Chen was thinking about?
After they looked at each other for a while, the imperial sister Liu Caiqiong couldn't help saying sincerely: "Captain Li Chen is really amazing, he can do anything!"

But this time, the second child, Su Qian'er, gave Liu Caiqiong a critical look, as if she felt that her evaluation of Captain Li Chen was too superficial.

But think about it, Captain Li Chen doesn't just make these tree branches on the surface.

And what he considered, what he pondered, was not comparable to them.

Obviously, Su Qian'er now has a deeper understanding of Captain Li Chen.

Especially when she thought about it, after Captain Li Chen's plan to leave the island was successful on the island before Zizai, she realized that every step of Captain Li Chen was to prepare for the final plan to leave the island.

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but whisper in Su Qian'er's ear: "Uh, Qian'er, what is Captain Li Chen thinking about now?"

Su Qian'er couldn't help turning her head to look at this beautiful young woman, then she shook her head and said, "I don't know either?"

Therefore, Qin Xiaowan asked curiously again: "Has he always been like this before?"

"Almost?" Su Qian'er replied.

And Tan Jixia couldn't help but whisper in Miao Keke's ear: "Damn girl, from now on... don't brag about how powerful Captain Li Chen is, understand?"

However, Miao Keke curled her lips and said, "How can I brag? What I'm talking about is the actual situation, okay?"

Tan Jixia said: "Don't mention it! Do you understand?"

"???" Miao Keke suddenly looked at her with a puzzled expression.

As for Sister Meng at the moment, she is cautious and tries not to talk nonsense.

Because she also knew in her heart that they were just licking their faces and mingling in Captain Li Chen's team in a daze.

Therefore, Sister Meng was afraid of a disagreement and parted ways.

Frankly speaking, Sister Meng doesn't have the courage to take the lead now.

Even though she is old, she is indeed a big sister in terms of age, but in front of Captain Li Chen, she still looks like an ignorant little woman.

After a while, Sister Meng had no choice but to wink at Xiao Cao, meaning to ask Xiao Cao to go out and see what Captain Li Chen is thinking about?

And at this moment, their Captain Li Chen was just standing quietly outside the open enclosure, smoking a cigarette silently, looking at the sea in front of him.

When Xiao Cao came to Captain Li Chen, he was stunned for a moment, and then he had no choice but to follow the direction Captain Li Chen was looking at...

After looking in the direction of the sea, Xiao Cao felt a little dazed again, wondering what exactly Captain Li Chen was looking at?

Because there is really nothing on the sea at this moment, except for the waves, there are a few seagulls flying across the sky, other than that, there is nothing else.

After a while, their Captain Li Chen flicked the cigarette butt on the beach, and then turned his head to look at him...

Seeing this, Xiao Cao could only smile awkwardly: "Captain Li Chen..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Chen asked, "What are you good at?"

"???" This made Xiao Cao a little confused and embarrassed.

Because if you want to say what you are good at, he really can't answer for a while?

Because his life trajectory... can be said to be smooth sailing, or it can be said to be too ordinary.

Think about it, before living on a deserted island, he was in elementary school, junior high school, high school, then university, and finally joined a company with good profits, and after that... fell in love with a pretty good-looking female colleague of the company, and then got married up.

Life after marriage is not perfect and happy, but it is so-so and passable.

In the city, he can be regarded as a white-collar elite, at least now he has been mixed into the position of deputy manager of the department.

But in terms of skills and expertise, it seems that in addition to the company's normal business, at most it is to gather with colleagues occasionally, sing karaoke, or glorify the king together.

Although there are occasional outings or trips, they are all hotels that have been booked in advance.

Thinking, thinking, finally, in desperation, Xiao Cao could only smile embarrassingly: "I am okay except for the rank of Glory of the King, other... I really don't know much about it."

Hearing Xiao Cao's honest answer, their Captain Li Chen couldn't help frowning...

Afterwards, their Captain Li Chen said: "From now on, every morning from now on, you will go to the seaside for fishing with a tree branch."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Cao actually said: "Why, how do you fork!?"

"The tree branches that are made now, don't they all have pointed metal heads on the two branches?" Captain Li Chen replied.

"Well, then!?" Xiao Cao was stunned again.

Therefore, their Captain Li Chen said: "Vice Captain Tan, Su Qian'er, Miao Keke, among these three ladies, you can just learn from any of them."

In fact, their Captain Li Chen wanted to say, you are not as good as a bitch!

Afterwards, looking at Xiao Cao again, Li Chen said: "You are also in a hurry to leave the island, right?"

Xiao Cao couldn't help but startled: " can see this too, Captain Li Chen?"

Li Chen said: "People who are always asking what their plans are next are naturally anxious to leave the island."

"...???" Xiao Cao suddenly looked embarrassed again, as if he couldn't answer for a moment.

Only suddenly, he realized that this Captain Li Chen... looks young, but he is very sophisticated.

Of course, Xiao Cao was also rejoicing in his heart, fortunately, he didn't play tricks in front of Captain Li Chen.

Because, obviously, nothing can escape Captain Li Chen's eyes.

Xiao Cao also deeply realized that dissatisfaction is really impossible!

Afterwards, Li Chen also said: "After you have practiced spearfishing, let's talk about the next step."

"???" Xiao Cao was completely dumbfounded.

And their Captain Li Chen turned around and returned to the enclosure of the open hood.

In the end, Xiao Cao was left in a daze outside the enclosure of the convertible...


The six women beside the fire suddenly saw that Captain Li Chen had returned, and they greeted each other with smiles.

It's really like a group of concubines in the past, welcoming the return of their officials.

Only Tan Jixia took the opportunity to smile and said slightly: "Uh, captain, this newly made hatchet...can you use it for me?"

Unexpectedly, Li Chen said: "That is tailor-made for you bitch."

Suddenly hearing this, the cute girl Miao Keke quit, and immediately asked: "What about me?"

(End of this chapter)

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