Chapter 341 Sad morning!
When Xiao Cao brought the Swiss Army Knife, Miao Keke squatted there after taking the Swiss Army Knife, using the tweezers on the Swiss Army Knife, carefully took the fish that was stuck in her throat from Sister Meng's mouth. clipped out...

The big guys thought that Sister Meng should be saved this time, but Sister Meng still didn't respond at all.

As a result, Miao Keke's face was slightly startled, and he stretched out his hand to probe Sister Meng's breath, and then stretched out his hand to probe Sister Meng's throat...

In the end, Miao Keke turned her head with a gloomy expression, glanced at Captain Li Chen, and then announced, "Dead."

"???" Everyone's heart sank, they watched suspiciously and horrified, but at the moment they didn't know what to say, so they could only remain silent and express their condolences.

Afterwards, their Captain Li Chen turned his head to look at that little Cao in shock...

Seeing Captain Li Chen's eyes suddenly, Xiao Cao panicked and his whole body trembled...

But then, their captain Li Chen just said: "Go dig a hole!"

"...???" Xiao Cao didn't know what to say for a while?

After staying for a while, Xiao Cao had no choice but to nod his head dullly: "Yeah! I'll go right away! I'll dig a hole now!"

Immediately, Li Chen said again: "Dig the pit deeper!"


Then, I saw that royal sister Liu Caiqiong suddenly picked up a branch from the sand like crazy, and ran along the seashore like "ahhh"...

At the same time, the branch in her hand was a sharp fork in the sea...

The whole person is like crazy.

It wasn't until she suddenly saw a fish speared by the tree branch in her hand that she was a little stunned——

It seems that even she herself can't believe that she can actually pick up a fish with a tree branch!


After a while, before Xiao Cao was about to dig the hole, he still asked Captain Li Chen for his opinion, asking where to dig the hole?

After taking a rough look, Li Chen stretched out his hand and pointed to the place in front of the Nanxiang dense forest, and said, "Let's just go there."

"Success!" Xiao Cao could only nod his head hastily.


Seeing that Xiao Cao was digging a hole, Li Chen turned around and said to Tan Jixia and the other women, "Well... you guys help Elder Sister Meng wash it up, so that she can be clean. Let's go. It can be regarded as we give her a ride."

In fact, as the captain, he didn't know how to say some things?
It's just that he was thinking in his heart, this can't depend on him, it's Sister Meng who has to die.

After all, he had already warned that the danger of the sea was unpredictable.

After he finished speaking, he didn't say anything, just turned around and limped, ready to go towards the dense forest by the beach, intending to find some herbs to bandage the wound on his foot...

After Tan Jixia was surprised, she hurriedly said: "Second brother, Ke Ke, you two go to help Captain Li Chen. Here, Sister Meng, leave it to me and Sister Wan'er."


After a while, when Xiao Cao was digging a hole in front of the dense forest in the south, the three wolves rushed out of the dense forest again...

The three wolves thought they had finally picked a soft persimmon this time, and they could retaliate wantonly.

Unexpectedly, this time, after Xiao Cao was startled, he didn't know where the courage came from, so he grabbed a tree branch that was left aside in a panic, and fiercely headed towards the three wolves...

"Hold the grass! Come on! Fuck! Let's see who the f*ck kills whom?"

Suddenly Xiao Cao seemed to be crazy.

In the end, it was the three wolves who trembled in panic, turned around and ran away...

After seeing this scene, Li Chen, who was looking for herbs, couldn't help being surprised, as if he felt that Xiao Cao had finally started to grow.


At this moment, the wild dog Heizi has been following closely beside his master Li Chen, as if he is afraid that something will happen to his master Li Chen.

As for Su Qian'er and Miao Keke, they have been guarding Captain Li Chen's left and right sides, and the two of them are half helping him...

Immediately, Miao Keke did not forget to say hurriedly: "Just tell me what kind of herb it is, and I will pick it with Sister Qian'er!"

On the contrary, Li Chen couldn't help but gave a sad smile: "You two don't need to be so nervous, really. In fact... it's just a small injury. Seeing how nervous you two are, it makes me feel like it's serious .”


While they were talking, who knew that the black langur suddenly appeared from the dense forest...

I saw that langur stretched out its forearm and handed over a handful of herbs...

This made the three of them startled in a daze——

I thought this guy would also look for herbs! ?
Especially after waiting for Li Chen to take a look, he was even more surprised when he saw that the herbs handed by the langur were really in the right place——

I rub!

This guy……

It's really interesting!

Because among the herbs that the langur handed over, there are purslane...

Purslane does have the effects of detoxifying, reducing swelling, reducing inflammation, and dispersing blood.

Ever since, Li Chen took the handful of herbs handed by the langur with a flustered smile and said, "Three grams of oil!"

Su Qianer was startled in panic: "This, this... really works!?"

"En." Li Chen nodded.

Immediately, he changed the topic: "It's done. You two go and get some banana leaves. Get two vines."

Suddenly hearing this, the two of them understood, because there is no piece of cloth now, so for a while to bandage the wound, it is estimated that they can only use banana leaves.

Naturally, the rattan was also used to bandage the wound for a while. Without a bandage, it could only be tied up with rattan.


As for Xiao Cao, after driving away the three wolves, he continued to dig holes there.

After a while, that Royal Sister Liu Caiqiong also went over to help dig a hole together...

While digging the pit, neither of them said a word.

It's just that at this moment, there are too many feelings in the hearts of the two of them.


After a while, with the support of Su Qian'er and Miao Keke, after returning to the open enclosure, Li Chen, the captain, still did not forget to squat by the fire and light a cigarette...

This made Su Qian'er and Miao Keke stare, wondering what to say about him?

In desperation, Miao Keke had no choice but to panic and said to Su Qian'er: "Sister Qian'er, start the fire. I'll get water and sterilize the pan. I'll smash those herbs and bandage them for Captain Li Chen."

Because there is no other container, I can only use a pan to mash the herbs.


As for Tan Jixia and Qin Xiaowan at the beach, they have already cleaned up for Sister Meng.

Just wait for a while to carry Sister Meng to the burial.

Just looking at the dead Sister Meng, the two of them also have some feelings at the moment...

But specifically, what can't be said?
After a while, Qin Xiaowan had no choice but to ask: "The injury on Captain Li Chen's it alright?"


(End of this chapter)

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