Chapter 401 Natural Hot Spring Pool

At this moment, under the rock wall, in a cave illuminated by fire, in a natural hot spring pool.

"Wow - so comfortable -"

Following the sound of "It's so comfortable", I saw that the five women were already soaking in the steaming hot spring pool in a posture of enjoying themselves...

This situation and this scene, happy together, if the two men outside the cave saw it, they would probably be full of enthusiasm and nosebleeds.

Lina, who turned around to get some dried grilled fish, just smiled at the five women in the hot spring pool...

"Hi! Sisters, how are you? Feeling pretty good, right?"

The five women who felt the heaven on earth in an instant, were excited, excited, and ecstatic for a moment, as if they didn't know what words to use to describe it?
I was just thinking, so this foreign woman enjoys it so much here!

No wonder this foreign woman doesn't want to leave here!
And Lina smiled at them again: "Sisters, I think you are all hungry?"

At this moment, Lina seemed to be the owner of this cave, enthusiastically holding some dried fish to entertain the five women who were soaking in the hot spring pool.

I guess... if they could have another glass of red wine, these five women would feel as if they were ascended to immortality?
Suddenly, Qiong'er finally couldn't help but exulted in her heart and said: "It's been a long time since I took such a comfortable bath!"

The cute girl couldn't help but smiled and said, "I've decided, I won't leave either. I want to stay here with this foreign woman."

Qin Xiaowan took the dried grilled fish from Lina's hand, and couldn't help saying, "Sisters, let's eat!"

After Tan Jixia reached out and took a piece of dried fish, she said, "This is more comfortable than our bathhouse in the north!"

Then, the northern girl added: "If you can have another glass of red wine, you will be promoted to immortality!"

Only the second child, Su Qian'er, turned her head to look at Lina who was standing beside her, and couldn't help but said, "Hi, Lina. How did you find out here?"

Afraid that Lina would not understand what she asked, Su Qianer emphasized again: "I did you discover this island in the first place?"

Suddenly hearing such a question, the smile on Lina's face gradually disappeared, and then gradually became a little serious...

It's just that after her beautiful eyes frowned slightly, she looked indescribable again.

"'s a long story..." Lina suddenly confided.

Then she added: "It was actually a very bad experience."

After a short pause, she said again: "Perhaps worse than you!"

Suddenly hearing Lina's words getting heavier and heavier, the women in the hot spring pool couldn't help but turned their heads to look at Lina in a daze...

It seems that they are all waiting for Lena to explain.

In fact, the five women are also very curious, how did Lena and the others discover this island?

What's even more curious... why did Lena and the others come to this island?

Suddenly seeing the strange expectant gazes from the five Chinese women, Lina's expression was even more painful...

At this moment, Ze suddenly heard a roar of a tiger coming from the nearby Grand Canyon...

Hearing this sound suddenly, the six women in the cave were stunned for a moment——

"Oh—damn—" Lina trembled suddenly.

Immediately, Qiong'er asked tremblingly in panic, "Hey, Lina, is there... a tiger here?"

And Su Qian'er worriedly whispered in Tan Jixia's ear: "Captain Li Chen and the others are still outside, what should we do?"

Tan Jixia also became inexplicably nervous...

Afterwards, Lina suddenly said: "Oh, sisters, don't be so alarmed. The animals are just roaring in the Grand Canyon."

So, Miao Keke hurriedly asked, "Will it come out of the Grand Canyon?"


At this moment, outside the cave, beside the fire on the beach.

"Uh, captain, was that tiger roar just now?" Xiao Cao asked tremblingly.

Li Chen, on the other hand, still baked his clothes with a calm expression...

It's just that his eyes have been aiming at the mouth of the canyon.

Naturally, I was a little flustered.

After all, he just took a shower and washed his clothes, so he was completely naked.

If there is really a fierce tiger rushing at this time, it will really have the most primitive sense of picture if you go to fight the tiger naked with your body.

After a while, he looked at Xiao Cao again, and Li Chen said, "It's okay. Don't be afraid. Let's dry the clothes first."

The reason why he said that was because he was lucky enough to think, the tiger wouldn't come out of the canyon?
Before that, the foreign woman had been dissuading him from entering the Grand Canyon.

Therefore, from this point of view, as long as you don't enter the Grand Canyon, you should be fine.

Even so, he himself was a little flustered and picked up a dried cigarette from the fire to light it...

And Xiao Cao suddenly glanced at his cigarette...

"Uh, Captain, there are only 8 cigarettes left."

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Li Chen frowned even more depressed...

Because the spiritual food is about to run out.

Damn it... Although I met a foreign woman on this island, it still seemed like there was no hope.

After a while, the clothes were almost dry when he touched them, so he hurriedly began to put on the clothes first.

Seeing that Captain Li Chen was already putting on his shirt, Xiao Cao hurriedly touched his own shirt...

Afterwards, Xiao Cao also hurriedly put on his clothes.

The wild dog Heizi on the side has also been standing in the sand with a panicked expression, his eyes have been looking at the mouth of the canyon...

At the same time, the wild dog Heizi's body trembled slightly...

Seeing the reaction of the wild dog Heizi, after putting on his clothes, Li Chen grabbed a tree branch in a panic.

After Xiao Cao put on his clothes, he saw Miss Wan'er's tree branch was thrown aside, so he hurriedly picked up the tree branch...

But in this dark night, Li Chen didn't dare to lead Xiao Cao away from the fire.

So, the two of them had no choice but to stand by the fire with their sticks and branches...

Looking at Xiao Cao again, Li Chen said: "Don't be so afraid. It's okay."

After being comforted, Li Chen said: "Remember, tigers also have a characteristic of hunting animals. It likes to pounce. So... as long as you are brave enough, aim at its throat, and pass a tree branch, and everything will be fine. "

Then, Li Chen said again: "Also, you have to believe in one thing. Animals are always animals. So...Although the tiger is fierce, it is still not flexible enough. Therefore, as long as it escapes its first pounce, it is actually It will also panic. So I still say, keep calm and calm, so that you can find the murderous opportunity steadily."

After hearing Captain Li Chen's words, Xiao Cao suddenly felt less afraid.

Next, Li Chen said again: "Also, you have to remember what I said before, the more you counsel, the faster you die. Because you are timid, and if you counsel, you will lose your fighting spirit. So that kind of beast should wait for an opportunity to bite It will be more ruthless when it holds you. Next, it will wantonly tear your flesh raw and become its delicious dinner. So you have to think, even if you die, you have to bleed it first, understand ?"


(End of this chapter)

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