Chapter 406 Sleepless Tonight
After a meal of roasted tiger meat, they didn't know what time it was at night, but they both felt that this meal was really full.

It seemed to be the most satisfying meal since I was on a desert island.

They all say that they don't want to go home when they are full, but for them, the sadness on their faces remains undiminished.

It's just that they are too full to talk at the moment, sitting around the fire in the cave, looking at each other...

The original team of seven, now with the addition of a foreign girl, seems to have become a team of eight again.

It's just that they all looked at this foreign girl named Lina, and the seven of them were even more depressed...

At first, they thought they met a foreign girl on this deserted island and saw hope, but now looking at this foreign girl, they all feel full to death.

Especially the expression of this foreign girl seems to always be incomplete, as if she doesn't know how she got to this deserted island.

After a while, when Su Qian'er finally noticed that Lina was wearing a watch, she couldn't help being startled, and said excitedly, "Hi, Lina, what time is it?"

Lina was a little stunned, and after she realized it, she raised her hand and looked at the watch on her wrist...

At this time, this action made them all discover the watch on Lina's wrist in an instant, and because of this, they all expressed a little excitement——

It seems to have finally discovered a product with some technological content.

However, Lina suddenly shrugged apologetically at them: "Oh, sorry! It... broke! Now I don't know what time it is at night?"


The seven of them almost vomited blood together.

However, Lina suddenly couldn't help laughing and said, "Oh, by the way, your grilled tiger meat is really delicious tonight!"

"...???" All seven of them were speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

And Lina turned her head to look at the pile of unfinished tiger meat lying aside...

Then, she couldn't help asking: "Hi, Mr. Li, what about those...?"

Hearing this suddenly, the seven of them turned their heads and looked at the pile of tiger meat that could not be eaten for a while...

It's just that everyone is too full to move right now.

Therefore, the second child, Su Qian'er, asked Captain Li Chen, "I'll serve these tiger meats tomorrow... are you okay, won't it go bad?"

Li Chen understood what she meant, she wanted to marinate and smoke the tiger meat tomorrow.

So, Li Chen also said: "It's okay. It won't be broken. It's relatively cool in the cave, so it's okay to leave it overnight."

Hearing what Captain Li Chen said, Su Qian'er was even more reluctant to move.

In fact, at this moment, both of them are a little sleepy, but they are inexplicably energetic and don't want to sleep yet.

After a while, I saw their Captain Li Chen couldn't help but started to light cigarettes...

But after putting a cigarette to his mouth, he was inexplicably stunned again, as if he was a little bit reluctant to smoke again.

Next, when they saw Captain Li Chen counting how many cigarettes were left, they couldn't help laughing...

But their Captain Li Chen frowned sullenly...

Grass, Ma's, why are there only five cigarettes left?

Now including the one dangling from his mouth, there are only six cigarettes in total.

At this moment, even Lina couldn't help laughing when she saw him wanting to smoke but was reluctant to smoke: "Heh!"

In the end, they still couldn't hold back, and saw that their Captain Li Chen finally reached out and picked up a burning firewood from the fire, frowned, and lit a cigarette...

Taking the opportunity, Tan Jixia looked at him, smiled again, and said, "Captain, if you don't leave the island again, your spiritual food is gone, what should you do?"

When she asked, Li Chen frowned even more, and then took a deep breath of cigarette...

After exhaling a foul breath with the sound of smoke, he said: "Grass!"

"???" Everyone almost fainted.

I wondered what he meant by that?

Afterwards, I saw that their captain Li Chen didn't say anything, but suddenly got up inexplicably, as if he was about to walk out of the cave and go outside to have a look...

This made them feel puzzled again?
But this time, the cute girl Miao Keke was careful for a while, and her eyes had already caught sight of the wet shorts of Captain Li Chen on the clothes drying pole next to the tent in the west corner of the cave...

As a result, the cute girl panicked and whispered shyly in Tan Jixia's ear: "Uh, sister Jixia, Captain Li Chen is in 'neutral gear' right now."

Hearing such a sentence suddenly made this northern girl feel a little inexplicably excited...

Even thinking about it makes my heart itch for a while.

Qiong'er also seemed to notice that Captain Li Chen wasn't wearing shorts.

Because of this, Qiong'er also blushed inexplicably.


After a while, after getting out of the cave, Li Chen realized that the moonlight is good tonight.

It's just that the night wind is also a little cool.

It seems that the night is late.

In the still night, the big beach in front of the cave is glowing with moonlight white under the moonlight...

Looking up at the bright moon again, he couldn't help but frown again...

It seems to have thought of something... Looking up at the bright moon, looking down at my hometown...

Depend on!
Lao Tzu is now also a poet?

After another puff of smoke in Yuyu, he took a rough look at the position where the bright moon was hanging high. It seems that according to this position, it should be around twelve o'clock at night?

It's almost one o'clock in the morning.

I just don't know why, but I don't feel sleepy tonight.


"Mr. Li."

After a while, I saw that foreign girl named Lina also came out of the cave, and whispered this softly behind Li Chen.

Li Chen, who was originally walking along the beach, wanted to walk towards the sea, but suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Lina who was walking...

At this moment, with the help of the moonlight, I saw this blonde girl looking at him with a touch of deep meaning...

Like tonight, her soul finally found a home?
Looking at the elusive and exotic look of this blonde girl, Li Chen could only frown inexplicably...

And Lina suddenly expressed an inexplicable smile: "May I ask, what are you thinking about?"

It's just that Li Chen is even more puzzled. I don't know what she wants to express?

Afterwards, he thought for a while and said, "We don't know if you want to leave here or not? But we must find a way to leave here!"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Lina was stunned for a moment, and then she smiled inexplicably: "I'd better walk with you in the sand."

"???" Li Chen was even more puzzled.

Then, Lina smiled and said: "The moonlight tonight is beautiful. I think... this is the most beautiful moonlight I have ever seen. But it is not the only time. Another time, the most beautiful moonlight I have ever seen, It’s in Nanyue Mountain in your country of Hua. Watching the moon on Zhurong Peak is also an unforgettable experience for me.”


(End of this chapter)

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